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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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Full fontal, eh?


What a lovely little face


What a cute doggie, HK !! :wub2:


I like Over My Shoulder, especially when he performed it at Koko in London with a cellist and countertenor. It's pretty yet dark and not corny like Erase, Your Sympathy, his demo's, etc. It also has the same minimalist hypnotic quality as my favourite Beethoven's "Moonlight" sonata. I think that when Mika throws back to his classical roots he produces good work and should do so more often.


I LOVE OMS aswell !!! :wub2:


Rightio gals ... bed time for me .... G'night ... :bye:

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DAMMIT! Explorer died and I lost my MQ. And I'm really tired so I can't be arsed doing it again. All I can remember is:


It didn't work out so well. He's too cute!



Twatty's lyrics are brilliant, as per usual.


And are me and CD REALLY the only one who have read the blog to say "a few shows" and not "a tour"? I'm 99% certain there will be no more than 5-6 shows in total! Coming to Australia for one of them would be completely impractical. Is what I think...


K-mart is great for bargains especially during their 30% storewide sales.


25% off clothes atm, but fineprint says not including bathers - AND BATHERS IS WHAT I NEED!






I take that as a request to go to Myer at some stage


:jawdrop:! Oh my god. :roftl:


And no, Myer is too expensive. Unless Melbourne Myer has a greater range of coloured stockings. I heart Myer stockings.




I don't know any woman who can slap like a man... what does slapping like a man look like anyways?


Hahahaha. *has no idea who they are, but still finds it hilarious*


I am going now.. I just finished up on this..



Hahahaha! I already thought it was great, and then the legs loaded :roftl:

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And random question time: How can I get the residue from the ridiculous stickers Dirt Cheap CDs puts on their cases off?

Without stuffing up the case?

Its those crazy metal-type stickers and it leaves a horrible square on the back. It won't budge to nail scraping or alcohol wipes :crybaby:

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I like Over My Shoulder, especially when he performed it at Koko in London with a cellist and countertenor. It's pretty yet dark and not corny like Erase, Your Sympathy, his demo's, etc. It also has the same minimalist hypnotic quality as my favourite Beethoven's "Moonlight" sonata. I think that when Mika throws back to his classical roots he produces good work and should do so more often.


I like it too:thumb_yello: it's high but doesn't sound strained - and it still reminds me of Satie


Damn it. I laughed my ass off, but it's so cruel. But it's funny. And cruel. hahahaha & ick..


I agree with this comment


...and now that my minimalistic MQ is done, I'm off to bed. Hopefully I'll have slept off this buggering head cold by tomorrow....although judging my the amount of sleep I get, that's not likely...


:clap: for the minimalist MQ (and hope you feel better soon)


It has been quiet here tonight. :blink:


*pokes conscious Aussies*


*pokes unconcious Aussies*




It's me.




Yes, you're right, it is

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Oh, I am so happy. I just worked out how the MQ button works!! Hooray!

Yes, I am quite slow.



Chickadee, zoidy - your engagement/wedding ring stories sound like mine.

I was 22 years old and a full-time university student when I wed too. Shotgun too - with a surprise that is now playing the x-box downstairs in the basement.. We went to the jewellery store to buy a diamond ring and realized we really didn't have a budget for one. Not having much experience with jewellery, I chose the smaller diamond because I really didn't care too much for a large one, and couldn't fathom spending so much for such a thing!

I've since had it "upgraded" on our 10th Anniversary. (Didn't actually "upgrade" as I still have the first one - just got another one a little bigger.)

But before my grandmother died, she passed on a solitaire diamond ring to my mom who then passed it on to me, after my grandmother passed away. I too, like you zoidy, have tiny hands - I looked down one day to discover my grandmother's ring was gone. I was devastated. I bought a cubic zirconia off an infomercial one night and passed it off as my grandmother's ring for years before I could tell my mother what really happened. It still makes me sad to think about it today.


