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Mika kommer ut!


transparent.gifEngelska glad-pop-artisten Mika kommer ut som bi i nya numret av holländska Gay&Night magazine.

Det är väl egentligen vare sig en överraskning eller nyhet att den regnbågsglada happy-pop-artisten Mika bar på någon form av homosexuell tendens, men det har tigit tills nu och tills släppet av nya skivan innan han tar steget fullt ut ur garderoben.


Det var alltså i en intervju i holländska Gay&Night magazine som den 26åringa artisten valde att komma ut officiellt – som bi. I intervjun förklarar Mika att han aldrig har etikettera sig själv och att han aldrig begränsat sig i sitt liv: ”Jag har aldrig begränsat mig i val av vilka jag ligger med(…) så, jag vet inte. Kalla mig vad du vill. Kalla mig bisexuell om du behöver en term för att definiera mig(…)applicera det på mig, om det är vad du behöver. Det är så nära jag kommer någon form av etikett.” (gay.eu)


Han berättar också att sexuallitet och genus är två av de ämnen som han diskuterar i sin musik, och menar att tankarna kring ämnena har färgat hela nya skivan. Och för den som utifrån hans musik vill veta vad han tänder på kanske hitsingeln Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) från förra skivan, ge en hint om vilka former som attraherar den bisexuella regnbågsartisten.


Mika kom också ut med sitt nya album The Boy Who Knew Too Much i slutet på september, och första singeln från nya plattan, We are golden, är redan på väg att bli en internationell hit. Men frågan är väl som alltid med artister som kommer ut lagom till ett nytt skivsläpp: hur mycket av utkomsten som är till för att får pressuppmärksamhet och hur mycket som är ett genuint intresse för att uppmärksamma HBTQ-frågor…


Sorry have to go now and can't translate! but I'm sure someone else can!

Edited by Pideh
mika in dutch day&night magazine
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Google translation -


Mika comes out!


English happy-pop artist Mika comes out as bi in the new issue of Dutch Gay & Night magazine.

It's really neither a surprise or news to the regnbågsglada happy-pop artist Mika bar on any kind of homosexual tendency, but it has remained silent until now and until the release of their new album before he will take the step out of the closet.


It was in an interview in Dutch Gay & Night magazine as the 26åringa artist chose to come out officially - the bee. The interview explains Micah that he has never label himself and that he never limited himself in his life: "I never restricted myself in the choice of whom I sleep with (...) so I do not know. Call me what you want. Call me bisexual, if you need a term to define me (...) apply it to myself, if that is what you need. It is so close, I will some form of etiquette. "(Gay.eu)


He also tells me that a little sex and gender are two of the subjects he discusses in his music, and think tanks around the topics have colored the entire new album. And for those who based his music wants to know what he might hit single teeth on Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) from the last album, giving a hint about what form that attracts the bisexual regnbågsartisten.


Mika also came out with their new album "The Boy Who Knew Too Much at the end of September, and the first single from the new album, We are golden, is already becoming an international hit. But the question is well, as always with the artists who come out just in time for a new releases: how much of livelihoods which are designed to get press attention and how much is a genuine interest to note LGBTQ issues ...


Okay I wouldn't have chose that as a title!:naughty:

But thanks for the finding and for posting Pideh!:wink2:





Let me make a translation!





English happy-pop artist Mika comes out as bi in the new issue of Dutch Gay & Night magazine.

It's really neither a surprise nor news that the rain-bow-happy pop artist Mika had some kind of homosexual tendency, but it has remained silent until now and until the release of the new album before he will take the step out of the closet.


It was in an interview in Dutch Gay & Night magazine as the 26 year old artist chose to come out officially – as bi. In the interview Mika explains that he has never labelled himself and that he never limited himself in his life: "I never restricted myself in the choice of whom I sleep with (...) so I do not know. Call me what you want. Call me bisexual; if you need a term to define me (...) apply it to myself, if that is what you need. It is as close as I come some form of etiquette. "(Gay.eu)


He also tells me that sex and gender are two of the subjects he discusses most in his music, and his thoughts around the topics have coloured the entire new album. And for those, who based on his music wants to know what might turn him on, Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) from the last album is giving a hint about what forms that attracts the bisexual rain-bow artist.


