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I'm sorry if you thought that! :(



No it's for anyone who wants to join the project!


When I created Mika-fan-art-group I said that someday we could send him a sort of collection...only our art-works to show him how much he and his music inspire us :)


I talked about italian girls because maybe I can need a help and is easier to see Martincy who lives not too far from me! :wink2:

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Eir and I were thinking of organizing something for Mika with our artwork! And of course it's not only for Italian people on the forum, we thought everybody in the fan art group could participate :thumb_yello:

We were thinking of making perhaps an album, another scrapbook sort of thing! We still have to gather ideas and decide how to do this, but considering there are so many talented people in here, we should be able to do a great project! Since Eir and I are both from Italy and should (hopefully) be going to Mika's Firenze gig in July, we thought we could give him the album there...or at least give it to someone who's going for sure! :biggrin2:

What do you think guys? Who'd like to participate?

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Eir and I were thinking of organizing something for Mika with our artwork! And of course it's not only for Italian people on the forum, we thought everybody in the fan art group could participate :thumb_yello:

We were thinking of making perhaps an album, another scrapbook sort of thing! We still have to gather ideas and decide how to do this, but considering there are so many talented people in here, we should be able to do a great project! Since Eir and I are both from Italy and should (hopefully) be going to Mika's Firenze gig in July, we thought we could give him the album there...or at least give it to someone who's going for sure! :biggrin2:

What do you think guys? Who'd like to participate?


I would! I have one pic I drew of Mika done and I'm planning on doing more after these big humungo tests. I'm soo in!!

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Okay I am in.But uhm....you really should find this whole thingy out.I think we could make a scrapbook kinda thing with the copies of our works.I am also going on a gig in august ...and we could give our e-amil or home adresses and those who would perticipate could send the thigns to us.Or to the italian girls.I live in Hungary..maybe thats cheaper to send them her.But I dunno if I can meet Him.

I dunno how can you make it it was just my idea.

A sckrapbook thingy with lil bio about ourselves and thats it.Of course with the drawings.And we should collect them somehow.maybe send them to you in Italy.But I dunno.Hard to find out.xx

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yes, I agree, we should open a thread...i just wanted to know if someone else wanted to join the project, otherwise it was unuseful to open another thread (we know, every thread is a cost for the forum :wink2: )


Ok, now I'm going to uni, but wait for news soon (at last tomorrow morning!)



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Mmm...we could edit the first post of this thread and put a list of the people who'd like to participate, just to see how many we are...how about that? And I guess that each one of us can submit more than one drawing (i've already made like 5 or 6:biggrin2: ), so even if we're not so many we can still full an album...

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I guess so! Actually, Eir was saying that some people could have some problems scanning their drawings, for instance hers would come out in bad quality...so, who wants can send via snail mail his artwork instead of emailing it.

I'll try to hear from Eir and as soon as possible we'll make an official thread with the list of people participating (don't worry Zsina-we'll put you in for sure:biggrin2: ) and the various "rules" to follow! :thumb_yello:

Anyway, so far we have:






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Hi! I'm at uni and I have a few minutes, but I came to see how the work is going on ^^


I think you can decide the way you prefer to send us your work maybe someone doesn't want to separate from his/her masterpiece and will choose e-mail... no problems :wink2:



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I guess so! Actually, Eir was saying that some people could have some problems scanning their drawings, for instance hers would come out in bad quality...so, who wants can send via snail mail his artwork instead of emailing it.

I'll try to hear from Eir and as soon as possible we'll make an official thread with the list of people participating (don't worry Zsina-we'll put you in for sure:biggrin2: ) and the various "rules" to follow! :thumb_yello:

Anyway, so far we have:







Ahahhh :D For sure? Okay then I just relax and take it easy.:biggrin2:


And mom will skan mines tomorrow..at least I hope so..but they will be ready by the time they must be...:mf_rosetinted:


Edit: And yeah Eir I dont wanna be separated from my masterpiece *Zsina blushing...*

Maybe I give then to Mika one day....but that day is far..coz now I am worried to even give them to mum.Yeah thats me.------ahh sorry.I cant help.

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Ahahhh :D For sure? Okay then I just relax and take it easy.:biggrin2:


And mom will skan mines tomorrow..at least I hope so..but they will be ready by the time they must be...:mf_rosetinted:


Edit: And yeah Eir I dont wanna be separated from my masterpiece *Zsina blushing...*

Maybe I give then to Mika one day....but that day is far..coz now I am worried to even give them to mum.Yeah thats me.------ahh sorry.I cant help.


