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Mika's new "kick-ass" single


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ditto! :aah: I've heard Mika ONCE on an OLDIES STATION! :lmfao:


I have a Native American Nose.. :bleh: it's large.. very large.

That's B.S I heard mika twice in 2 days of being in New York, and then Kira heard him again in New York.


I see you and Rain, we don't even have rain available to be played on the radio here, :naughty: "But we do have the remix of relax!" HOW CONVIENENT.

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That's B.S I heard mika twice in 2 days of being in New York, and then Kira heard him again in New York.


I see you and Rain, we don't even have rain available to be played on the radio here, :naughty: "But we do have the remix of relax!" HOW CONVIENENT.

I'm serious. :lol3: he gets played in the big cities.. but not here. :aah:


I heard WAG in the Shoe store though, :naughty: but.. it was a broadcast show in Atlanta. :pinkbow:

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Probably. :aah:


I don't even think I named all where I'm from. :teehee:


My Family came here in the late 1800's.. :aah:


:aah: Yeah, and mine came here in the 1600's!!!! XD

Every "USA" American is some sort of a mutt...unless everyone in your family is native american...but I like that we're so collectively full of so many other places :) I, myself, am Irish (mainly), German, and a little bit of Blackfoot Indian. It's an interesting mix I guess, but hey, I can cook potatoes like it's my job, and I can handle my liquor lol (tee hee jk)


But anyway....I really think this will be what breaks him through over here :) I'm jealous of you guys overseas b/c I don't get to hear him on the radio or see him much on tv :(

Yea, no one is 100% anything.

Me too! I wish I heard him on the radio!



Hahaha :naughty: I just created a Kick Ass mika flair, search for Kick Ass Mika in the flair directory on Facebook. XD For some reason it's not showing up for me but try searching for it under kick ass mika

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That's B.S I heard mika twice in 2 days of being in New York, and then Kira heard him again in New York.


I see you and Rain, we don't even have rain available to be played on the radio here, :naughty: "But we do have the remix of relax!" HOW CONVIENENT.



Where do you hear him in New York?!!

What kind of station was it?

Ugh, that's not fair. he's never anywhere in America. The only place I've heard him like out in public is Grace Kelly in like a few movies, and possibly Grace Kelly in stores.

God, I hate living here! I just need to get out.:sad:

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Where do you hear him in New York?!!

What kind of station was it?

Ugh, that's not fair. he's never anywhere in America. The only place I've heard him like out in public is Grace Kelly in like a few movies, and possibly Grace Kelly in stores.

God, I hate living here! I just need to get out.:sad:

In manhattan I heard I see you in an H&M and a rain in a restaurant... And I see you was on gossip girl. and love today in valentine's day... grace kelly in the ugly truth ....

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I've got behind on this thread and will read back tonight


I think Mika would like the idea of a band of muilticoloured fans wnating to spring to his defence- and like me, would love the way the person you quoted put it- though I agree that he doesn't need us to actually do anything


I've had a few "big birthdays" in my time- I'm 48 and certainly don't think I'm middle aged- but the only one that really got to me was 25. Because I don't agree with you! Being young isn't your defining characteristic like it was when you were a teenager


But I'm more aware of having plenty of time to do things now than when I was your age. Lets face it- it's 20 years now before I draw my pension. I don't think many people ever feel older than about 17.


Sounds like non-MFCers are gonna have the problem I had with the deeply cheesy Sclub7. Whenever one of their songs came on when I was out, I'd say "Oh, I like this what is it? Ah..... goodness, they're dreadful, though I must admit I like this current single... and their previous one, I guess... what? oh yeah, the one before that was pretty good too..."


I was being sarcastic with the whole old thing... though I must admit the whole idea if being mid-late twenties kinda worries me.


Seriously though, sometimes I feel like I've hardly achieved anything (mostly with work)... then again, I feel like I've achieved a lot in teh last year, especially in regards to my health...



And OG... I was fairly young when Sclub7 were around... I hated them then, and I don't think there's anything that would make me like them now! Admittedly, I hated 5ive for such a long time (cause they were a man band), but started liking them once their second album was released :blush-anim-cl:.


Mika's Kick-Ass is conquering the world:

Here are the latest statistics from the most popular Kick-Ass vid at 120,000 views so far:


#88 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Australia


Go Oz!!! :punk:


I can change the world




*imagines Mel C singing that* :teehee:


Oh man oh man. I have 3 years and a little over a month to enjoy my youth! What should I do? You on the other hand. :shocked: I don't know if we could be friends anymore since you're so old! We wouldn't be able to relate to each other at all! :wink2:


Def enjoy your youth while you have it *rubs knees and arm cause they ache*



Fine! :tears::shun:


This will probably get me in to trouble - but - the U.S.A. thinks it is the world.

Before anybody jumps all over me for that remark - I have American friends, I like America, I just get sick of the whole "We are everything" stuff.






She loves Mika. XD In fact 2/3 of my aunts are confirmed Mika fans! One became aware of him when her friends brought her to Australian Idol!!! I just found out about that yesterday! She saw him! (Can you tell I'm Jealous? She didn't even know who excactly he was till yesterday! XD)




Really??? What did she think of his performance?


*wishes she got to go to Oz Idol*

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No Italy? :aah: Seriously, this country fails at times...



I have good news for you Nezza!

When you click "Statistics and Data" on the MikaSoundsOfficial vid of Kick-Ass Italy & the U.K are the only blackened countries in the world indicating the highest popularity there.

Go Italy!


Kick Ass Mika!!


Edited by Kodes100
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I have good news for you Nezza!

When you click "Statistics and Data" on the MikaSoundsOfficial vid of Kick-Ass italy & the U.K are the only blackened countries in the world indicating the highest popularity there.

Go italy!


Kick Ass Mika!!



Seriously? :fangurl:


I love this country :naughty:

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No Italy? :aah: Seriously, this country fails at times...


Seriously? :fangurl:


I love this country :naughty:


Nezza you made me laugh out loud with your two very different reactions & expressions of dismay & affection to the news.



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Nezza you made me laugh out loud with your two very different reactions & expressions of dismay & affection to the news.






I've just seen the map on the official video, I'm really pleased it's that popular here, I didn't expect it!

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Here is the vid of last night's show in Dusseldolph Germany where they played Kick-Ass at the end of the show.

It starts at 5:19.

The vid is posted by Biekjuh.

The crowd is not leaving while Kick-Ass is playing.

It has been reported that Mika was peaking out from behind the curtain to see the crowd's reaction.




Go Mika!!


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Oh, he probably ran off the stage because he wasn't sure how the crowd would react. I think he gets a tad nervous when doing new stuff.



I can see him running quickly off of the stage then turning immediately around to peek out of the curtains to see their reaction.

Too kewl& funny Mika!!:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:


God love him!



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