I know exactly how you feel. Just writing about that ring yesterday made me feel so bad and it has been years.... I also have a similar issue with my mother and I still haven't told her. My brother won a drawing contest when he was 18 and part of the prize was having his artwork professionally framed. After he died my Mum let me have it. When we moved into this house about 3 years ago, I put it between the couch and the wall until I got around to putting it up but one day my husband was vacuuming and forgot it was there and pushed the couch against the wall which smashed it. It's been sitting in my wardrobe since it happened and I've been hoping ever since that she never asks to see it. Oooh, now I feel even worse than I did writing about the ring! :crybaby:



Gosh, that's awful!

I actually have the opposite problem with my hands. They're small, with short but thick and stubby fingers, and I had to have Nanna's ring resized bigger to fit me.


I did lose a ring, but it wasn't my engagement ring thankfully.

We went hiking when my son was little, and my hands had swollen a bit with the heat and my wedding ring was cutting in, so I took it off and put it on my little finger on my opposite hand. When we sat down to eat lunch, there were all these flies swarming around, particularly around my son. So that he could eat, and not inhale one, I was flapping my hands around "shooing" the flies away when my wedding ring went flying off.... down the mountain.


So there's me, clambering down the mountain looking for it! I climbed down for several minutes with no luck, and I decided I was just going to have to give up and climb back up. I was crying and praying and then.... about half way back up.... I FOUND IT!!!! I just saw this glint of gold amongst the green and brown. You can imagine my incredible sense of relief.


:shocked: I can image how awful you would have felt seeing it flying off like that. It was so lucky that you saw it! It would have been terrible to have to go home without finding it. Last new years eve, I was at this park with some friends and we were all rolling down this big hill because... I don't know why actually.... But one of my friend somehow lost a jade pendant that her Grandmother had given her and we spent about two hours crawling around in the dark looking for it and then went back the next day for another couple of hours but we never found it. Probably didn't help that it was the same colour as the grass.



It really must be a pregnancy thing.


I was four months pregnant and it was my wedding day and I was on my way back from the hairdressers, so I had my hair all up and a wreath in it, and the girl in the car in front that I hit was 7 months pregnant. She started getting hysterical as it was the second accident she'd been in in a couple of months and went off to the nearest hospital to be checked out... which happened to be the hospital I worked at, so when I got back to my flat I called up the maternity dept. One of the casuals answered the phone and it was a woman I knew and I'm like "Hey there, have you just had a girl come in who's just been in a car accident? Yeah, well, I hit her. How is she?"

And the whole time I didn't cry, cos I was afraid it would wreck my makeup! The worst of it was, I was driving my fiance's car, and it was the one we were supposed to be taking on our honeymoon, and we had to have a slight change of our plans...


Oh no! That's awful. At least you were both alright but wow... Perhaps pregnant women just shouldn't drive! :roftl:




Of course not, you'd never be sarcastic. I did a rewrite of Rain the other day after watching PDP.


Is it really necessary

Every single day

I'm becoming even more whiny

In every possible way

I sound like a broken record

I whinge and I don’t even know it

My words are becoming more ungrateful

You better get ready for another round of


Whatever crap this is

These lyrics are sh!t

Baby, I hate songs like this


Like a cat in heat

I can't stop wailing

Baby, I hate songs like this


When my songs suck

They truly suck

When my songs suck

They truly suck

When my songs suck

They truly suck

When my songs suck

They truly suck


These lyrics are sh!t

Baby, I hate songs like...


Is it really necessary

Every single day

I'm becoming even more whiny

In every possible way

I sound like a broken record

I whinge and I don’t even know it

My words are becoming more ungrateful

You better get ready for another round of


Whatever crap this is

These lyrics are sh!t

Baby, I hate songs like this


Like a cat in heat

I can't stop wailing

Baby, I hate songs like this


When my songs suck

They truly suck

When my songs suck

They truly suck

When my songs suck

They truly suck

When my songs suck

They truly suck

Suck Suck Suck

Suck Suck Suck

Suck Suck Suck

Suck Suck Suck


These lyrics are sh!t

Baby, I hate songs like this


These lyrics are sh!t

Baby, I hate songs like...



That's so mean but :lmao:


That would make sense, but I'm sure we all get that Mika generally doesn't make sense...



have you seen the Aussie Mikasounds site?


