Kumazzz Posted December 2, 2019 Share Posted December 2, 2019 (edited) LIVORNO !! Setlist by @Perdchen Ice Cream Dear Jealousy Relax (Take It Easy) Origin of Love Platform Ballerinas Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) Tiny Love Underwater Paloma Domani (Tomorrow, Italian version) Elle Me Dit Lollipop Happy Ending Stardust Love Today We Are Golden Grace Kelly Tiny Love (Reprise) / Stay High ********** REPORTS ********** ********** PICS ********** ********** VIDEOS ********** ********** PRESS ********** Edited December 3, 2019 by Kumazzz updating Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 2, 2019 Author Share Posted December 2, 2019 In October, Mika came to Livorno. Here is the thread of the event. Mika in Livorno 17 October 2019 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 2, 2019 Author Share Posted December 2, 2019 il Tirreno Concerto e show teatrale Mika, artista poliedrico alla conquista di Livorno Lunedì al Modigliani Forum l’atteso concerto del cantante anglo-libanese: il mese scorso fece visita al nostro giornale e fu “direttore per un giorno” Un mese fa Mika è stato il direttore del “Tirreno” per un’ora, conquistando con la sua energia tutta la redazione centrale di Livorno e guadagnandosi il privilegio di ricevere una prima pagina speciale a lui dedicata. Lunedì sera il cantante britannico-libanese è pronto a conquistare tutto il PalaModigliani di Livorno per un concerto che promette di rimanere nella storia. D’altra parte non potrebbe essere altrimenti, conoscendo la verve e la genialità dell’artista che lo scorso 17 ottobre si è presentato nella centralissima piazza Grande, in compagnia del giovane chitarrista labronico Francesco Chirico, e ha inscenato un concerto a cielo aperto. Estro, intelligenza, personalità e grande carica sono i suoi assi nella manica che gli hanno permesso di vivere alla ribalta, rimanendo sulla cresta dell’onda, o meglio delle hit-parade, per oltre 10 anni senza mai passare di moda. «Venite a vivere due ore di intense emozioni e divertimento» è l’invito fatto ai migliaia di fan che non vedono l’ora di varcare i cancelli del palazzetto livornese. Un palazzetto che si sta riempiendo a gran velocità e che senza dubbi sarà un luna park di colori e movimento in un’atmosfera pop. Lunedì sera i cuori saranno tutti per Mika che, in un’epoca dominata dalla tecnologia e dall’immagine, ha deciso di tornare alla sostanza della musica con uno show che più che un concerto sarà un vero e proprio spettacolo teatrale. Dai tormentoni “Grace Kelly”, “Relax”, “Happy ending”, “Love today” e “We are golden” fino al recente “My Name is Michael Holbrook”, sesto album dell’artista uscito a ottobre e già nella top ten di 22 paesi, saranno due ore di adrenalina e magia. Il “Revelation Tour” infatti, è stato creato mescolando alla perfezione brani del presente e del passato ed è un tour che Mika ha curato nei minimi dettagli. È per questo che sta ricevendo un grandissimo successo ovunque, sia nei tanti palazzetti italiani che in quelli esteri, dove il cantante si sta esibendo in questi giorni. A stupire, tra l’altro, è anche la continua ricerca del contatto con il suo pubblico, una caratteristica che non tutti gli artisti hanno ma che di certo ti fa fare il salto di qualità. Aver cantato in mezzo a una piazza accompagnato da un chitarrista in erba ed essere venuto “a sorpresa” nella nostra redazione sono due esempi lampanti di quanto Michael Holbrook Penniman, questo il suo nome all’anagrafe, abbia bisogno del continuo contatto con le persone. Se poi si aggiunge che nelle sue canzoni, sempre molto ben ritmate e orecchiabili, si affrontano temi importanti e d’attualità, ci si accorge che Mika è un artista a 360 gradi. Ed è per questo che il suo pubblico lo ama e lo segue costantemente in ogni sua attività, che sia un concerto, una foto sui social o in qualche talent televisivo di successo. Adesso i fan sono pronti a ballare e cantare insieme a lui, lasciandosi trascinare dal ritmo della sua musica. Il concerto inizierà alle 21.30, ma le porte del PalaModì saranno aperte dalle 19. Tre settori dell’impianto livornese sono esauriti, rimangono disponibili ancora biglietti sia nel parterre in piedi che nelle tribune numerate. Prevendite su www.ticketone.it o ai punti vendita MediaWorld e ai punti vendita Coop, su www.vivaticket.it e sul www.ticketmaster.it. Il prezzo dei biglietti va dai 46 euro ai 64 euro. — Google translator Spoiler Concert and theatrical show