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Mika in Veronica Magazine (Dutch)


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Mika in Veronica Magazine!






I'll try to translate it as soon as possible; don't expect wonderfull, grammatical correct sentences :teehee:


Edit: Translation...


Mika gives life colour

Party animal


Michael Holbrook Penniman, known as Mika, has again made a good party album. We speak the artist in London; to celebrate the release of The Boy Who Knew Too Much.


You made a super happy album again. Are you so überhappy too?

"Ha, no, with my music I try to make life just bearable. I myself am more someone who sees everything black and white. I'm either happy or not at all. This dark and light, I try to do a bit together."


So you try to escape the everyday reality?

"Escape is a dirty word. If you try to escape you feel guilty afterwards or you have a huge hangover. I try a better version of reality creation. Walking away from it is not possible."


You always said you’re a big fan of fairy tales. Aren’t you outgrown it?

"No, I still think fairy tales are great stories. Because they tell universal stories about life, in a naive and innocent way. While they are still heavy on many matters. That is the way how I write pop songs."


What would psychiatrist Sigmund Freud think about your songs? He thinks ‘Little Red Riding’ is about sex.

"Ha, I think it is better if my texts aren’t analyzed by him. I think I would die if I heard the results. I think he will say, that I need professional help, haha."


Well let’s dig into your childhood. How was your childhood?

"I was a bit naughty. Very loud and smart, because I knew exactly how I had to thaw/relax people (?). As a teenager I was more on my own and I didn’t dare to express myself. But therefore I learned to express my feelings in my music. It is easier to sing about your grievances, and everyone sings along with you. Then telling the truth and get a slap in the face for it!"


Did you recently insult someone with your songs?

"On my new album is a song called ‘Rain’. First it was a break-up letter. It seemed fun to put a nice dance beat under it, haha. I haven’t received response yet, no. That is still down!"


You grew up in a warm half-Lebanese family. Would your music sound different if you didn’t grown up in that family and culture?

"I think it helped. Probably my music would sound different. I do talk with my family. I hardly talk, with people I don’t know... I’m scared of that."


On stage you’re mister funny pants. Aren’t you scared then?

"The funny thing is, if you put me in a room with people, I always end up alone in a corner. It always happens. For this reason, I hate huge parties, they are literally making me sick. I can’t wait till the party is over, I hate every minute of it. I don’t have the confidence to say anything. When I say something, it sounds silly. But if you drop me on a stage, I just get it. The stage is a kind of boxing ring for me. After the show, I can’t remember what I yelled on stage."


Your whole life you’re collecting cartoons. Why do you like cartoons?

"I love cartoons. I love the different characters. Previously, the characters were even imaginary friends of mine. My mother is a dressmaker and as a child I went to her with a strip of Tintin and asked her to make such a suit as Tintin wears. I hardly spent money, only on art: original covers and other framed comic characters. Some of them are in storage, because they are too expensive to hang on the wall."


If you weren’t a successful musician, what would you be?

"Then I was in prison by now. My mother always said: You end up either in jail or you become famous, haha. When I was little, I often stole things. But they never caught me, I was a very good thief. A little time ago I stole something, by the way. I was at a gas station and there was a lifestyle magazine about dogs and stuff, with a bag of dog food stuck on the cover. I secretly took the bag with me. I wanted to give it to Adele, she is a friend and she has a weenie dog, a dachshund. But she did not want them to have when she heard that I had nicked it!"


Big Girl is a kind of anthem for corpulent women. For whom did you write that song?

"For my aunts and my mother, because they are all fat, haha. I saw a documentary once about ‘The Butterfly Lounge’, a club for fat women, and I thought: lets write a song about beautiful fat women, and in special for my mum and aunts. I wished they would like it and wouldn't feel insulted by the song. They loved it. When the creators of ‘Ugly Betty’ wanted to use the song, I tried to create ‘Big Betty, You Are Beautiful’, but I wasn’t allowed to do that, haha."


You did a splendid show in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, a while ago. Can we expect such performances again?

"The problem with acoustic shows is, that I lose a lot of money with it. In order to break even, I should triple the price. Now I understand why classical musicians should be sponsored, it costs a lot of money to act that way. But it's a incredibly fun thing to do occasionally. I made a promise to myself: the rest of my career I will always do a mix of large shows for everyone and smaller shows for all the true fans. I think that's very important."


Mika's Choice

Motto: Kill your heroes before they kill you. That is so true.

Best present ever received: A Fiat 500. Though I can not drive. I still call a taxi ...

Most beautiful book: ‘The Confidential Agent by Graham Greene’. Written in six weeks, thanks benzadrine, a kind of speed.

Proud of: My homemade mustard sauce. Maybe I can give the recipe as a present with my CDs in the future, nice for the fans!

Most expensive item of clothing: A pair of Louboutin shoes, specially made for me. They are worth around 10,000 euros. Ridiculous, but if it's free, I won’t say no!

Edited by ~Wicky~
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~Wicky~ thank you so much for posting & translating.

I really like the article.

This time around we are learning so much about Mika.

I really like how much he is speaking about his process of creating his music & his art.

It is so interesting.

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He wouldn't be the first person to swipe the freebies off the front of magazines, and won't be the last!

Although admitting it in an interview, won't do him any favours!

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