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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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Hi all. =]

Won't be spending too much time online tonight, since I'm way too tired. I spent the vast majority of last night laying tracks for my music composition piece. It's done now, so the night is all mine! =D


If you order through play.com, they have a limited number of signed copies of the standard CD :wink2:

Yeah, but they're only available in Europe/UK, I believe...


Well, I might be a bit slow with this info, but it looks like Oz will be getting the new album before other places (but Japan is first on Sept 16th :teehee:)

Release date 18th September:



Ohh, awesome! =P

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Well, I might be a bit slow with this info, but it looks like Oz will be getting the new album before other places (but Japan is first on Sept 16th :teehee:)

Release date 18th September:




Aww.. Do we feel thpethial now? :pinkbow::naughty:

Yeah, but they're only available in Europe/UK, I believe...

No surprises there. You could ask someone to get one for you and send it over.. If you are desperate enough? :teehee:


It could be as bad as mine where you undo all the screws and still can't get it open enough to properly clean out the fan :naughty:

You undo all the screws? :shocked: Teegs! Don't undo all of Mike's screws!




He'll just come back with a vengeance.


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It could be as bad as mine where you undo all the screws and still can't get it open enough to properly clean out the fan :naughty:


Haha, I remember the first time I did mine by myself. I'd done my desktop PC before, but the screws are all different lengths in my laptop, and I put some in the wrong holes. So now my laptop has a massive crack near the touchpad. That'll teach me! lol :doh:

So yeah, a word of advice if you plan on DIY- remember where each screw came from!

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Well, I might be a bit slow with this info, but it looks like Oz will be getting the new album before other places (but Japan is first on Sept 16th )

Release date 18th September:




Woohoo!!! Thanks BS. Although I've been and looked at the album on this site and it doesn't have Loverboy listed:thumbdown: I was really hoping we would get it:crybaby: So maybe I'd be better off ordering from overseas.... Although it does say that if you pre-order you get a special digital insert. Whatever that is:dunno:


LOL! You need to add a "f*ckin" in there somewhere since Mika is less 2thousand&polite7 and more 2thousand&f*ckin9 now. :naughty:


I think the reality is that we'll know about it via twitter or Mikasounds before MFC will tell us anything, even if they know something..


Could you just start planning everything in late September?? And leave dates down to when it's announced. We really should get 4 weeks. Otherwise, you'll just have to piss in the wind like the rest of us. :teehee:


Good idea. *summons Rose*



Well, firstly we should forget about a jar of vegemite, :puking: but we could try and get some vegemite merch..

Anything fluffy that involves sticking batteries up it's clacker is perfect for Mika.

I remember Christine saying the Canadians gave Mika an all access pass or smth to Canada. We should do that, but make it suggestive.. :das::naughty:



I'm betting we hear on twitter first. Mika has trouble keeping his mouth shut sometimes.


Ewww! Choice analogy. I guess I'll just do the best I can.


We could always get a typical cliched fluffy koala that plays Waltzing Matilda or Advance Australia Fair or something? When I lived in Perth, the tourist shops always had heaps of this kind of thing and they made me cringe like you wouldn't believe. Otherwise, there are some really cute Australian toys that don't have have batteries.... My daughter has an echidna, a tasmanian tiger,....... WAIT a minute! Remember?? He likes Tassie Devil! Perhaps we could get non-WB tassie devil stuff?


I'll keep thinking on this... Might have a brainwave. *is very tempted to dredge up the old threads and read what we were thinking of doing last time*


It could be as bad as mine where you undo all the screws and still can't get it open enough to properly clean out the fan :naughty:


You mean there are fans in these things that need cleaning?:shocked:




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You undo all the screws? :shocked: Teegs! Don't undo all of Mike's screws!




He'll just come back with a vengeance.


You did..... or near enough all of them. I'm too slack to do anything myself. I actually need to take it in somewhere to get it cleaned...



You mean there are fans in these things that need cleaning?:shocked:




Ya huh.. they attract dust, and the more dust the less they work, and then you get overheating problems, like my ones has :pinkbow:

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Yeah, but they're only available in Europe/UK, I believe...


Woohoo!!! Thanks BS. Although I've been and looked at the album on this site and it doesn't have Loverboy listed:thumbdown: I was really hoping we would get it:crybaby: So maybe I'd be better off ordering from overseas.... Although it does say that if you pre-order you get a special digital insert. Whatever that is:dunno:


Happy to order things on behalf of anyone :thumb_yello:



We could always get a typical cliched fluffy koala that plays Waltzing Matilda or Advance Australia Fair or something? When I lived in Perth, the tourist shops always had heaps of this kind of thing and they made me cringe like you wouldn't believe. Otherwise, there are some really cute Australian toys that don't have have batteries.... My daughter has an echidna, a tasmanian tiger,....... WAIT a minute! Remember?? He likes Tassie Devil! Perhaps we could get non-WB tassie devil stuff?



