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:roftl: Fire signs pretty much do what fires do. They can warm and welcoming at times but don't let them get out of control :aah:


What about water? :teehee: I mean, fire is pretty much self-explanatory. But water?? Going with the flow or something? :roftl:

oh wait, aquarius is air, no? What's that about! lol

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Yeh ... Its a curse sometimes .. I hate hate being told Im wrong..... but actually Im getting a lot better:aah:


I don't like being wrong either :roftl: But I admit to it if I am. And I don't like being forced into doing things either. Good thing I'm stubborn really...if I don't want to do it I'm bloody well not doing it and you can't make me :aah:

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Jimmy's girlfriend is Cancer :thumb_yello:


Leo's like centre of attention (have you seen my WAG video? :aah:), they're creative, dominant though can often be lazy at times, take pride in appearance, stubborn, can be arrogant, loving and caring...etcetc...


Mika is a Leo too, isn't he?

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I don't like being wrong either :roftl: But I admit to it if I am. And I don't like being forced into doing things either. Good thing I'm stubborn really...if I don't want to do it I'm bloody well not doing it and you can't make me :aah:


Yeh .. very very hard for me .. DcDeb is my water :wub2::wub2:


Its not a bad thing to be in life , as long as its with some good listening skills too (which you have)

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What about water? :teehee: I mean, fire is pretty much self-explanatory. But water?? Going with the flow or something? :roftl:

oh wait, aquarius is air, no? What's that about! lol


Straight from Wikipedia:


Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces-- water elements: The Water signs exhibit benevolence. These type people are charitable, have a kindly disposition and promote goodwill. They are concerned with the welfare of others. Where other people are concerned they are kind, generous and philanthropic. They seldom harbor hostility. They derive pleasure from doing good deeds. The philosophers called the Water signs servers. People under this sign are cooperative, companionable, hospitable and sociable. They are true humanitarians and are concerned with the welfare of other people. They are called servants or servers because of their unselfishness and sincere devotion to the welfare of humanity. They unconditionally come to the aid of the sick and the unfortunate just as they would for one of their own family, and most often ask nothing in return. The Water signs have an emotional nature. They have strong feelings and sensibilities. They tend to make decisions based on their emotions rather than by reason. Although they are emotional in nature, they do not outwardly express it. Their feelings are hurt easily but they tend to not let it show. The Water signs' emotions are directed toward other people. They are deeply concerned about the welfare of their friends and family. They also care about what other people think and say about them. An insensitive remark from someone can hurt their feelings deeply, although they may not show it. They give of themselves and their material possessions freely to help a less-advantaged person gain confidence and stature. They will go all out where close friends or family is concerned. It is not easy to make friends with a water sign because they are skeptical and naturally shy. They will be generous and kind to a certain point, but when you gain their confidence you will have an all-weather friend who will stand by you through your struggles. Water signs are emotional people and tend to get carried away in the heat of a situation. These people are not prone to physical violence normally, but being of an emotional nature and having the tendency to let things build up inside them, they can become extremely hurt


The bold bits apply to me. Damn cusp thing...

Edited by CazGirl
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Fred, just for you:


The Fire signs exhibit righteousness. These people conform to the standard of moral law. They do what is right and are known for their sense of fair play. They are truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in their dealings with other men. The Fire signs are the true warriors. They demonstrate courage, fortitude, zeal and pugnacity. They have the mental and moral strength that enables them to venture into unknown waters and to persevere and withstand danger. They seldom show fear and are confident in their actions. They have mettle, resolution, and tenacity. They can face danger or difficulty without flinching or retreating. They will fight for their principles and have a stubborn persistence that is unwilling to recognize defeat. They have grit, back bone, guts, and are willing to keep fighting under all odds. They are aggressive and thrive on challenge. The Fire signs are of a spiritual nature. They have a nature that gives them physical energy, strength and vital powers. Their essential characteristic qualities are liveliness, energy, ardor, enthusiasm, courage and action. They have a firm, courageous and assertive disposition which is their most characteristic quality. The emotional nature of the Fire sign is goal oriented. These people like to win or be the best in anything they pursue. Their aggressive nature makes them just one big ego. There is nothing more stimulating to them than to win, and there is nothing more depressing to their ego than to lose. They strive to be the center of attention and are at home when showing-off. They are straight-forward and have no reservations about hurting the feelings of others by their forthrightness. The main virtue of this sign is being just and right.

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S'pose we should add Air, seeing as Jimmy might be interested in his own astrology :naughty:


The Air signs possess the virtue of knowledge. This does not mean they are more intelligent than anyone else but are generally well rounded and informed. They are good communicators. Most have a good grasp of the language and generally know a little something about everything - they can communicate well on any subject under discussion because they are so well read and learned. They have good personalities and are easy to get to know. The Air signs are what the philosophers called seers or priests. These are mentally inclined people. They actively acquire knowledge through experience, education and association. In ancient times, the only educated people were either priests, royalty or those who took it upon themselves to acquire knowledge (seers). The Air signs are curious, have initiative, are original, generally are well-disciplined and are quick thinkers. The Air signs have a mental nature and are keen witted. They rationalize by thinking things out rather than being influenced by emotional or physical factors. They enjoy any type of entertainment where they can use their intellectual capacity and their ability to think quickly and accurately often gives them the upper hand. The emotional nature of the Air signs is directed toward self appraisal. These people have a tendency to judge themselves very harshly. They have certain standards they set for themselves such as hygiene, the way they dress, education, job performance and family. The Fire signs anger is generally of the moment and soon after forgotten, the Air signs at their worst are mean. They carry a grudge, and like Fire signs, they are quick to express their opinion and are very opinionated. Libra is not as violent as Aquarius or Gemini. Aquarius is known to change their temper like a change in wind direction, they get extremely abusive and often violent, don't play with fire, as Aquarius can surprise anyone with their temper! Gemini and mind altering drugs such as alcohol just do not mix. The Air signs will not hesitate one moment to express their anger verbally, but physical violence is not a first choice during that anger (the exception being Aquarius & Gemini who will act in an instant).