Eh eh yeah, for sure :thumb_yello:

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Or maybe...I copy them for myself..but NO..I dunno I cant decide.Now I feel like a stupid teenie.Okay I shut up and concentrate on my tomorrow's history test! *frightened*


And think about this give-or not give thing later.....:)

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Hard decision! I'd send the original...it's risky, yeah...but you could still keep a copy for yourself of the original :thumb_yello:

And you're talented anyway: I'm sure you could do another drawing without any problems! :biggrin2:

It happened to me to, I had to do again the same drawing, and you know what? It came even better than the first one! :thumb_yello:

And good luck for the history test!

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My teacher took my drawing. She thought it was so nice so she decided to add a mark to it. I can't post it here before Monday. And my second drawing is so clotted.. Yeah, I've to squeeze it in a book :blink:


My teacher took one of my drawings too!!! I have this really cranky history teacher, and i mean he told me to put it away and i did for like 10 minutes... and then he took it and RIPPED IT IN HALF! It was really sad, cause it was one of my better ones too and i was excited about how good it was turning out. I was so furious/sad i went home and cried lol. Isn't that so mean though?! I mean i could understand if he took it and gave it back to me at the end of class cause my other teachers have done that before but to RIP it right in front of me?!?!? It's not like i don't keep up with my work! i have like a 98% in the class!!!!!


sorry i just kinda vented there a little bit lol!!

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Gee that's terrible...:shocked:

Teachers...and that particular one really isn't very sensitive about your creativity I guess...did you collect the pieces? You could still do a collage sort of thing and put it in the album...and tell Mika what happened to it! It would be artistic!:thumb_yello:

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Evil teachers! My teachers do't care, and they never have cared at all.. They were just like


"oh, she can draw as much as she wants, 'cos of course she will listen"

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My teacher took one of my drawings too!!! I have this really cranky history teacher, and i mean he told me to put it away and i did for like 10 minutes... and then he took it and RIPPED IT IN HALF! It was really sad, cause it was one of my better ones too and i was excited about how good it was turning out. I was so furious/sad i went home and cried lol. Isn't that so mean though?! I mean i could understand if he took it and gave it back to me at the end of class cause my other teachers have done that before but to RIP it right in front of me?!?!? It's not like i don't keep up with my work! i have like a 98% in the class!!!!!


sorry i just kinda vented there a little bit lol!!


That totally stinks! :thumbdown: I hate it when they're mean like that. :furious:


I know the feeling. :-( I had a mean teacher, too, an art teacher. Actually, none of my art teachers really liked me, now that I think about it. LOL. I guess they didn't see me as artistic, so they thought since I wasn't interested in art, I didn't care for it, but I do appreciate good art when I see it, even though I don't think I make good art. :bleh: I was never "creative" enough for them, either, whatever that means.


Although "good" art is still a subjective opinion, in a way. Oops, went off on a tangent.


Once, I was doing this drawing that was better than my others and then this guy jostled my elbow when he walked by me, the clutz and my pencil marked up half of it. He said, "Oh, sorry," smiling and I just looked at him and back at my drawing in horror, :shocked: because there was no way to salvage it. And my heart was swelling with happiness because it was that much better than my usual drawings. :tears:


I was so ticked off, that I never drew during a class/lesson ever again seriously. Even today, it makes my head throb with anger to remember.


There was really no need to rip your drawing. Geez. Like you wrote, he could have kept it and given it back at the end of class. He was probably having a hard day and angry for some other reason, but took it out on you. I would report the bastard.

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Evil teachers! My teachers do't care, and they never have cared at all.. They were just like


"oh, she can draw as much as she wants, 'cos of course she will listen"


Ooo, but you're lucky in a way because you can draw as much as you like, right? :thumb_yello:

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back to the art lol, i colored one of my pictures and it looks soooooo much different and better from the original i wanted to post it


Here's the whole picture




A close up that i think turned out a little better




and my Lollipop Girl!!





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Oh its off topic but LoveLoveMika I love your ava!where did you find the original pic?


And I am scared.I'll never show my drawings to my teachers..or maybe I wont even bring them to school to show them!No way.What if the same thing happens to me too?Terrible!I am so sorry for you!

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