Mika, versatile artist to conquer Livorno On Monday at the Modigliani Forum the expected concert by the Anglo-Lebanese singer: last month he visited our newspaper and was "director for a day" A month ago Mika was the director of the "Tyrrhenian" for an hour, conquering with his energy all the central editorial staff of Livorno and earning the privilege of receiving a special first page dedicated to him. On Monday evening the British-Lebanese singer is ready to conquer all of Livorno's Palacodigliani for a concert that promises to remain in history. On the other hand it could not be otherwise, knowing the verve and the genius of the artist who presented himself on 17th October in the central Piazza Grande, in the company of the young guitarist Francesco Chirico, and staged an open-air concert. His flair, intelligence, personality and great energy are his trump cards that have allowed him to live in the limelight, remaining on the crest of the wave, or rather the hit-parades, for over 10 years without ever going out of fashion. «Come and experience two hours of intense emotions and fun» is the invitation made to the thousands of fans who are looking forward to crossing the gates of the Livorno building. A building that is filling up at great speed and that without a doubt will be a funfair of colors and movement in a pop atmosphere. On Monday evening, hearts will all be for Mika who, in an age dominated by technology and image, has decided to return to the substance of music with a show that will be a real theatrical show rather than a concert. From the hits "Grace Kelly", "Relax", "Happy ending", "Love today" and "We are golden" to the recent "My Name is Michael Holbrook", the artist's sixth album released in October and already in the top ten of 22 countries, will be two hours of adrenaline and magic. In fact, the "Revelation Tour" was created by perfectly mixing past and present pieces and it is a tour that Mika has taken care of down to the smallest detail. This is why he is receiving great success everywhere, both in the many Italian and foreign arenas, where the singer is performing these days. To amaze, among other things, is also the continuous search for contact with his audience, a characteristic that not all artists have but that certainly makes you make the leap in quality. Having sung in the middle of a square accompanied by a budding guitarist and having come "by surprise" in our editorial office are two striking examples of how Michael Holbrook Penniman, this is his name in the registry, needs continuous contact with people. If we add that in his songs, always very well rhythmic and catchy, we deal with important and topical themes, we realize that Mika is an artist at 360 degrees. And that's why his audience loves him and follows him constantly in all his activities, be it a concert, a photo on social media or some successful TV talent. Now the fans are ready to dance and sing along with him, letting themselves be carried away by the rhythm of his music. The concert will begin at 9.30 pm, but the doors of the PalaModì will be open from 7 pm. Three sectors of the Livorno system are sold out, tickets are still available both in the standing parterre and in the numbered grandstands. Presales on www.ticketone.it or at MediaWorld points of sale and at Coop points of sale, on www.vivaticket.it and on www.ticketmaster.it. Ticket prices range from 46 euros to 64 euros. - Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 2, 2019 Author Share Posted December 2, 2019 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 2, 2019 Author Share Posted December 2, 2019 RELAX 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 3, 2019 Author Share Posted December 3, 2019 tg24.sky.it Mika in concerto a Livorno: info e scaletta Mika si esibirà al Modigliani Forum di Livorno: ecco tutte le info sugli orari, i biglietti e la scaletta del concerto Con il suo “Revelation tour” Mika sta presentando al pubblico il suo nuovo album “My Name Is Michael Holbrook” con le tante date nei palasport italiani. Il prossimo appuntamento in programma si terrà lunedì 2 dicembre al Modigliani Forum di Livorno. Di seguito tutte le info per arrivare preparati al concerto: orari, biglietti e la possibili scaletta del live. Mika a Livorno: tutte le info sul concerto Continuano le tappe italiane del “Revelation tour” di Mika, che ha preso il via lo scorso 10 novembre da Londra per poi arrivare nelle città di tutta Europa. La data