Can anyone pick what's wrong with it?


Oh, and this... http://www.mikasounds.com.au/mikaintown.html



Oh yeah... Good point.


And what's the problem? It's still 2007, isn't it? :blush-anim-cl:


You can tell the second one is Paul's... it's kinda weird...



That and I recognise his writing


I'm useless at picking who drew what. I always had the feeling that the Happy Mr. Wasp one had a bit of a Tim feel about it but I base that on nothing at all so I am most likely entirely wrong.


She kept reminding me for years how I irresponsible I was with it. I don't think she's mentioned it for about half a year now. I hope I haven't just jinxed myself.

That often? Poor you, no wonder you still feel bad. It was just an accident. :(


It was the car I learnt to drive in.

All I can say is I'm a good driver. Now.

I smashed the passenger door into a concrete pole in a whirly multi-story car park by turning too sharply. Other than that it was little accidents. I wasn't a good driver until I got to "Cut loose" (a bogan term) in it. Taught by bogans no less. They really are the people to go to when you suck at driving.

:roftl: Cool, perhaps I should send the husband back to one of his home towns (Port Augusta & Mildura) and have his old friends give hims some lessons to save my poor car anymore damage.


I always wanted a Torana for my first car. A girl that lived in my street had a light green one and I was in love with it but my Mum insisted they were too big so I ended up with a 1975 yellow Corolla. I also loved that but I never quite got over my Torana envy.

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And are me and CD REALLY the only one who have read the blog to say "a few shows" and not "a tour"? I'm 99% certain there will be no more than 5-6 shows in total! Coming to Australia for one of them would be completely impractical. Is what I think...




25% off clothes atm, but fineprint says not including bathers - AND BATHERS IS WHAT I NEED!




And no, Myer is too expensive. Unless Melbourne Myer has a greater range of coloured stockings. I heart Myer stockings.



OkD we all know its going to be 5-6 shows in total... we're just hoping/wishing we'd get one even though we know we won't...


And I think at some point we also added discussing the second album tour in there.


Bathers is what I need too...


But large clearance section okD :wink2:

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Bugger, I didn't click on the right quote and now I can't remember which one it was.....so I'll just say Hi!





My body is a temple, it's a sacred site

She's chanting mantras she's a loser lost in space space space

She's jacked into the junk she's got a velvet head

She's not high on life she's off her face face face


I say no more - "Alice when she's ten foot tall"

No more - "Blowin' in the wind" or "I shall be released"

No more - I got this headache, honey what's the use?

I'm gonna get a gun and make my own kinda fun



I wanna spill the blood of a hippy

I'm eager to stone a stoned child from the 60's

I wanna switchblade to cut their lovebeads

An enema, not love. That's what the world needs now.



I found the Flacco & Bob poem! I knew it was in my book somewhere...


When I was young I had a passion

I had a gun, I went looking for action

I'd stare at the mirror for hours on end

I stood in McDonalds and tried to make friends

Where I'd tell stories and listen intently

I put in my order and counted to twenty

While the world outside was falling away

Got up to nineteen and I made her pay

My eyelids grew heavy

My french fries weren't ready

As the voice cast it's spell

That night I slept well.



Here are my DAAS related moving pics...



They're not great, but I like them and they worked well...



The skeleton... much better than Gray Skelly *hmph*...


Did you make them?

They're good :thumb_yello:


And random question time: How can I get the residue from the ridiculous stickers Dirt Cheap CDs puts on their cases off?

Without stuffing up the case?

Its those crazy metal-type stickers and it leaves a horrible square on the back. It won't budge to nail scraping or alcohol wipes :crybaby:

You can buy this stuff... It gets that sort of thing off. I know, that is not particularly helpful but I can't remember what it's called. Big Kev used to have one which I think was called "Goo Remover" but seeing as he is dead, you probably can't get that one anymore. There are other brands though. Or you could try orange oil, it think that is the main ingredient of the goo remover type things anyway.

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Goodnight HK! :bye:

I am going now.. I just finished up on this..


It's in the petition thread..

And that's all I'm doing on it for now..