(I'm a fire sign and I definitely hold a grudge, things are never forgotten if people hurt me :aah:)

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S'pose we should add Air, seeing as Jimmy might be interested in his own astrology :naughty:


The Air signs possess the virtue of knowledge. This does not mean they are more intelligent than anyone else but are generally well rounded and informed. They are good communicators. Most have a good grasp of the language and generally know a little something about everything - they can communicate well on any subject under discussion because they are so well read and learned. They have good personalities and are easy to get to know. The Air signs are what the philosophers called seers or priests. These are mentally inclined people. They actively acquire knowledge through experience, education and association. In ancient times, the only educated people were either priests, royalty or those who took it upon themselves to acquire knowledge (seers). The Air signs are curious, have initiative, are original, generally are well-disciplined and are quick thinkers. The Air signs have a mental nature and are keen witted. They rationalize by thinking things out rather than being influenced by emotional or physical factors. They enjoy any type of entertainment where they can use their intellectual capacity and their ability to think quickly and accurately often gives them the upper hand. The emotional nature of the Air signs is directed toward self appraisal. These people have a tendency to judge themselves very harshly. They have certain standards they set for themselves such as hygiene, the way they dress, education, job performance and family. The Fire signs anger is generally of the moment and soon after forgotten, the Air signs at their worst are mean. They carry a grudge, and like Fire signs, they are quick to express their opinion and are very opinionated. Libra is not as violent as Aquarius or Gemini. Aquarius is known to change their temper like a change in wind direction, they get extremely abusive and often violent, don't play with fire, as Aquarius can surprise anyone with their temper! Gemini and mind altering drugs such as alcohol just do not mix. The Air signs will not hesitate one moment to express their anger verbally, but physical violence is not a first choice during that anger (the exception being Aquarius & Gemini who will act in an instant).


(I'm a fire sign and I definitely hold a grudge, things are never forgotten if people hurt me :aah:)


Yeh ! like it!


The chinese new year is also great! are your a rat?

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Libra is not as violent as Aquarius or Gemini. Aquarius is known to change their temper like a change in wind direction, they get extremely abusive and often violent, don't play with fire, as Aquarius can surprise anyone with their temper! Gemini and mind altering drugs such as alcohol just do not mix. The Air signs will not hesitate one moment to express their anger verbally, but physical violence is not a first choice during that anger (the exception being Aquarius & Gemini who will act in an instant).


(I'm a fire sign and I definitely hold a grudge, things are never forgotten if people hurt me :aah:)


:lmao: Okay, I knew I had mood swings, but that's pushing it a little :roftl:

Okay sorry, will stop polluting this thread with off topic comments :pinkbow::teehee:

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He doesn't always tweet back to me either, and last I checked I'm a girl!




He seems to tweet back to Sylvana though :teehee:


*continues tweeting Ben cause he replies a lot more than Jimmy :shun:*



Edited by Sylvana
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seeing as Jimmy reads this, he might find this funny. It's a parody of GaGa's song and video Telephone...I thought it was hilarious...we both seem to have the same funny tastes...(:aah:) so I hope you enjoy it, Jimmy.



Tweet me and tell me what you think :teehee:

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I could ask the person that made this smiley *points down*



You made a smiley of yourself. That's amazing. :lol3:


:lmfao: Hilarious, I'd recognize him!

Thanks. :aah: I think the smile is the only thing I got right, haha!



I really like this idea. :fisch:


@ Iadoremika, he's using your 'emoticon' :roftl:

I just checked. That's so cool of him. :blush-anim-cl:


Done it already :naughty::wink2: (like a real fangurl :roftl:)

I hope he responds, because that would be a super awesome gift! Actually, he will respond. He will read this. He will read the tweets. He will find it in the kindness of his heart to answer. :pinkbow::biggrin2:


seeing as Jimmy reads this, he might find this funny. It's a parody of GaGa's song and video Telephone...I thought it was hilarious...we both seem to have the same funny tastes... so I hope you enjoy it, Jimmy.



Tweet me and tell me what you think

Why didn't you simply tweet it to him?

Edited by iadoremika
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Why didn't you simply tweet it to him?


Weeelll because at the moment he is currently offline, might forget to tweet it when he GETS online, and if I tweet it out now he might not see it when he gets online...but he stalks this place, so he probably will see it :naughty:

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Weeelll because at the moment he is currently offline, might forget to tweet it when he GETS online, and if I tweet it out now he might not see it when he gets online...but he stalks this place, so he probably will see it :naughty:

That makes sense, I suppose.

I sent that picture to him when he wasn't online, but he's seen it.

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That makes sense, I suppose.

I sent that picture to him when he wasn't online, but he's seen it.


Someone also posted a picture of a yellow smilie face with ginger hair and ginger facial hair here in this thread...and it became his profile picture on Twitter :aah:

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Someone also posted a picture of a yellow smilie face with ginger hair and ginger facial hair here in this thread...and it became his profile picture on Twitter :aah:

That was me, and that was the photo I was speaking of. I guess that's true as well. You win. :aah:

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