di Livorno sarà la penultima occasione del 2019 per assistere allo show di Mika nel nostro Paese, dopodiché l’artista prederà il volo per Francia, Belgio e Lussemburgo, per poi tornare in Italia a inizio febbraio 2020. Il concerto di Livorno si terrà nella serata di lunedì 2 dicembre, nella cornice del Modigliani Forum. L’orario d’apertura delle porte è previsto per le 19:00, alle ore 20:30 ci sarà l’opening act di Wrongonyou e Mika salirà sul palco alle ore 21:30. I biglietti per assistere allo show sono ancora disponibili su circuito Ticketone, online e nei punti vendita autorizzati, ma alcuni settori hanno già registrato il tutto esaurito. I prezzi per i posti ancora disponibili sono i seguenti (diritti di prevendita inclusi): parterre in piedi 46 euro, primo anello numerato 64 euro, secondo anello centrale numerato 63 euro, secondo anello numerato 57 euro, terzo anello centrale numerato 48 euro, terzo anello non numerato 40 euro. Per i soci del programma Cartafreccia di Trenitalia è stata riservata un’esclusiva promozione: con l’offerta Revelation Train si avrà diritto all’acquisto di fino a due biglietti per i concerti del Revelation Tour di Mika ad un prezzo speciale di 34,50 euro per il parterre in piedi o di 51,75 euro per il primo anello centrale numerato (diritti di prevendita inclusi). I biglietti, in quanto soggetti alla nuova normativa, sono nominali. Il Modigliani Forum di trova in via Veterani dello Sport 8 a Livorno. La possibile scaletta del concerto Durante il “Revelation tour” Mika sta presentando al pubblico il suo nuovo album “My Name Is Michael Holbrook”, uscito il 4 ottobre 2019 per Polydor / Universal Music. Pertanto, in scaletta saranno sicuramente presenti molti brani contenuti in quest’ultimo disco, tra cui i singoli “Ice Cream”, “Tiny Love”, “Sanremo”, “Dear Jealousy”, “Tomorrow” e tanti altri. Aspettatevi ampio spazio anche per i grandi successi di Mika, hit che vi faranno cantare, ballare ed emozionare come “Relax (Take It Easy)”, “Happy Ending”, “Love Today”, “We Are Golden” e “Grace Kelly”. Di seguito, come linea guida, riportiamo la scaletta seguita dal cantante durante le precedenti date del “Revelation tour”; ricordiamo che le canzoni presentate al concerto di Livorno potrebbero subire delle variazioni in base alle scelte dell’artista. Google translator Spoiler Mika will perform at the Modigliani Forum in Livorno: here are all the info on schedules, tickets and the concert lineup With his "Revelation tour" Mika is presenting to the public his new album "My Name Is Michael Holbrook" with the many dates in Italian sports halls. The next scheduled appointment will be held on Monday 2 December at the Modigliani Forum in Livorno. Below all the info to get prepared for the concert: schedules, tickets and the possible schedule of the live. Mika in Livorno: all the info on the concert The Italian stages of the "Revelation tour" by Mika continue, which started on November 10th from London and then arrived in cities across Europe. The date of Livorno will be the penultimate occasion of 2019 to attend the Mika show in our country, after which the artist will fly the flight to France, Belgium and Luxembourg, and then return to Italy at the beginning of February 2020. The Livorno concert will be held on the evening of Monday 2 December, in the frame of the Modigliani Forum. The opening hours of the doors are scheduled for 7:00 pm, at 8:30 pm there will be the opening act of Wrongonyou and Mika will go on stage at 9:30 pm. Tickets to watch the show are still available on Ticketone circuit, online and in authorized stores, but some sectors have already sold out. Prices for seats still available are as follows (presale rights included): parterre standing 46 euros, first ring numbered 64 euros, second central ring numbered 63 euros, second ring numbered 57 euros, third central ring numbered 48 euros, third ring not numbered 40 euros. An exclusive promotion was reserved for members of the Cartafreccia Trenitalia program: with the Revelation Train offer, you will be entitled to purchase up to two tickets for Mika's Revelation Tour concerts at a special price of € 34.50 for the parterre standing or 51.75 euros for the first numbered central ring (presale rights included). Tickets, as subject to the new legislation, are nominal. The Modigliani Forum is located in Via Veterani dello Sport 8 in Livorno. The possible concert lineup During the "Revelation tour" Mika is presenting to the public