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Woohoo!!! Thanks BS. Although I've been and looked at the album on this site and it doesn't have Loverboy listed:thumbdown: I was really hoping we would get it:crybaby: So maybe I'd be better off ordering from overseas.... Although it does say that if you pre-order you get a special digital insert. Whatever that is:dunno:





I'm betting we hear on twitter first. Mika has trouble keeping his mouth shut sometimes.


Ewww! Choice analogy. I guess I'll just do the best I can.


We could always get a typical cliched fluffy koala that plays Waltzing Matilda or Advance Australia Fair or something? When I lived in Perth, the tourist shops always had heaps of this kind of thing and they made me cringe like you wouldn't believe. Otherwise, there are some really cute Australian toys that don't have have batteries.... My daughter has an echidna, a tasmanian tiger,....... WAIT a minute! Remember?? He likes Tassie Devil! Perhaps we could get non-WB tassie devil stuff?


I'll keep thinking on this... Might have a brainwave. *is very tempted to dredge up the old threads and read what we were thinking of doing last time*




You mean there are fans in these things that need cleaning?:shocked:




The fluffy toy is a great idea:thumb_yello:but what do you think if we also buy him a scarf that he could actually wear on those freezing days in London:wink2:maybe a good quality aboriginal scarf or any other scarf that would remind him of us:blink:

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The fluffy toy is a great idea:thumb_yello:but what do you think if we also buy him a scarf that he could actually wear on those freezing days in London:wink2:maybe a good quality aboriginal scarf or any other scarf that would remind him of us:blink:


Maybe I could get something real touristy like here in Cairns seeing as the stores are jam packed full of that kind of thing .. let me know if you want me to get something either thru here or my email demonkissangel@hotmail.com

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The fluffy toy is a great idea:thumb_yello:but what do you think if we also buy him a scarf that he could actually wear on those freezing days in London:wink2:maybe a good quality aboriginal scarf or any other scarf that would remind him of us:blink:


Aboriginal scarves? Never heard of such a thing. I can imagine one in silk with that patterning, but not like a "knitted" one:blink:

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Aboriginal scarves? Never heard of such a thing. I can imagine one in silk with that patterning, but not like a "knitted" one:blink:

I've never seen one either :teehee:but I could imagine it. Maybe if we look in those tourists shops (but a good one) we might find one. It doesn't have to be aboriginal but I just thought cause they have bright colours. What do you think:blink:

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Mother of the Year award goes to me- I forgot Bailey had a dentist appointment this afternoon until they rang me half an hour after I was supposed to be there (helpful!!) So now I have to take him back at an inconvenient time next week. No one to blame but myself.....


Nice one *gigglesnort*


Hhmm ... well, I've only started thinking about it again (after recent encouragement here) ... but I guess if Mika is coming here 'sometime in November' .. I would want to have it/them well underway by the start of November . I have a few different ideas rolling around my head atm ... & it's times like this that I wish I lived closer to a city/shops.


Talking about that... I found jungle animals, farmyard animals and sea animals...


Well, I might be a bit slow with this info, but it looks like Oz will be getting the new album before other places (but Japan is first on Sept 16th)

Release date 18th September:








*goes to check inSanity*


*expects it to say "Who's Mika?"* :sneaky2:




Oooh look! They do know who Mika is... but no album...


*Has taken nurofen and caffeine and is in MQing mode*



Well, it would be nice to have the MFC flag, and something of our own too.. Since we're rarely involved and so we could pump this possible Mika encounter dry..


I think so... we also have a possible next year encounter, so we'll have to leave some ideas for then...


Have you ever opened up the laptop and serviced Mike yourself? Or is it under warranty??


He's still under warranty... I'll take him in sometime soon...


LOL! You need to add a "f*ckin" in there somewhere since Mika is less 2thousand&polite7 and more 2thousand&f*ckin9 now.


Sooooo... Something like "F**kin hell, I'm wearing a f**kin farm!" ?


I think the reality is that we'll know about it via twitter or Mikasounds before MFC will tell us anything, even if they know something..


Seeing as you're constantly on Twitter, maybe you should monitor Twitter... can anyone be bothered to monitor MS?


Makes sense. So, expect to hear something on my birthday.



Good idea. *summons Rose*


Happy Birthday Melz... nice present there!


Well, firstly we should forget about a jar of vegemite, but we could try and get some vegemite merch..

Anything fluffy that involves sticking batteries up it's clacker is perfect for Mika.

I remember Christine saying the Canadians gave Mika an all access pass or smth to Canada. We should do that, but make it suggestive..


So we're going to all the cheap shops then! OOoooooooh! We should get him a 12 inch Harry... cause that's where his batteries go!


I'm liking suggestive...


LOL!! Smth About Mary hair.




Never thought about that!


You undo all the screws? Teegs! Don't undo all of Mike's screws!




