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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Right... its 3am, I think I should go to bed now, before serious munchies hit or something.


Happy 2009 all. Hope its a good year all round. Lets make it better than 2008.


For those still in 2008, look forward to seeing you in what is the next year for you but this year for us. Hurry up and catch up already.


Good night!:huglove:


It feels so weird to be in a different year than you all, as if you're in a different dimention or so.:roftl:

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Good morning all... It looks like its a nice day outside... which is always a good start to the year :biggrin2:


One of the advantages of having New Year in summer - we're expecting New Year's Day to be cold, with freezing fog :thumbdown:

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One of the advantages of having New Year in summer - we're expecting New Year's Day to be cold, with freezing fog :thumbdown:

Oh sucky...


If I'm lucky I'll get to spend New Years at the beach, depending on how warm it gets today.



Its crazy, I've been up since 7 on about 3 hours sleep and I feel energised (why I was up at 7 I have no idea, I woke without any alarm or anything)

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Oh sucky...


If I'm lucky I'll get to spend New Years at the beach, depending on how warm it gets today.



Its crazy, I've been up since 7 on about 3 hours sleep and I feel energised (why I was up at 7 I have no idea, I woke without any alarm or anything)




I don't plan to get up at all tomorrow :naughty:

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Good morning everyone!


I don't seem to have a say in anything anymore.


Exactly as it should be.


So, who wants me next?


*Waits for the stampede to begin*



*Insert your own Lightning bolt*


You only get a lightning bolt when you fib......and I am sweet and innocent and I owned up to being insane :tongue2:


I do it often *zhhz*


Don't gloat!


I love it!! yeah baby!! oops. I have Waynes World on and was channeling Austin Powers.


"Do I make you horny baby...yeah!" :naughty:

I love Waynes World!


That's a bit ridiculous. The world isn't completely full of wackjobs.


I'm just thankful they've never read any of your posts...they may have had me put away......don't care this morning....my life, my home etc etc!


Have I mentioned the part where I thought she reminded me of you??


She must be something extraordinarily special if she reminds you of me!


Wth do I normally call you??!! Lol!! The smut master. Lol!!


Among other things I'm sure :sneaky2:


Just made it to my desk at work and thought about you lot...




'Kay - gotta go back to work now.




I hope you get off early from work.


*peeps in for half a second.*


Hey girlies... (Yes, you're all girls. I'm too lazy (And my room as no a/c, so I'm passing out and sweating from the stupid heat.) to include guys.


I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year briefly, I havem't forgotten you guys, you do mean the world to me. But there's this guy... And not to mention work. I barely have time for a social life let alone anything else.


Also. NYE with friends is always fun. As well as getting a phone call from a sorta tipsy friend... Total highlight so far! Lol. No, I was on top of a dogpail, then I fell on the sharp corner of my friends laptop. It f*cking hurts!


Oh, and i'm not sure if anybody here is interested in my sort of music, but seriously, youtube 'The Academy Is...' they are one of my favourite bands at the moment. (The lead singer is kinda cute, in that nice girlish sort of way.)


Lots of Love to my MFC-er's.




P.S. Factory open all morning, free booze and chocolate. Sleep with whomever you please. Don't crap in the hot tub. and my office is out of bounds!


JJL :huglove:


Didn't we handcuff you to his place last time?


Woo hoo....factory is open *claims back Johnny Depp*




Wouldn't you like to knoe

Mmmmmmmm.... I had a few of those... about 5 of those...

I might have drunk enough for both of us *zhhz*



Only 5...what's wrong with you girl?

I think I might have put enough away myself:wink2:


Right... its 3am, I think I should go to bed now, before serious munchies hit or something.


Happy 2009 all. Hope its a good year all round. Lets make it better than 2008.


For those still in 2008, look forward to seeing you in what is the next year for you but this year for us. Hurry up and catch up already.


I fell asleep at the keyboard....which is good considering I told someone on here that did the same thing that I didn't understand how they could manage it!

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Exactly as it should be.

*Waits for the stampede to begin*


"Do I make you horny baby...yeah!"

I love Waynes World!


I'm just thankful they've never read any of your posts...they may have had me put away......don't care this morning....my life, my home etc etc!


She must be something extraordinarily special if she reminds you of me!

*sets up registration area and ticketing system*


:bow: "We're not worthy. We're not worthy. We're not worthy. We're not worthy We're scum" I love Alice Cooper. :wub2:

Can it be arranged?

She is something out of the ordinary, that's for sure. lol!!

Happy 2009

Happy 2009 Silver dear!!!!!!!!!


How are we all today? :das:

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Then you haz been lucky.


Gosh, I'm almost falling asleep and I'm hungry and it's only 5 pm here!


Yep... and I missed the neighbours arguing... and little kids walking along the street swearing... seems when i fall asleep I don;t hear anything!


Good night!:huglove:


It feels so weird to be in a different year than you all, as if you're in a different dimention or so.:roftl:


Hehe... different dimension...


The Americans and Canadians still have a while to go...


*yawn* I wanted to sleep in but my sister insists on us spring cleaning today 'cause she has the day off. It's also really overcast and cold here.


Did you tell your sister that it's not spring so she can't spring clean? :naughty:


Only 5...what's wrong with you girl?

I think I might have put enough away myself:wink2:


Oh, I had more than 5... had about 8 shots within about an hour... so by about 2am I was spinning and I needed to close one eye to read a message... and that's usually a good sign that I'm at least tipsy...



I had more than 8 drinks though... I did get into the double digits though...


How are we all today? :das:


Just peachy keen!



And you?

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