Thank you! I'll check them out and see which ones might scare Mika off...




I might just ask everyone which ones they think will scare him off...

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And random question time: How can I get the residue from the ridiculous stickers Dirt Cheap CDs puts on their cases off?

Without stuffing up the case?

Its those crazy metal-type stickers and it leaves a horrible square on the back. It won't budge to nail scraping or alcohol wipes

Dishwashing detergent. Let it sit on it for a few minutes then wipe off.



It's me.

ZOMG! It's my favourite nose!!!!!!!!!!! :wub2:


*pokes unconcious Aussies*

:shocked: You poked all of us? *takes that the wrong way* :naughty:

Cool, perhaps I should send the husband back to one of his home towns (Port Augusta & Mildura) and have his old friends give hims some lessons to save my poor car anymore damage.

:naughty: Damn good idea! Mildura *gigglesnort*

I always wanted a Torana for my first car. A girl that lived in my street had a light green one and I was in love with it but my Mum insisted they were too big so I ended up with a 1975 yellow Corolla. I also loved that but I never quite got over my Torana envy.

Torana too big? Must've been an LH or LX? I had an LX and it was bronze, or "baby poo brown" as a friend described it one day (not long after his gf had their first baby). I always wanted to paint it purple but never got around to it. Was the Corolla reliable? The 'rana (:naughty:) would run on the smell of an oily rag. (that was my brothers way of convincing me to buy it)


OkD we all know its going to be 5-6 shows in total... we're just hoping/wishing we'd get one even though we know we won't...


And I think at some point we also added discussing the second album tour in there.


Bathers is what I need too...


But large clearance section okD

I need some bathers too. I might wait until mid December though..

I found the Flacco & Bob poem! I knew it was in my book somewhere...


When I was young I had a passion

I had a gun, I went looking for action

I'd stare at the mirror for hours on end

I stood in McDonalds and tried to make friends

Where I'd tell stories and listen intently

I put in my order and counted to twenty

While the world outside was falling away

Got up to nineteen and I made her pay

My eyelids grew heavy

My french fries weren't ready

As the voice cast it's spell

That night I slept well.



Morning Y'all. Well it was when I got here.

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*wonders why this wasn't on MQ*


Hahahaha! I already thought it was great, and then the legs loaded :roftl:

Those legs.. Phoaarrrrr!!! *gropes*

Actually, Twatty said, whilst watching PDP, "Mika has womanly legs" so I was just going on Twattyfact.




Thank you! I'll check them out and see which ones might scare Mika off...




I might just ask everyone which ones they think will scare him off...

All of them :roftl:

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And are me and CD REALLY the only one who have read the blog to say "a few shows" and not "a tour"? I'm 99% certain there will be no more than 5-6 shows in total! Coming to Australia for one of them would be completely impractical. Is what I think...



Hahahaha. *has no idea who they are, but still finds it hilarious*


Long answer or short answer?









Short answer. Yes. We can still hope I guess...











It's U2!!! Have you learnt nothing???






It's a young looking U2 (mid 80's - early 90's I think) but still... I can undertsand you not recognising Adam though...




It's me.












Where the hell have you been??? I've been worried sick!


Oooooh... she's not in the family tree...


I know exactly how you feel. Just writing about that ring yesterday made me feel so bad and it has been years.... I also have a similar issue with my mother and I still haven't told her. My brother won a drawing contest when he was 18 and part of the prize was having his artwork professionally framed. After he died my Mum let me have it. When we moved into this house about 3 years ago, I put it between the couch and the wall until I got around to putting it up but one day my husband was vacuuming and forgot it was there and pushed the couch against the wall which smashed it. It's been sitting in my wardrobe since it happened and I've been hoping ever since that she never asks to see it. Oooh, now I feel even worse than I did writing about the ring!



Oh yeah... Good point.


And what's the problem? It's still 2007, isn't it?




I'm useless at picking who drew what. I always had the feeling that the Happy Mr. Wasp one had a bit of a Tim feel about it but I base that on nothing at all so I am most likely entirely wrong.


Ooooooooh... that's not good... Has the artwork been damaged?




