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REPORTS/VIDEOS/PHOTOS for MIKA Hong Kong, HITEC Star Hall Nov 26 2009

Blue Sky

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OK, go for it here! Keep chatter to a minimum till we get all the reports going.

I have copied and pasted some links from the other thread.


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Copied from the HK thread

hey i'm back!!!!!!!!!! can't express myself now!!!!!!

gig's absolutely brilliant!!!! i do think Hong Kong crowds are crazy!!!!!


am uploading the pics but juz gotta say sth first!!!!!!









i think Japanese fans can do the boy a favour!!!!!!! in fact i should mention it yesterday, coz when we met him at the airport, Space (MFCer) handed him a Snoozer mag for autograph. he saw the mag and his face lit up, despite how exhausted he was last nite!!!!! and then he asked her how she got the mag, and we juz said we bought it from HMV JP on the Internet. and i asked (YES! I ASKED HIM!!) "You don't hv one?" "Yes, I don't" *shook head* and he turned the mag and wanted to look at the pics (u all know how amazing the pics are!) but as long as he started flipping, a guy stopped him and told him it's time to go. so he FAILED to find out himself:aah:


When i got home last nite several MFCers and I juz discussed this and we were wondering if we should give our copies to him!! but i looked at the pics inside again and again..... finally we retreated! can't bear losing this wonderful mika photo album u know:naughty:


today aft the gig we met him at the carpark and this time, it's me who handed over the mag to him, not for giving, but for signing:teehee: so once again, his face lit up!!!!!!!!!! he signed on the cover WITH MY NAME ON IT (ohmygosh!) and i showed him the pics. he smiled smiled smiled..... when he was reading, i said, "you should ask your management to help get u one!" he then turned around and when he saw John at the back, he moved a bit towards him...... but then the crowd/security guards thought he's leaving i guess? so it's a bit chaotic and he didn't go for John finally. when he finished, he juz closed the book, again, VERY BIG SMILE and turned to me, "Amazing. Thank you very much." actually he looked into my eyes and i hv to confess i did melt... i juz smiled and nodded:blush-anim-cl:


so, can JP MFCers try to get him a copy of Snoozer??? he so wants it!!!!!! though i rmb on the hmv website it's sold out (that's why i didn't gv mine to him)







Mrs Penniman came to ask for 4 big girls for the gig! i think this'd also happen in Seoul and Tokyo? get prepared ppl!!!







GET MORE PREPARED!!!!! andy was here and when we were queuing, i juz saw him and yelled, "Hi! Andy?" he then approached us and started filmming us:teehee: well, i actually spoke in front of his camera in a totally silly way. haha i asked if there's gonna be some vblogs coz we reli miss them. he said yes and there would be one video blog for EVERY ASIAN COUNTRY!!!!!! acoording to him, it's coz they filmed Europe and the US a lot, so it's time for Asia now:thumb_yello:






there were lion dancing when he's singing Love Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 lions actually... and in the end of the song he was embraced by these 2 lions, i didn't take a pic of that shot but i juz found it beautiful!!:wub2:



one pic for the moment only, sori!! (i've tweeted this to Jimmy!)





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the two cardboards done by suisuimeko!! ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!!! esp. the WAG one, i luv it very much:wub2: gd job girl!!








okay, during queuing, one needs to find sth to do:teehee:















and then i found that i've taken very few pics during the gig. no time for me to do so u know that:wub2: but i knew the lions would be sth different from before!!!
















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More. I am off now, so please report here everyone


Just a 1:07 minute vid the end of Mika's Hong Kong show.

The audience is electrified!





Thank hungxjai for the vid.:thumb_yello:

Kudos Mika!


Mika at HITEC Star Hall 5000 capacity theatre in Hong Kong totally enthralling the crowd:


Blue Eyes posted by jungxjai.


Kudos Mika!

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hey ppl! sori i got to be fast coz i'm gonna hv my exam in the afternoon, which i'd entirely abandoned coz of mika. but it so worths it!!:wub2:


today every HK newspaper talks abt his visit to the KGV school!!!!!!!

i can't wait to get all of them!!!!!!


wondering if any of u can read chinese??!!!:blink:

will do the translation later if no!!



