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2013 - Festival Ronquières, Belgium - 04 August - REPORTS/VIDS/VIDS


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So, here's my report from last sunday.


I was at home waiting for Celien to pick me up and drive to the festival. I think it was about an hour's drive, more or less. And we arrived around 5pm i think.

I was quite surprised when i got there. I knew that the "plan incliné" was close to the festival. But i didn't expect the festival to be next to and under it.

Was a nice surprise.

First we went to say hi to some other fans and then started to walk around a bit. Got a bite to eat and after that i went to the main stage on my own, where i found Sonja, so i spent the rest of the evening with her waiting for Mika to come.


I think i was about 10th or 15th row, there were already a lot of people sitting and standing in the front. I didn't expect this either, thought it would be bit more like Les Ardentes where people still walked around and left the mainstage until about the next to last band/artist.


anyway, we had secured a good spot, in the middle. But then at a certain point some horrible girls came pushing. They came somewhere from behind and they pushed and pushed and they even got mad at us, saying we were pushing. But imo if you come from behind and try to get to the front while there's no room, then they're the ones pushing. And i'm sorry, but i can't stand people like that. I wonder how they'd like it if they were standing there for a couple of hours and other people start to push to the front and get in front of you..... don't think they'd like it themselves so why do it?

At a certain point i just had to leave that spot, cause otherwise i would've slapped that girl, reallly!


Ok, enough complaining.

Finally Mika came on. And he was just AMAZING! he talked a lot and he seemed in a very good mood. I think i can count this among one of the best performances i've seen. So full of energy again.

And i liked that he said he had to take lessons to learn how to whistle :teehee:

I can't whistle myself if my life depended on it lol (so Mister Mika you may always give me the name of that whistle teacher, cause people always laugh at me when i try to whistle :roftl:)

He talked about turning 30 too, and (my french isn't very good), but to me it sounded like he wasn't looking forward to the big 30 very much :teehee: (which i can understand, having turned 30 myself earlier this year, and i also didn't like it very much :aah:)


What else can i say,.... not much, it was just so great to see him again and i'm a bit sad, cause it was the last gig for me for a bit. Will soon get my Post depression gig i think when it properly hits me that i don't know when i'll see him again.


After Mika had finished (which was way too soon as always)

i just walked to the car with Navah who had decided, last minute, to also come to this one. And then off home with Celien, and her cousin and Joyce.


I took some pictures as well and will post some and the link to the album here later

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So, here's my report from last sunday.


I was at home waiting for Celien to pick me up and drive to the festival. I think it was about an hour's drive, more or less. And we arrived around 5pm i think.

I was quite surprised when i got there. I knew that the "plan incliné" was close to the festival. But i didn't expect the festival to be next to and under it.

Was a nice surprise.

First we went to say hi to some other fans and then started to walk around a bit. Got a bite to eat and after that i went to the main stage on my own, where i found Sonja, so i spent the rest of the evening with her waiting for Mika to come.


I think i was about 10th or 15th row, there were already a lot of people sitting and standing in the front. I didn't expect this either, thought it would be bit more like Les Ardentes where people still walked around and left the mainstage until about the next to last band/artist.


anyway, we had secured a good spot, in the middle. But then at a certain point some horrible girls came pushing. They came somewhere from behind and they pushed and pushed and they even got mad at us, saying we were pushing. But imo if you come from behind and try to get to the front while there's no room, then they're the ones pushing. And i'm sorry, but i can't stand people like that. I wonder how they'd like it if they were standing there for a couple of hours and other people start to push to the front and get in front of you..... don't think they'd like it themselves so why do it?

At a certain point i just had to leave that spot, cause otherwise i would've slapped that girl, reallly!


Ok, enough complaining.

Finally Mika came on. And he was just AMAZING! he talked a lot and he seemed in a very good mood. I think i can count this among one of the best performances i've seen. So full of energy again.

And i liked that he said he had to take lessons to learn how to whistle :teehee:

I can't whistle myself if my life depended on it lol (so Mister Mika you may always give me the name of that whistle teacher, cause people always laugh at me when i try to whistle :roftl:)

He talked about turning 30 too, and (my french isn't very good), but to me it sounded like he wasn't looking forward to the big 30 very much :teehee: (which i can understand, having turned 30 myself earlier this year, and i also didn't like it very much :aah:)


What else can i say,.... not much, it was just so great to see him again and i'm a bit sad, cause it was the last gig for me for a bit. Will soon get my Post depression gig i think when it properly hits me that i don't know when i'll see him again.


After Mika had finished (which was way too soon as always)

i just walked to the car with Navah who had decided, last minute, to also come to this one. And then off home with Celien, and her cousin and Joyce.


I took some pictures as well and will post some and the link to the album here later


Thanks for your report Ilse, I'm trying to find time to write one myself but it's not that easy :aah:


I'm sorry we didn't see each other much, I had to leave right after the gig.


