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Sivan last won the day on February 16 2022

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About Sivan

  • Birthday 04/14/1980


  • Bio
    I'm Stuck in the middle

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    Los Angeles, USA
  • Occupation
    Graphic Designer And Lollipop Girl When Needed ;)

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  1. I have 2 tickets to Carcassonne as well. Right side, row 3 or 4... I need to check. Carre d'or 😁
  2. Yes that was nice. It wasn't super smooth but at least the sound was.
  3. Totally exhausted but was worth it ❤️ Sorry if it was too long!
  4. ok Got home late yesterday! I AM TIRED!!! So I didn't think this would happen because so many detailed had to be figured out for it to work the day before the gig. I looked for a cheaper ticket for few days. I Realized I wont find one for less than $300 so I talked to one guy who was selling the day before the concert. He said he got 4 wristbands. I asked him if it's ok that I give him a final answer in the morning because I had to figure out what to do with my mini mika (5 year old daughter). He said sure. All night I hardly slept trying to think how I can make this happen because I had to take mini mika to my parents first (who are not on the way), get the ticket from the guy and then drive almost 3 hours to Coachella to be there on time for Mika's set at 3:40pm. Note: I also talked to @Prisca before deciding because she was camping there and I had no place to stay. She agreed we stay together so THANK YOU for doing this or else this would have NOT happened. The other issue was parking! they wont let you park after 2am in the free parking so that was an issue. and then prisca said "Hey! I actually got a parking pass for overnight which I didn't ask for!" so that was just PERFECT!!! because no way i could pay $800 for a hotel in the area. When I got up I still had no idea if it would happen but I started packing my stuff and mini mika stuff so she could stay the night with my parents as if IT WOULD happen. At 9am i contacted the guy and he said he still got the ticket. I asked him if he could drop it off at my place cause it would save me time (or otherwise i might not make it to see MIKA). he agreed! and was here a little before 10am! I finished packing us and left at 10am! we drove to my parents, dropped her off, put gas and started driving to Coachella! it was 2 hours and 45 min more. The whole way I talked to clients about work, and @holdingyourdrink @Prisca @Hero ..... entertained me with silly messages On the way there was a LOT of constructions on the road and I was driving on the left lane. suddenly the road split to 2...I kept going on the left and the ones on the right lane went to the right. Then I keep driving pretty fast and I see EVERYONE on the right lane STUCK in a HUGE TRAFFIC JAM!!! I was soooooooooo lucky to be on the left side or I would NOT be on time for MIKA. I finally arrived I believe at about 2:30pm and had to find prisca at this GIGANTIC place!. somehow we managed to find eacht oher. she got into the car and we tried finding the camping parking! we did pretty quickly (so thankful for the organizing of the festival and the nice people working there. everyone were in a good mood). we parked and started walking/running towards the entrance! I scanned the wristband and HALLUYA! it worked!!! (I was worried I bought something fake). We found the stage and were able to find a spot on the right side about 5 rows back. The stage is pretty far even if you are at the front row but I knew that. Many people came to see MIKA and were excited before the gig. I asked few if they came for MIKA and they said YES and we all high fived and everything Mika came on stage with LOLLIPOP with the beautiful light blue suit. The whole concert was just perfect and really fun. It was the combination of MIKA, the sun and the good mood and smiles of everyone around. He sang Lollipop, Origin of Love, Relax, Big Girl, Popular, Love today and We are Golden (hope I didn't forget any). When it ended we met up with @tiibet that arrived way earlier than me. Nina and Prisca, Thank you for hanging out with me! it wouldn't have been the same without you and probably wouldn't have happened if you girls didn't go as well *hugs*. After the gig I hoped to somehow be able to say hi to Mika but we didn't really try to look around for a backstage area or anything. I imagined it wouldn't be as easy in a huge place like that. I have to admit, not being able to really have a quick chat with him this whole tour kind of disappointed me (I guess I got spoiled throughout these last 15 years I guess). I'm happy I was able to do it again. I saw Mika there exactly 15 years ago so it was a nice way to celebrate this anniversary That is it for the MIKA part. Later at 11:30pm we saw Harry styles and now I'm going to write a review on his fan club page (kidding lol). But he was great! we went to sleep in the tent after, SUPER tired! and I basically froze most of the night cause I forgot to bring a sleeping bag DOH! Prisca was nice enough to cover us both with hers. This was Definitely an adventure The next day we walked around, had breakfast and lunch and I left around 2pm I think. Drove another 3 hours, picked up mini mika and went home. I need a month of doing nothing after all of these MIKA shenanigans!!! (Boston, NY, SF and Coachella....WHAT???). OH! and the crazy thing... before leavoing the festival I thought I should try sell my wristband because it would go to waste for saturday and sunday. I put a message on facebook and got about 200 messages!!! I sold it and basically got all the money back for the ticket!!! isnt that awesome?!?!
  5. https://www.instagram.com/tv/Ccnpx4gA3SP/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= The new song ❤️❤️❤️
  6. Hopefully he doesn't blow my mind too much tonight so I can remember to do that . Street SF mana and I had to sit down with our faces like this 😲
  7. Happy Birthday


    Lindy Smith's Art Nouveau Flower Cupcake and Cookie Stencil (LC202) :  Amazon.co.uk: Home & Kitchen

    1. Anna Ko Kolkowska

      Anna Ko Kolkowska

      Happy Birthday girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :yay::yay::yay:



    2. Sivan


      Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  8. Yeah I wish he did more of new songs.... But I will enjoy these again in sure. I guess I saw him too many times 🤪
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