MIKA踩入名校 1000學生狂喜追星



英國人氣唱作歌手 MIKA昨日現身何文田英皇佐治五世學校,出席非一般的記者會兼為該校以他命名的藝術展主持開幕及頒獎儀式。原本近 1,000名學生乖乖坐在學校大球場上等見偶像, MIKA更即興舉行戶外個唱高歌一曲,可惜記者會後在場學生群起追星,令校園一度陷入瘋狂狀態。


昨晚在九龍灣 Star Hall舉行個唱的 MIKA,昨午到何文田英皇佐治五世學校舉行非一般的記者會。學校為安全計,記招前 1小時已安排全校近 1,000名學生停課,齊齊坐在足球場內等見偶像,不少學生更義務為到場傳媒帶路,非常有秩序。




完成電子媒體訪問後才到場的 MIKA,比原定時間遲了半個小時才抵達校園,他一見學生為他製作的巨型壁畫即露出驚訝表情,又友善地不停跟在場學生代表握手寒暄,並邀請學生與他一起為壁畫作最後上色,他在畫上寫道:「 I AM NOT WHAT YOU THINK I AM. I AM MADE OF GOLD.(意譯:我不是像你們所想的我。我是由金製造的。)」

因時間倉卒, MIKA未完成在壁畫上簽名的步驟,已被唱片公司人員要求步出足球場出席記者會。他一踏上台,在場近 1,000名男女學生即不停高呼 MIKA名字。台側一名自彈自唱演繹 MIKA歌曲的男學生,也深深打動了這位國際流行樂壇新貴, MIKA更當眾大讚該名學生說:「他真的很精采、很美妙,能夠在這麼多人前唱歌很勇敢。」



MIKA昨日除接受新碟《 The Boy Who Knew Too Much》的金唱片外,還負責頒獎給海報設計及影片創作比賽的優勝學生,當他見影片創作比賽的得獎女學生,不是跟海報設計得獎者一樣獲得其演唱會門票作禮物後,即時要求工作人員送兩張門票給她。之後三名創作壁畫的學生代表上台,其中包括一名全身曾遭嚴重燒傷的女學生, MIKA除逐一向他們擁抱問好外,又承諾有份創作壁畫的 20多名學生每人均會獲贈兩張個唱門票。

MIKA的歌曲打動不少年輕歌迷,他昨日在台上分享成長經歷時說:「小時候我也有過被忽視的不快樂日子,我便投入學習音樂,當不快樂時,只要想想自己有甚麼專長,或許可以令自己忘記不快樂。大家也不要介意被視為怪人,當你長大便會變回正常人。 Have fun! Be naughty!」頓時引來全場尖叫。

因場內學生又不停要求 MIKA唱歌,盛情難卻的他即席彈電子琴獻唱代表作《 Grace Kelly》,坐在草地上的學生齊齊揮手大合唱,校園猶如戶外演唱會, MIKA還對學生說:「如果這裏是我童年時的學校就好了。」




記者會完結後, MIKA在工作人員護送下返回學院門外為壁畫簽名,又與學生合照簽名,瞬即惹來大群學生蜂擁而上,場面大混亂,不過 MIKA上車途中仍滿面笑容地為學生簽名。雖然混亂中沒有學生跌倒受傷,但有學生忘形追星時差點被校巴撞倒,險象環生。

採訪:張一明 攝影:林德雄




MIKA昨日現身的英皇佐治五世學校,正在舉行以 MIKA命名的藝術展,現場展出了唱片公司與該校合辦的「 MIKA in Hong Kong2009海報設計比賽」及「 We Are Golden My Bedroom影片創作比賽」的參賽及得獎作品,學院牆上更繪上一幅 10呎乘 40呎的巨型壁畫,壁畫是由 20多名來自 Media Advanced Diploma的學生集體創作,他們的背景跟曾患讀寫語言阻礙症的 MIKA十分相似,各人分別患有不同疾病。

















wow actually hvn't checked out anything abt the scl visit yet!

so it's a press conference and then he presented awards to the students?

and he sang GK under the pressure of those kids, how sweet!:biggrin2:

and he gave out tix for last nite's show to all the awardees!!


according to the article, he was late for half an hour "coz of interviews done for other media" great! so, hopefully we can come up with more interviews today!!!!! :thumb_yello:



there are brilliant BIG pics of mika on this website from which i copied this news!!! but i failed to get the big version, maybe someone can help??? haha thanks a lot!!









thanks Droopsy!!!:mf_lustslow:





u scroll down and would find small images on the left hand side of those weird chinese characters!!! can't u?? :blink:

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【明報專訊】人氣英國 歌手Mika來港開個唱期間,昨日趁空檔出席何文田 的校園活動,他以一身潮氣打扮,為創作比賽擔任頒獎嘉賓,Mika見到學生們畫有一副以他為題的巨型壁畫,驚喜得目定口呆,續於壁畫上加入創作和簽名留念。






席間有學生自彈自唱歡迎Mika,他聽到音樂即唱歌癮大作,即場自彈自唱《Grace Kelly》與眾互動,與現場數百學生打成一片,掀動現場情緒高漲,他離開學校前被學生包圍索取簽名和合照,Mika來者不拒,態度親切。















(ohmygoodness! i luv this one!!!)