Just 2 things about what I put in bold : Yes for me too it was one of the best gigs I've been to; and we are not the only ones to think that way!


And I can't whistle either and can you believe that on Saturday I was actually trying to and wondering if you could be taught how to whistle?? So we can take lessons together :teehee:

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Here's my report I arrived at 4 pm. Walked around said hallo to Camille and Bea. Had something to eat and drink. Later I met Ilse and she stayed with me. We had a good time untill the rude girls came along :aah: and the rest is told by Ilse. After I said goodbye to Ilse and Navah I waited for Mika (thank you Bea that you came for me). He came out sooner than in Liège so that was good. :thumb_yello: Than we went to the car it was a long way to go and it was very dark over there. We had to drive 1u30 and came home at 5 am. I was very tired but it was one of the best gigs I have seen from him.:wub2: just a perfect end of the 3 gigs for me this year I think.

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Thanks for the report, Ilse :thumb_yello: Your photos are very clear, so either you have a brilliant camera or you were nearer the front than you thought :naughty:


i have quite a good camera. it's like it keeps getting better, dunno :roftl:

at first i took pics and some were good others crap :roftl: and now when i want to take a pic i get like a little warning with an "!" to let me know the pic will be no good. Very handy, didn't get that in the beginning when i first used my camera... weird :roftl:

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i have quite a good camera. it's like it keeps getting better, dunno :roftl:

at first i took pics and some were good others crap :roftl: and now when i want to take a pic i get like a little warning with an "!" to let me know the pic will be no good. Very handy, didn't get that in the beginning when i first used my camera... weird :roftl:


:thumb_yello::blush-anim-cl: At a MIKA gig, it might be one of his cherubs, moving to your shoulder, giving you this warning - so you can have the best possible pics :naughty: Anyway - they are brilliant and lovely - thanks a lot for sharing!! :huglove:




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I'm not quite sure my report is necessary as other reports have been posted and the gig was live streamed but... I don't know I guess I like to reminisce gigs by writing a little something on MFC :blush-anim-cl:


I arrived at the festival at 1.30pm or so; I had no idea if I would have a good spot and if I'd find Mika fans I know, I just knew that Ilse wouldn't be there yet. Luckily I immediately found Stéphanie and Audrey (Minnie and Ayana62), or rather they found me :teehee: and they got me to the 2nd row a little on the left. It was great to be with you again girls :thumb_yello: It was the beginning of a perfect day. We were in the shadow during a large part of the afternoon which was pleasant considering the heat. I really enjoyed the other acts at this festival (compared to Les Ardentes), Pegasus and Saule were a nice discovery; and I got to see Olivia Ruiz live and I can say I enjoyed it. I was in the best mood for a Mika gig and then it was Mika's turn :biggrin2: He was precisely in the best of moods too!


This has to be one of my favourites, if not my favourite gig! So much energy, so much fun, a lot of eye contact, I was completely into it from the first second to the last. I know that the music is the most important at a gig but it really adds something when Mika starts talking, even if nonsense, about him :naughty: And well, it also shows that he is enjoying his time with us :wub2:


As soon as the gig was over I found myself with some tears in my eyes which is not usual (not right after the gig anyway), a mixture of feelings between the joy of being at this fantastic gig and knowing I don't have any other gigs to go to for a while :(


I couldn't wait for Mika afterwards but once again one of my fav gigs is one where I can't wait for him at the end, it's starting to be a habit :teehee: I like it to be honest it reassures me that the gig is what matters in the end.


I have some vids posted on Youtube, not very good as I couldn't stand still during a whole song!


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Thank you for all pics and videos! :)

I was at the festival too, but I didn't take any good pictures and I didn't see Mika after the festival :(


Thank too!:thumb_yello:

You have not lucky!!Me too I don't know take a good pictures(I'm a bad photographer):fisch:

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I know, I'm late but I can't go to a Mika gig without writing my little report after.


Haaaa Ronquières, THE festival :woot_jump:


I wanted to thank Isa for the VIP access, so useful for the toilets (clean and fresh throughout the day) and free drinks. :flowers2:

What a nice festival, great atmosphere!

I asked my friends Charlotte and Bea to help me to make the banner the evening before.

So here we are four to access the VIP opening. So four, alone, middle front row KIF TOTAL :dance_man:

We met friends to share the sunny day.

The day was so perfect! The concert itself was insane :aah: Mika was so happy and amazingly crazy!

unforgettable "leçon de sifflage" :fisch::fisch::fisch: and a lovely chatty Mika :wub2:

Ater the gig we were waiting for him at the outdoor of the backstage, it was great, I managed to give him the BD for his birthday (not knowing what would happen in Colmar).

I know, my report is short but I can not gather my thoughts ...


Here are some of my pics





















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Was listening to the audio of the gig, everything sounded so amazing!!

Loved the whistling lessons talk and the "vous me manquez" was really sweet:wub2:


thanks everyone for your pics and vids!

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