Of course... I should be grateful it even exists :naughty:


I think so too... I think Tim tends to write very sexualised stuff... Paul's very dark and sinister... Richard's the communist...


That's the way I see it anyways...


OkD we all know its going to be 5-6 shows in total... we're just hoping/wishing we'd get one even though we know we won't...


And I think at some point we also added discussing the second album tour in there.


That's a good point...



And I doubt he'd just do the acoustic stuff, then go back to England and start doing promo.. it would make more sense (and cost less) to do them at the same time...


I found the Flacco & Bob poem! I knew it was in my book somewhere...


When I was young I had a passion

I had a gun, I went looking for action

I'd stare at the mirror for hours on end

I stood in McDonalds and tried to make friends

Where I'd tell stories and listen intently

I put in my order and counted to twenty

While the world outside was falling away

Got up to nineteen and I made her pay

My eyelids grew heavy

My french fries weren't ready

As the voice cast it's spell

That night I slept well.





Did you make them?

They're good


I really like the poem!



Yeah, I did... I like the Tim one... and obviously like the skeleton one too... I'm gonna fix them up a little bit when I get a chance...


Actually, Twatty said, whilst watching PDP, "Mika has womanly legs" so I was just going on Twattyfact.


All of them :roftl:


She would know :fisch:



Okay then... which ones are you willing to put in (I don't know if I have the room to put all of them in...)

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I had thought of Jen but didn't know where to put her either

*makes mental note to add Jen somewhere naughty*


Love your siggy and Adam slapping like a..... wimp?? Sorry, can't say like a girl because I know how much damage I do when I slap *zhhz* :wink2:


We should just get other's opinions. There's some that aren't good enough quality to go in.

Obviously the Mika Spears type ones where I just did them for a quick laugh.

But, they can be fixed up to look more realistic. I'd like to touch up any that go in. ( touch up :das: )

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I had thought of Jen but didn't know where to put her either

*makes mental note to add Jen somewhere naughty*


Love your siggy and Adam slapping like a..... wimp?? Sorry, can't say like a girl because I know how much damage I do when I slap *zhhz* :wink2:


We should just get other's opinions. There's some that aren't good enough quality to go in.

Obviously the Mika Spears type ones where I just did them for a quick laugh.

But, they can be fixed up to look more realistic. I'd like to touch up any that go in. ( touch up :das: )



Hehe... fair enough... I don't have much power in my slaps so I could slap like a girl (before twatty says anything, in physical strength I am inferior to boys so I can say it :naughty:)


Maybe it should be "Adam slaps like Teegs" :naughty:



I'm doing up a post to ask people to check your links for pictures, and I said I thought the movie ones should go in...


I found a few others that I'll put in and ask people what they think... I just don't want pages and pages of pictures...

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ZOMG! It's my favourite nose!!!!!!!!!!! :wub2:




You have strange obsessionnnsssssss. :naughty:










Where the hell have you been??? I've been worried sick!


Oooooh... she's not in the family tree...




I've been at photography school 8am-5pm Monday through Friday and then working after hours too. Pretty much photography is my life so I only get to stop in here for a minute here and there so I don't really post anymore. :( I've finally got five days off so I decided I'd pop in.


Annnd I'm not in the family? :tears:


I had thought of Jen but didn't know where to put her either

*makes mental note to add Jen somewhere naughty*


Add me? Whatcha guys been doing? :blink:

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How are we girls :huglove:




great how are you?:flowers2:


hahaha!! I showed Fred some and he loved them, so it's possible (Or possbull as Mika sings it in Rain).




Just a reminder to all that discussing certain tracks on MFC is discouraged in the guidelines. :wink2:


Comments on page

asti898: is it a guy?

foxthewolfie: yeah, if i'd be him i'd get laid a lot. there are some hot mika fans




oi oi oi, i know, but im such a goody two shoes it's good two kick them off in this thread. :aah:




That means this person is a member on mfc, to go into the photo thread.