(星島日報 報道)英國 人氣歌手Mika昨晚在港舉行演唱會,昨午他到何文田 某學校出席藝術展及頒獎嘉賓。Mika與學生在壁畫上色,更鼓勵該校一些有障礙的學生,「我小時也有讀寫障礙,但只要想想自己有哪方面專才,從而繼續發揮,有經歷便不需要介意自己的不同,每個人可以有不同出路。」他亦說來到香港及該校很開心。全場過百學生一起歡呼及邀請Mika高歌,他即獻唱《Grace Kelly》,在離開時,學生們一擁而上索取簽名及拍照。








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didn't notice the new thread haha! :)


I don't really have a report - everything has been said already :D Plus I couldn't stay after the gig so my report would be useless :P


THE SHOW WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING ;___; I'm going to miss Mika so much D: and hopefully he comes back soon?


I have some really REALLY bad quality photos that I'll upload soon (they were taken with a...3 megapixel camera...don't know why I have such a bad camera in the first place :blink: ) and uh yeah. :)


EDIT: and congratulations to everyone who met Mika at the carpark/airport :wub2: hopefully we'll be able to say bye to him today when he leaves? D: If only he would tweet some clues D:

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Wow! Love those trousers! :mf_lustslow:


He looks SO MUCH BETTER in slightly baggier clothes. They balance out his proportions better, making him look less leggy. :teehee:




Cute pic! Do we know more about what is exactly is going on in this pic?


hey i'm back!!!!!!!!!! can't express myself now!!!!!!

gig's absolutely brilliant!!!! i do think Hong Kong crowds are crazy!!!!!


good thanks huikings' report!!!

u know what i'm still in a hyper mood 'til now!!!!!!



Thanks so much for your reports and pics! So lovely to see Mika coming back to your part of the world. And those lions were amazing! :wub2:

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He looks SO MUCH BETTER in slightly baggier clothes. They balance out his proportions better, making him look less leggy. :teehee:


haha maybe it's just because I'm a teenager which makes me inclined to love skinnyjeans but


I beg to differ D:!!


Leggy is good. :blush-anim-cl:

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i love his hair in those, looks so soft! :wub2: (bluesky, you forgot to transfer the post with those pix into the new thread... :fisch::biggrin2:)


I love him in instants!!!!!

beautiful (:

sadly just got few clear pics. the others are unluckily taken badly. he was a small corner /_\

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didn't notice the new thread haha! :)


I don't really have a report - everything has been said already :D Plus I couldn't stay after the gig so my report would be useless :P


THE SHOW WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING ;___; I'm going to miss Mika so much D: and hopefully he comes back soon?


I have some really REALLY bad quality photos that I'll upload soon (they were taken with a...3 megapixel camera...don't know why I have such a bad camera in the first place :blink: ) and uh yeah. :)


EDIT: and congratulations to everyone who met Mika at the carpark/airport :wub2: hopefully we'll be able to say bye to him today when he leaves? D: If only he would tweet some clues D:



i do think that no one can actually summarise the gig by words, utterly amazing it is! and i'm so glad that all of us were at the front row!!!! thank you so much girls i luv u:wub2:


we can only guess the flight by chance. but anyway, i'm satisfied already. i mean, yes, i know mika will be my forever luv and he's my life now:mf_rosetinted:




Cute pic! Do we know more about what is exactly is going on in this pic?



the KGV students who did those artworks hv different illnesses. some of them are juz dyslexic like mika. and in this pic, the girl was seriously injured in a fire before and he was giving her a hug:thumb_yello:








haha maybe it's just because I'm a teenager which makes me inclined to love skinnyjeans but


I beg to differ D:!!


Leggy is good. :blush-anim-cl:




i prefer skinny as well:teehee:

but no, oily, i dun think it's a matter of ages!!! LOL



and sui, plz copy ur report over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think italics are not reader-frdly enough :naughty:

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thanks Droopsy!!!:mf_lustslow:





u scroll down and would find small images on the left hand side of those weird chinese characters!!! can't u?? :blink:


No, :dunno: this is what I get:


And I can't click on anything, except on the pic :dunno:


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I love him in instants!!!!!

beautiful (:

sadly just got few clear pics. the others are unluckily taken badly. he was a small corner /_\


but those pics are just AWESOME :shocked:

thanks for the pics *o*


how i love the instant cameras :aah:

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PHotobucket is being an idiot and not letting me upload my pictures! :( Not that they're very good but oh well D:


Only one for now:




Sorry for the bad quality :(


EDIT: Woah, okay, that is...big. O_O I didn't realize how big it was. Sorry. D:


oooh,i want one of those lions, they're so cute and fluffy, and colourful and glittery - but especially fluffy!! :fangurl::wub2::biggrin2:

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