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YKYAMFW -You no longer have to say 'Mika' around anyone. Just 'the most gorgeous man on the planet' or 'my boyfriend.' They'll all know who it is.


:lol3: I like that.



-You listen to Mika songs on different devices simultaneously.

-Your friends who don't like Mika are mad at you because he invades their dreams.

-You have to resist the urge to say "You wish" when a certain curly haired male friend of yours has the audacity to say "I think I look a lot like Mika."

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YKYAMFW you cried today because you thought of how he looked at you that one time.



I do that everytime I see my pic with him. :tears: GAAAH!


:lol3: I like that.



-You listen to Mika songs on different devices simultaneously.



How on Earth can you do that? :blink::lmfao:

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Or a more extreme case, when you only use pronouns and your friends all know who you're talking about. (without any previous mention of him.)

eg. "So what did you do on the weekend?"

"Just surfed his site. Found a great new interveiw with him!'


yep :lol3:


YKYAMFW you have so many YKYAMFW's you forget half of them :mf_rosetinted:

I need to write them down! :lmfao:

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:naughty: I'm scard of subways :lmfao:


YKYAMFW you get excited when he says something about a city you live close to :teehee: (Atlanta) and A state (Virginia) oh, and Miami :naughty:

Jajajaj I wish that would happen to me!

YKYAMF when even your hair dresser know you love Mika! here's my conversation with him:

The Hairdresser: So..how old are you?

Me: I'm 15:biggrin2:

The Hairdresser: are you making a party?

Me: No.. i'm going to a show of mi favorite artist...someday.. maybe in argentina...

The hairdresser:oK!I'll make your hair really pretty so that if you meet him in the street he'll fall in love with you!

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YKYAMFW you got into masses of trouble because you threw your tipped at a teacher who said mika should die soon


YKYAMFW when you're annoyed cause at the end of avatar they needed a song called 'i see you' and they recorded a new one by Leona Lewis :shun:


Your teacher said that? :shocked:


Hehehe. :aah::naughty: @ Avatar.


I DO THAT! :aah::roftl:

:naughty: I LOVE your signature fangirl! :aah:

I think almost everyone is better looking than him, but the point still stands...

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YKYAMFW you giggle when someone mentions IKEA




YKYAMFW you want the radio people to play a lot of commercials for the Renault Relax thing :mf_rosetinted:

and when you tell the presenter to greet the production department, that Mika spot is cool :lol3:

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YKYAAMF when you look for the MFC smiles on twitter, facebook , youtube and hotmail and feel so sorry when you realise they're not there as you can not express yourself properly without them; so you end up typing them even though they won't show so MFCers understand how you feel!

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YKYAAMF when you look for the MFC smiles on twitter, facebook , youtube and hotmail and feel so sorry when you realise they're not there as you can not express yourself properly without them; so you end up typing them even though they won't show so MFCers understand how you feel!


ditto :mf_rosetinted:

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YKYAMF when you feel guilty for skipping two of his songs to listen to Fireflys. (I did go back though)


YKYAMF when you submit to your teacher to add the Haiti single to the enterniment news and get angry when he edits Mika's name out. (He did edit Susan Boyle's name too, so I guess it was length since she is popular here.)

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Oh My Mika...I entered this threat just to proove myself that I was not all crazy banannas about Mika...but at the en of the day...IT HAPPENS TO BE THAT I AM! hahaha! So great to be in a place were everyone is =D ! it's just AM-AZ-ING! hhahaha if ya know whut a mean :)

well that's all hahahaha :wink2: keep it Mikalicious! byebye

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Oh My Mika...I entered this threat just to proove myself that I was not all crazy banannas about Mika...but at the en of the day...IT HAPPENS TO BE THAT I AM! hahaha! So great to be in a place were everyone is =D ! it's just AM-AZ-ING! hhahaha if ya know whut a mean :)

well that's all hahahaha :wink2: keep it Mikalicious! byebye


Hey Penny! Welcome to the MFC!


We'd love if you would say hello and let us know a little about yourself by making a thread HERE.


Welcome! :biggrin2:

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YKYAMFW you have a wrist tan from the bracelets and watches you never take off.


YKYAMFW your teacher is taking attendance and you giggle loudly when he calls out someone whose last name is Holbrook.


One of my good friend's last names is Halbrook.


Of course that's not the reason we're friends ... :mf_rosetinted:


You're kissing arse to be junior mod, aren't you? :shun:


Welcome Penny. :cheerful_h4h::roftl:




You're just jealous because I beat you to it.

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