his new album "My Name Is Michael Holbrook", released on October 4th 2019 for Polydor / Universal Music. Therefore, in the lineup there will surely be many songs on this last album, including the singles "Ice Cream", "Tiny Love", "Sanremo", "Dear Jealousy", "Tomorrow" and many others. Expect ample space also for the great successes of Mika, hits that will make you sing, dance and excite like "Relax (Take It Easy)", "Happy Ending", "Love Today", "We Are Golden" and "Grace Kelly" . Below, as a guideline, we report the lineup followed by the singer during the previous dates of the "Revelation tour"; we remind you that the songs presented at the Livorno concert could undergo variations based on the artist's choices. 2019.12.02_tg24.sky.it-Mika in concerto a Livorno.mp4 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mellody Posted December 3, 2019 Share Posted December 3, 2019 Going shirtless again (thanks @tiibet !) 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chriss-MikaFan Posted December 3, 2019 Share Posted December 3, 2019 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Perdchen Posted December 3, 2019 Share Posted December 3, 2019 Setlist: Ice Cream Dear Jealousy Relax (Take It Easy) Origin of Love Platform Ballerinas Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) Tiny Love Underwater Paloma Domani (Tomorrow, Italian version) Elle Me Dit Lollipop Happy Ending Stardust Love Today We Are Golden Grace Kelly Tiny Love (Reprise) / Stay High 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paoletta Posted December 3, 2019 Share Posted December 3, 2019 7 hours ago, mellody said: Going shirtless again (thanks @tiibet !) woooow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 3, 2019 Author Share Posted December 3, 2019 (edited) MIKA mikainstagram Grazie Livorno! The Revelation Tour is such a journey of emotions energy and colour. It’s the rare kind of show where every night something truly unique and different happens. Yesterday in Livorno was no different! Fantastic vibe. So we thought we would honour it with custom artwork. See you in a few hours in sold out Milan!! #Mika #RevelationTour #Livorno Original Photographs: @lucabrunetti_photo #lucabrunettiphotography Facebook Twitter Edited December 3, 2019 by Kumazzz adding a link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 3, 2019 Author Share Posted December 3, 2019 Livorno Today.it Mika, lo spogliarello al Modigliani Forum sulle note di "We are golden" fa impazzire i fan. Video Redazione 03 dicembre 2019 17:27 Si è presentato come Michael Holbrook, scaldando il pubblico con Ice Cream e Dear Jelousy, ha preso fiato con Relax, take it easy e quindi, più Mika che mai, ha infiammato il Modigliani Forum sulle note di Stardust, Lollipop, Good Guys e Happy Ending. Fino all'apoteosi di We are golden, quando la popstar libanese, protagonista lunedì 2 dicembre a Livorno in una delle tappe del Revelation Tour, è rimasto a torso nudo, in piedi su un pianoforte a coda rosa ricoperto di luci, cantando insieme al pubblico con una stella dorata sul petto. "Livorno, grazie di cuore" il saluto di Mika dopo lo spogliarello che ha mandato in delirio i fan più o meno giovani (video e foto instagram @mikagigs . Un concerto partecipato e condiviso anche sui social, dove si trovano centinaia di foto, stories e video della data livornese del 36enne ex giudice di X Factor. ORIGINAL by @tiibet https://www.instagram.com/p/B5lkJDUhrSh/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 3, 2019 Author Share Posted December 3, 2019 (edited) PRESS Rai News TGR Toscana https://www.rainews.it/tgr/toscana/video/2019/12/tos-livorno-palamodigliani-concerto-mika-0e16b0fd-2494-4acd-b1da-3bc69fdf09e5.html Mika infiamma il PalaModigliani Pubblico in delirio a Livorno per l'unica data toscana del nuovo tour della popstar anglo-libanese, ormai di casa in Italia. YouTube MP4 2019.12.03_PalaModigliani - Spettacolo - TGR Toscana.mp4 Edited December 3, 2019 by Kumazzz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 3, 2019 Author Share Posted December 3, 2019 PRESS il Tirreno Mika a Livorno, una magia di cuore e talento: così l'onda pop abraccia i fan Cristiana Grasso Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted December 3, 2019 Author Share Posted December 3, 2019 PRESS Llivornosera.it 3 Dicembre 2019 L'energia di Mika sul palco del Modigliani Forum - Livorno Sera Il cantante libanese ha presentato i brani più famosi LIVORNO – Ieri sera, 3 dicembre, il Modigliani Forum ha accolto i colori e l’energia senza freni di Mika. Il cantante libanese, vero nome Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr, che viene spesso a Livorno, aveva preannunciato il suo concerto con l’apparizione in piazza Grande di alcuni mesi fa. Ieri sera ha regalato ai tanti fan venuti da molte parti d’Italia uno spettacolo unico e indimenticabile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kumazzz Posted January 2, 2020 Author Share Posted January 2, 2020 Big Girl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chris_14 Posted January 4, 2020 Share Posted January 4, 2020 (edited) Hello! 