.. and see me :das:

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She kept reminding me for years how I irresponsible I was with it. :thumbdown: I don't think she's mentioned it for about half a year now. I hope I haven't just jinxed myself. :blink:


Glory! I probably would have gotten angry eventually and done the whole "Do you think I don't feel dreadful enough about it already? I really don't need you reminding me all the time!!!"


I like Over My Shoulder, especially when he performed it at Koko in London with a cellist and countertenor. It's pretty yet dark and not corny like Erase, Your Sympathy, his demo's, etc. It also has the same minimalist hypnotic quality as my favourite Beethoven's "Moonlight" sonata. I think that when Mika throws back to his classical roots he produces good work and should do so more often.


OMS was one of those songs that i hated on first listen and grew to love with time.







I'll bet you were one happy girl following the Idol finale!!!


:shocked: That's too much info re: Andy! Way too much!!!


I actually had mixed feelings when the time came. I was happy that Wes had won, but I guess I figured that if Luke had won, Wes was still guaranteed a career anyhow, cos he's just bloody good. But I wondered what Luke would do with himself now...


We only have Sanity and Virgin here... and they're about as useful as each other...


This reminded me that I meant to quote your other quote about Sanity ie

My Sanity has it's moments. :naughty: You can get pills for that you know.

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*pauses to watch the tumbleweed floating down the middle of the aussie thread*

Goodnight girlies :wink2:


Don't any of you watch Bones or Heroes?




Hmmmm. *tries to remember if she's seen this one before*


I went to Myer and David Jones yesterday in the perpetual quest for the perfect red lipstick. There's a fantastic M.A.C. choral-ey red one, it's kinda pricey but I'm jonesing for it.


Chatty Twatty. Not something I've seen in a while.


And random question time: How can I get the residue from the ridiculous stickers Dirt Cheap CDs puts on their cases off?

Without stuffing up the case?

Its those crazy metal-type stickers and it leaves a horrible square on the back. It won't budge to nail scraping or alcohol wipes :crybaby:


I've also heard that eucalyptus oil can be used, but since I hate the smell, I've never tried it.




It's me.




Jen!:shocked: Long time no see! :bye:

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You have strange obsessionnnsssssss. :naughty:






I've been at photography school 8am-5pm Monday through Friday and then working after hours too. Pretty much photography is my life so I only get to stop in here for a minute here and there so I don't really post anymore. :( I've finally got five days off so I decided I'd pop in.


Annnd I'm not in the family? :tears:




Add me? Whatcha guys been doing? :blink:


Whoa... you've been a busy little bee then! How's it all going?



You may or may not have been forgotten... :fisch:


Melz made a family tree with the Aussies and honouraries...






(I couldn't remember what the hell I was going to say, I had to go see what was wrong with a computer... seems the hard drive is no good... not my problem either *teehee*)

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I actually had mixed feelings when the time came. I was happy that Wes had won, but I guess I figured that if Luke had won, Wes was still guaranteed a career anyhow, cos he's just bloody good. But I wondered what Luke would do with himself now...




This reminded me that I meant to quote your other quote about Sanity ie

My Sanity has it's moments. :naughty: You can get pills for that you know.


If he's like Shannon Noll, he'll have a pretty good career...



Really? I must look into it :insane:


Hmmmm. *tries to remember if she's seen this one before*


Who knows?



Aussies! Can you check the Asia-Pacific thread and have a look at the photoshopped pics and see which ones we should put in the book?

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If you ever decide to do the remake I'd love to hear it.



G'night and get well soon!


I'd like to do it, one day...the piano part I came up with was rather tricky though. I'd probably have to record the singing separately.


Thanks. It's mostly gone now...just the cough is left...


I would love to hear it too. How is your song going?

Everybody, Rozeh has been writing a really beautiful poem/song..

*Is proud*


Hope you feel better tomorrow

*hugs you*

*disinfects areas you touched*


Heheh. I haven't done any more on it since I showed it to you--I tried putting words to the melody of the chorus but none of them worked really...I'll pick it up again when I'm not so incredibly tired.


Such motherly love :cheerful_h4h:





OMFG. :shocked:

*gets a sudden craving for potato chips*


Now, somebody tell me...who is he/Hamish or whatever the other one's called?





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