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Everything posted by FairyFeller

  1. I've been thinking that I would feature an album in here every week or so thats had a major impact or is highly popular in the classic rock fandom. So to start things off: Album of the Week: Bat Out of Hell - Meat Loaf Even though no one has ever taken Meat Loaf seriously, I think he's great. The album, for those who don't know, is one of the few albums which is in the style of Wagnerian Rock, which was invented by Meat Loaf's songwriter Jim Steinman. Its basically a really intricate, operatic style of rock, but at the same time, its witty, and Meat Loaf has an awesomely powerful voice which fits the songs perfectly. I'd say that even though no one takes Meat Loaf seriously, it doesn't really matter, because Bat Out of Hell has sold 30-some million copies, and is one of the biggest selling albums ever. So if you haven't heard this album, I'd highly recommend it.
  2. Gah! Patrick Wolf! Yessssssssss! To be honest, I don't even remember how I found out about him, but I know somehow I stumbled onto his wikipedia page awhile back and saw that he had two albums out and a new one on the way, so I got Wind in the Wires, which I think is simply amazing. Then I got The Magic Position when it came out, and I love it too. I think my favorite songs of his would have to be Tristan, The Libertine, Overture, and Magpie.
  3. Ah, I love My Chem! I was one of the main people in the MCR thread over at The Killers' website, until the administrator over there closed it I love Three Cheers and The Black Parade, and Bullets too. I think that out of all the hugely popular new-ish bands in America, they're one of the better ones.
  4. I've added Phish to the artist list, and Phunkygal to the member list. So which classic rock artists has everyone seen live? I plan on seeing Queen + Paul Rodgers the next time they tour, and Whitesnake as well, but I haven't had the experience of seeing any of the others on the list.
  5. Yeah, basically all of Sheer Heart Attack is brilliant. I also love pretty much all of Queen I & II. The March of the Black Queen and My Fairy King are some of the most amazing songs I've ever heard.
  6. Yeah, Sheer Heart Attack is one of my favorites. It has that really great neo-classical feel to it, especially Brighton Rock. I also really like both In The Lap of the Gods songs and She Makes Me (Stormtrooper in Stilettos)
  7. Aw, well there's always itunes, they have all of Queen's albums if you just can't find the Miracle or SHA anywhere. But if you're the kind of person (like me) who prefers having the actual CD, then Amazon.com is your best friend. I got Innuendo, News of the World, Sheer Heart Attack, and Queen II from them.
  8. I just discovered Queen this past November, so I was 17 then. Its somewhat blurry as to what made me look into them, but I think I may have run across the Bohemian Rhapsody video on youtube...then I bought Greatest Hits I, then A Night At The Opera...after that, I just kept getting more and more into them. Now I have all the albums except for A Kind of Magic, which I actually deleted myself because (I hate to say it) its awful except for a few songs.
  9. I know. I'll probably buy the new Q + PR album thats due out sometime in the near future, but its just not the same. I think its sort of like the new Van Halen tour which I see as a joke...Eddie's kid on bass?
  10. Added. I wish I was around in the 70's...man, to have been able to see bands like Led Zeppelin live. *crosses fingers that the Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones reunion tour will happen*
  11. I've added you to the list. So what's your favorite classic rock band/artist?
  12. The idea of using theatrics on the level that they do is unique among bands their age, but they're not that great. To be honest, I'm tired of bands like P!ATD and Fall Out Boy being constantly on tv and radio. But still, everyone has their own music choices.
  13. I've added the band Scorpions to the list, because today I heard their new song called Humanity on the radio, and I have to say, its stunning. And they're classic rock in the truest sense of the term, since they were founded way back in 1965. Here's a live performance of Humanity for those who are interested. Their newest album was released in the Europe awhile ago, and is due out in the US at the end of this month.
  14. Speaking of cool new Queen stuff, has anyone seen this? I believe its already out in the UK, and is due to be released in the US in the fall http://www.amazon.com/Classic-Queen-Mick-Rock/dp/1402751923 There was another deluxe version thats been out for some time, but it cost several hundred dollars, so its good to see this new edition is a lot cheaper. This is the deluxe edition. (I'm pretty sure its the same book; both are by Mick Rock, the deluxe is Killer Queen, and this newer one is Classic Queen) http://www.shop.queenonline.com/mall/productpage.cfm/qen/500181/52114
  15. I've added andi and crina to the member list in the first post, so you guys can check there for your numbers. I also added Rainbow, Queenie (how could I forget them? Ritchie Blackmore, Ronnie James Dio, and Cozy Powell in one band?! ) Journey is already in there, andi And yes, Whitesnake would be classic rock, in fact moreso than some others, since it was originally founded in the 1977. Its just that David Coverdale really didn't push for it to be a huge success worldwide until the late 80's
  16. Yup, David Coverdale sang in Deep Purple after Ian Gillan quit. I loooove his voice. Its so powerful and bluesy. Everyone always likes to call David Coverdale a second-rate Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), but in vocal battle in the present? Plant would get crushed, since Plant's voice has sucked since the early 70's.
  17. I've updated the first post with the last two people that posted, and I added Marillion to the list, after looking them up on google and getting some background info on them. So what's everyone's favorite classic rock artist? Mine is obviously Queen, followed by Judas Priest, Deep Purple, and Whitesnake.
  18. Done. I always preferred Judas Priest to Iron Maiden, I still think Number of the Beast is an amazing record.
  19. I think that News of the World may have been one of their most important albums, because it basically created Arena Rock. My favorites are Sheer Heart Attack, Queen II, and Jazz, though.
  20. I've updated the first post with new numbers and artists.
  21. I'd say they are. I think the general timeframe of classic rock ends around the time that hair metal began to wane, and grunge began to become popular, so the Police, who were around during the 80's, would be classic rock. ....to begin classic rock discussion, I actually bought a Police greatest hits compilation today, along with John Lennon's Imagine, and a Whitesnake dvd.
  22. Haha. I guess I should have mentioned to feel free to tell me which artists I forgot, since there's so many. EDIT: Numbers will be posted in the first post.
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