😄 I am perfectly aware that it's already been a month from the gig. And that we already have the video of the whole concert recorded by Chriss-MikaFan (I can't thank her enough for this treasure). But since no one has written anything so far, I thought to give my contribution if anyone is still interested or for future knowledge (I have spent lot of time reading concert reviews in order to organize myself in the best possible way, thank you all!). Sorry for being so late. Well, now let's get started. Sorry in advance for the length, I am very bad at summarizing [The waiting] I went to the gig with my sister. We arrived in the morning between 11 and 11.30 am and got numbers 37 and 38. Compared to other dates I had read of, very few people decided to queue and we reached number 100 only towards 4 pm. It was only our second gig (not counting Sinfonia Pop in Florence) and the first time we queued almost the whole day, but it went well. We had a small break to have lunch in a bar nearby and then checked-in in our hotel (which was like 500 m far from the forum), went back to the venue, read a book, sat a little to rest, listened to the soundcheck and tried to catch a glimpse of the stage, had a small walk around to stretch our legs. We were so lucky that it had rained only very early in the morning, before we arrived, and then it was only very cloudy. At 4 pm, a group of very organized fans started to call people according to their numbers and we formed a proper line. Time during the following 3 hours seemed to be infinite, but we enjoyed a little chat with the two girls that were in front of us. I have to say that everyone behaved well: people kept arriving, stopping at the end of the queue and when the gates opened there was no crazy rush from behind. At least until I entered, I don't know what happened later. There were 2 ticket stops and security controls, where officers checked bags, and then we were in. First row (for the first time), at the right corner of the long part of the stage, perfect view. But I was a little worried: there were only few empty seats in the galleries, but the parterre kept remaining quite empty. I could see lot of space at the sides and thought that this might upset Mika, especially giving the fact that he had just shared the news about the sold out show in Milan on the following evening. [The gig] But I was wrong. The gig was simply pure magic. The stage set is incredible, the idea of the Big Bang and the colours is brilliant, the flying piano is breathtaking and Mika himself is beyond words. I am always in awe seeing him dancing, jumping, running and singing at the same time without almost rest as it were the easiest thing to do in life. And his smile and the joy in his eyes… I will never forget them. Some highlights of the night: Ice Cream: an elegant entrance and our "Livorno loves Mika" signs. Dear Jealousy: simply hypnotic Relax: There was an awkward moment. He was letting the audience singing the "Take it easy" part when at some point there was no answer at all. I also remained silent because from the way he had sung the last "Relax" I thought it was the end of the song and wanted to enjoy the moment, don't know what happened to the others but well… yes... complete silence was the result. Nothing to worry too much about. With a smirk, Mika remembered us that it was too early to go to bed and get to sleep, so we had to sing. And we sang again, each time louder until he was satisfied with the result. Origin of Love: I'm always in love with this song Platform Ballerinas: I am so happy he is performing it live during this tour and it is quite funny seeing Mika's little dance with Max after dragging him on the floor (Max is a saint). Big Girl: the talk about the mood changing according to the day of the week and his walk through the public (he passed very very close to us, we were separated by only another person). Tiny Love: so gentle and so powerful Underwater: the angels who only eat Philadelphia cream cheese (memories from his youth about a commercial) and the chorus from heaven and hell Paloma: simply touching, I was so happy when I discovered it had been included in the setlist. Domani: unfortunately (for me), he sang the entire song in Italian. In the end I kind of enjoyed those minutes as well, but I still miss hearing Tomorrow live. Elle Me Dit: crazy dancing and funny game with Mika as conductor of our hand movements. He also took a moment to thank some people he had invited to the gig, as they had helped him writing the album and facing all his family problems of the last year (I really hope the best for his mother). People who live in the nearby of the city and his own home in a little town near Florence (not so far from Livorno then). Lollipop: him lying on the piano and trying to play it from that position. At the end of the song a girl threw a handmade lollipop on stage and Mika played with it; and then he brought on stage the girl herself, who had dressed like the Lollipop Girl (everything handmade). They were very cute to see and I am so happy for her. Happy Ending and Stardust: Mika struggled quite a lot to keep the audience silent this time for the a capella ending of Happy Ending, and so he decided to take us by surprise and started to sing Stardust a capella as well. I am not a big fan of this song, so this unexpected turn was really welcomed. I could appreciate Mika's voice in all its beauty for a few minutes. During the chorus the public started to sing again, but very softly, creating a magic atmosphere. Love Today: really love this song and more crazy dancing We Are Golden: singing this song was like a cathartic experience, waving our golden stars in the air. This simple fan action resulted in something (for me totally) unexpected. Towards the end of the song Mika took one of the stars, got free of his shirt and placed the star right at the centre of his chest. I know that when he was younger, he ended up shirtless quite frequently, but it had not happened so often from the Heaven Tour on. So I interpreted it as an important non-premeditated act of liberation, and he must have enjoyed the feeling a lot because now it has become again a regular appointment in the following shows. Grand final: Grace Kelly is a funny party with all the balloons flying in the air, but I did not try to catch them as it would have distracted me from the song. The giant heart was a perfect ending, but I did not want to come back to reality, even if Mika had just made us promise to stay high. The gig ended at 11.30 pm. With a small group of about 15 people we waited at the exit for an hour, hoping to see him. At last Andy and two other women got into their car and picked Mika up at another exit. He didn't come to us but waved back and keep waving in the car driving away while we were saying thank you. After all this time, I still have not recovered. From time to time I have to force myself not to watch videos, otherwise I get caught up in them and stop doing anything else (and this can go on for days). Now I'm waiting (and hoping) for summer dates, as he said he will do some festivals, so that I can see him another time this year. Who knows if, after that, there will be another 3-year waiting XD But whatever happens, I really want to thank him for everything Edited January 5, 2020 by Chris_14 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silver Posted January 4, 2020 Share Posted January 4, 2020 A lovely review, to me these say more about concerts than the videos because they convey more about the atmosphere of the gig. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chris_14 Posted January 4, 2020 Share Posted January 4, 2020 Thank you! I had planned to write a review right after the gig as I enjoy reading all the stories that are shared on MFC. But I ended up being quite busy and spent my free time searching for photos and videos of that show and also of the following (and previous) ones. The fact that there was a gig almost every single day did not help 😂 Now after the Christmas holidays I finally managed to sit down during one afternoon, collect all the memories of that night and write them down in a way that makes sense. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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