Mika also came out with the new album "The Boy Who Knew Too Much at the end of September, and the first single from the new album, We are golden, is already becoming an international hit. But the question is as always, with an artists who comes out just in time for a new releases: how much of the coming out is designed to get press attention and how much is a genuine interest to bring attention to LGBTQ issues ...

Lars-H Image








Sorry - Not a good or accurate title for this article.

This has been posted before too.

Thanks though as I am always looking for new stuff to read about Mika.

Sorry - Not a good or accurate title for this article.

This has been posted before too.

Thanks though as I am always looking for new stuff to read about Mika.



Oh sorry :teehee:

Sorry - Not a good or accurate title for this article.

This has been posted before too.

Thanks though as I am always looking for new stuff to read about Mika.


What would you have prefered as a title?:wink2:


I don't think it has been posted before... but I did post an article from another Swedish paper with a similar content about a wek ago!:thumb_yello:


And for those, who based on his music wants to know what might turn him on, Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) from the last album is giving a hint about what forms that attracts the bisexual rain-bow artist.





What forms turn Mika on???


Round XXL curves!!!




Watchout Michelin...




i don't care in how many newpapers / how many countries he comes out in.... as long as he comes out to montreal oct. 13! :naughty:


then it's allllllll good! :thumb_yello:

i don't care in how many newpapers / how many countries he comes out in.... as long as he comes out to montreal oct. 13! :naughty:


then it's allllllll good! :thumb_yello:



And for those, who based on his music wants to know what might turn him on, Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) from the last album is giving a hint about what forms that attracts the bisexual rain-bow artist.





What forms turn Mika on???


Round XXL curves!!!




Watchout Michelin...






What would you have prefered as a title?:wink2:


I don't think it has been posted before... but I did post an article from another Swedish paper with a similar content about a wek ago!:thumb_yello:


You might be right but I know I have read this same sentence before.

A preferred title - hmmm - "Mika still playing around with the sexuality question" - I don't know.

But "Mika Comes Out" is not true.

But so what - the greatest thing is that Mika is trying to say that labels limit people especially young people when they are trying to figure things out.

He is actually doing a good thing for confused young teenagers where the suicide rate is the highest among young gay teenagers.

Anyway I didn't mean to get so serious - but in the real world & not the press nonsense it is serious.

You might be right but I know I have read this same sentence before.

A preferred title - hmmm - "Mika still playing around with the sexuality question" - I don't know.

But "Mika Comes Out" is not true.

But so what - the greatest thing is that Mika is trying to say that labels limit people especially young people when they are trying to figure things out.

He is actually doing a good thing for confused young teenagers where the suicide rate is the highest among young gay teenagers.

Anyway I didn't mean to get so serious - but in the real world & not the press nonsense it is serious.



get what you mean. I don't like labels either. why do we even care about stuff like this?

you fall inlove or get attracted by a person not the gender.

You might be right but I know I have read this same sentence before.

A preferred title - hmmm - "Mika still playing around with the sexuality question" - I don't know.

But "Mika Comes Out" is not true.

But so what - the greatest thing is that Mika is trying to say that labels limit people especially young people when they are trying to figure things out.

He is actually doing a good thing for confused young teenagers where the suicide rate is the highest among young gay teenagers.

Anyway I didn't mean to get so serious - but in the real world & not the press nonsense it is serious.


I really hope so too!:thumb_yello:


Micah??? That's a book in the bible!

MIKA That's our golden boy!!!!!


Please read MY translation!:mf_rosetinted:


Geez, they're late:roftl:


I know, I would love to find an article about his music in a Swedish newspaper just for a change!:naughty:

It's a different magazine and a different article, but the context is very much the same, maybe QX Magazine stole the idea from there?:naughty:


I think they did :naughty:

And for those, who based on his music wants to know what might turn him on, Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) from the last album is giving a hint about what forms that attracts the bisexual rain-bow artist.





What forms turn Mika on???


Round XXL curves!!!




Watchout Michelin...




:lmfao: i choked on my drink when i read that!!!

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