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2024 - Mika @ Zénith Lille, France, 3 March - REPORTS / VIDS / PICS

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Hello! Does anyone have the full version of Moi Andy et Paris? Or preferably the moment where he explains what the song is about? I only found half of it🙈

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I uploaded my videos from Lille on YouTube. I was in front of the stage with a very good view.

Unfortunately my camera switched into slow mo during 3 songs: C'est la vie, Happy Ending and Love Today. :crybaby::crybaby:

So I cached up with them in Rouen. I will post links in Rouen thread when I finish the upload on YouTube.


Here are links to a few of my videos.

You can find all on my YouTube account:






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So I made a setlist according to my recording:




Apocalypse Calypso

Talk About You

Feels Like Fire


Relax  (I am not sure if it was exactly here as I didn't film it)


Jane Birkin

Moi Andy et Paris

Big Girl

Sweetie Banana (he had to restart the song because after Big Girl he was loosing breath)

Elle Me Dit (with a boy Vianney invited on the stage to dance)

30 secondes

Grace Kelly

C'est la vie

Happy Ending

Love Today

Any Other World

Origin Of Love

We Are Golden

(no encore)



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58 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

So I made a setlist according to my recording:




Apocalypse Calypso

Talk About You

Feels Like Fire


Relax  (I am not sure if it was exactly here as I didn't film it)


Jane Birkin

Moi Andy et Paris

Big Girl

Sweetie Banana (he had to restart the song because after Big Girl he was loosing breath)

Elle Me Dit (with a boy Vianney invited on the stage to dance)

30 secondes

Grace Kelly

C'est la vie

Happy Ending

Love Today

Any Other World

Origin Of Love

We Are Golden

(no encore)




Thanks a million for beautiful full version videos !!! :flowers2:

YouTube by @Anna Ko Kolkowska


  1. Intro Bougez
  2. Apocalypse Calypso
  3. Talk About You
  4. Feels Like Fire
  5. Underwater
  6. Relax
  7. Yo-Yo
  8. Jane Birkin
  9. Moi, Andy et Paris
  10. Big Girl
  11. Sweetie Banana
  12. Elle Me Dit with a fan on the stage (Vianney)
  13. 30 secondes
  14. Grace Kelly
  15. C'est la Vie
  16. Any Other World
  17. Origin Of Love
  18. We Are Golden
  19. Thank you and good bye


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Posted (edited)

Thanks a lot for sharing @mine Michele



La Voix du Nord

Jeudi 07 Mars 2024


Il a dansé sur scène avec Mika à Lille : << Le culot paie toujours >>


Depuis la fosse du Zénith de Lille, dimanche, Vianney, étudiant lillois, a brandi une pancarte << Invite-moi à danser ». Le chanteur l'a pris au mot.

Mika était sur la scène du Zénith de Lille le dimanche 3 mars.


Le temps d'une chanson, Vianney, étudiant lillois de 21 ans, a pu faire le show avec lui sur scène.

Mika était sur la scène du Zénith dimanche soir pour son Apocalypse Calypso tour. Un show électrique. bouillant et feel good qui a com- blé les 7 000 personnes pré- sentes. Mais un fan en particu- lier a passé une soirée mémo- rable. Alors que Mika s'apprêtait à chanter son tube Elle me dit, il s'est penché vers la fosse et a in- terpellé un jeune homme qui brandissait une pancarte «In- vite-moi à danser >>.

Un vœu réalisé par Mika. L'artiste l'a invité à monter sur scène le temps... qu'il se repose. Le chanteur s'est alors assis et le jeune homme l'a imité, mais Mika l'a défié:

« Tu as dit que tu voulais danser! Il faut assumer le message de ta pancarte ! Tu bouges, et les musiciens te suivent. Tu danses bien et ils te suivent. Tu danses très bien et la salle te sult. Et moi, je fais rien !»


"Je profite de la notoriété de ce tweet pour faire ma demande de recherche de stage..."


Il n'en fallait pas plus pour que le jeune fan se lance, acclamé par les 7 000 spectateurs du Zé- nith. Un moment forcément in- oubliable pour le jeune homme. «Merci du fond du cœur Mika. Le culot paie toujours. J'ai dansé avec
Mika devant un Zénith de Lille ar- chi complet! 7000 personnes !!», a-t-il écrit sur X (ex-Twitter).




Quarante-huit heures après ce moment unique, l'étudiant en communication à l'IAE de Lille savoure le succès que sa presta- tion lui a donné sur les réseaux sociaux et la vague de messages qui s'est ensuivie: «Je m'atten- dais tellement pas à cette vague de bienveillance»! Malin, il en a profité pour passer une petite annonce sur X: « Je profite de la notoriété de ce tweet pour faire ma demande de recherche de stage. Deux mois à partir de mai. Com- munication marketing événementiel dans la MEL.» Une certitude: le jeune homme qui a déjà un job étudiant au Zénith, sait créer sa chance!



Google translator



He danced on stage with Mika in Lille: << The nerve always pays >>

From the pit of the Zénith de Lille on Sunday, Vianney, a student from Lille, held up a sign “Invite me to dance”. The singer took him at his word.

Mika was on stage at the Zénith de Lille on Sunday March 3.


For the duration of a song, Vianney, a 21-year-old student from Lille, was able to do the show with him on stage.

Mika was on stage at the Zénith on Sunday evening for his Apocalypse Calypso tour. An electric show. hot and feel good which delighted the 7,000 people present. But one fan in particular had a memorable evening. As Mika was getting ready to sing his hit Elle me dit, he leaned towards the pit and called out to a young man who was holding up a sign “Invite me to dance”.

A wish granted by Mika. The artist invited him to come on stage while... he rested. The singer then sat down and the young man imitated him, but Mika challenged him:

“You said you wanted to dance!” You have to live up to the message on your sign! You move, and the musicians follow you. You dance well and they follow you. You dance very well and the room adores you. And I don’t do anything!”

"I'm taking advantage of the notoriety of this tweet to apply for an internship..."

It was enough for the young fan to launch himself, acclaimed by the 7,000 spectators at the Zénith. An inevitably unforgettable moment for the young man. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart Mika. Bold always pays off. I danced with
Mika in front of a fully sold-out Zénith de Lille! 7000 people!!,” he wrote on X (formerly Twitter).


Forty-eight hours after this unique moment, the communications student at the IAE in Lille savors the success that his performance gave him on social networks and the wave of messages that followed: “I I really wasn’t expecting this wave of benevolence”! Clever, he took the opportunity to place a small ad on X: “I am taking advantage of the notoriety of this tweet to apply for an internship. Two months from May. Event marketing communication in MEL.” One certainty: the young man who already has a student job at the Zénith knows how to create his luck!





Edited by Kumazzz
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03-02-2024 - L'APOCALYPSE CALYPSO TOUR de Mika au Zenith de Lille


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