He'll just come back with a vengeance.





I'm so glad I was on my own!


We could always get a typical cliched fluffy koala that plays Waltzing Matilda or Advance Australia Fair or something? When I lived in Perth, the tourist shops always had heaps of this kind of thing and they made me cringe like you wouldn't believe. Otherwise, there are some really cute Australian toys that don't have have batteries.... My daughter has an echidna, a tasmanian tiger,....... WAIT a minute! Remember?? He likes Tassie Devil! Perhaps we could get non-WB tassie devil stuff?


I'll keep thinking on this... Might have a brainwave. *is very tempted to dredge up the old threads and read what we were thinking of doing last time*


Oooooooh! Tassie Devil!!!



Good idea about the old threads... I'll be able to see myself as a fresh faced Mika fangirl!


The fluffy toy is a great idea but what do you think if we also buy him a scarf that he could actually wear on those freezing days in London maybe a good quality aboriginal scarf or any other scarf that would remind him of us


I like the idea of a scarf! That's a good one!


Maybe I could get something real touristy like here in Cairns seeing as the stores are jam packed full of that kind of thing .. let me know if you want me to get something either thru here or my email demonkissangel@hotmail.com


What sort of touristy stuff? I know in Sydney they have kangaroo scrotum bottle openers :puking:



I can get a bottle of wine in Orange... :dunno:

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I've never seen one either :teehee:but I could imagine it. Maybe if we look in those tourists shops (but a good one) we might find one. It doesn't have to be aboriginal but I just thought cause they have bright colours. What do you think:blink:


I think it's a good idea. I just never would have thought of it. I might have to keep my eyes open here as well...


YOOOHOO!:boing: just discovered how to put an avatar




Seeing as you're constantly on Twitter, maybe you should monitor Twitter... can anyone be bothered to monitor MS?


So we're going to all the cheap shops then! OOoooooooh! We should get him a 12 inch Harry... cause that's where his batteries go!


I'm liking suggestive...


Oooooooh! Tassie Devil!!!



Good idea about the old threads... I'll be able to see myself as a fresh faced Mika fangirl!




I like the idea of a scarf! That's a good one!




What sort of touristy stuff? I know in Sydney they have kangaroo scrotum bottle openers :puking:



I can get a bottle of wine in Orange... :dunno:


I can't get onto MS atm so I'm not going to monitor that one.


What on earth is a 12 inch Harry? Or don't I want to know?:teehee:


Anyone remember what number thread we were up to then? hehe. I haven't gone back and looked yet....


I think Mika could definitely live without a kangaroo scrotum in his life!:puking:


I can get wine in Canberra too, but since I don't drink it I wouldn't know what to get.

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I can't get onto MS atm so I'm not going to monitor that one.


What on earth is a 12 inch Harry? Or don't I want to know?:teehee:


Anyone remember what number thread we were up to then? hehe. I haven't gone back and looked yet....


I think Mika could definitely live without a kangaroo scrotum in his life!:puking:


I can get wine in Canberra too, but since I don't drink it I wouldn't know what to get.


Neither can I... I forgot my password!


It's a Harry Potter doll that's 12 inches tall... Zoe and O take him places and take photos... we took him to see U23D and to the Twilight Prom!


We were in the first thread for the promo... HK has joined, Bec hasn't... and I certainly haven't! I have come across a few interesting comments... from HK actually!


I could've done without seeing them...


Same here... We even have wine glasses with the Orange council symbol...

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Neither can I... I forgot my password!


It's a Harry Potter doll that's 12 inches tall... Zoe and O take him places and take photos... we took him to see U23D and to the Twilight Prom!


We were in the first thread for the promo... HK has joined, Bec hasn't... and I certainly haven't! I have come across a few interesting comments... from HK actually!


I could've done without seeing them...


Same here... We even have wine glasses with the Orange council symbol...


OK, you're making me feel guilty now... i'll have to go back and find them.

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It's all good... it's not that far after I joined that the concert was announced so I think I'm almost there..


well I'm in thread no 6 and I found this post:




It's you, recapping what we'd been discussing in thread 5 right near the beginning of thread 6. So even back then you were doing the organising:naughty:

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well I'm in thread no 6 and I found this post:




It's you, recapping what we'd been discussing in thread 5 right near the beginning of thread 6. So even back then you were doing the organising:naughty:




A book of Oz... with each of us writing about or town/city and putting a little message for Mika (we could add the songs to the book and the Aussie slang too...)



Now, where did I see that idea? :naughty:



a flag and each person signs it (it would be done at each gig if he does them)


Ahem... when was the idea for the MFC flag made again?

Edited by nico_collard
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Promo concert talk starts on page 180 of the first Aussie thread if anyone's interested and wants to raid it for ideas...


Here it is!


You went right back to the first gig. I was looking for the stuff we talked about when we thought he was coming for the V festival...


I've never been back that far, it should be interesting.

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