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Everything posted by dcdeb

  1. I'm sorry no one's answered your question yet - maybe someone will see it now.
  2. I agree with the group that the long red dress is perfect for an evening event. If it were daytime, I would definitely go with the red floral dress, I can see why you like it.
  3. Just wanted to thank you all so much. Response to this has been overwhelming! We will not be able to accept any additional questions at this time. Unfortunately, due to the great number of questions received, we may not be able to include everyone. Sorry, and thank you for understanding.
  4. We had hoped that the Asia merch, along with the merch from Bristol, would be offered in Mika's online store, but that hasn't happened as yet. The only way to obtain the Asia merch currently is to ask someone who lives in Japan to get it and send it to you. If you look up a few posts above ^^^^ you'll see Eriko's post with the info:
  5. I'm waiting for official confirmation, too. https://praza.gal/lecer/scaloni-dara-o-pregon-dunhas-festas-de-maria-pita-con-mika-xabier-diaz-e-homenaxe-a-mangui I see it in a few publications like this online, but...
  6. I love that there are so many MFCers featured in this video! @Ax07 Love your photos, especially this one! Thanks!
  7. It looks like it was a magical place and it sounds like it was a magical gig. Looking forward to some reports and all the photos and videos!
  8. Bumping this so people will see it! Anyone looking for a ride ?
  9. I didn't necessarily mean for you specifically to write every report! Although I would definitely read every report that you wrote. I just meant in general, I would like to see reports like that for every show. And I'm a bad one to talk, as I never wrote up a report for Bristol last month... I should do that.
  10. Excellent report @Camus I enjoyed every word and would love to read more reports like this from all the shows!
  11. The first video I saw of the new song last night was this one from Pop Attitude - they took what he said to mean that this will be part of the official video:
  12. It looks like we might be able to watch this streaming live here: https://live.francofolies.be/fr/ The festival posted this link earlier today and it seems to be working!
  13. ATTENTION FANS FRANÇAIS ! Vous avez vu des fans en Corée, au Japon et en Italie poser des questions à Mika, et maintenant c'est au tour de la France ! Avez-vous une question que vous avez toujours voulu poser à Mika ? Peut-être à propos d'une tournée en France, de ses parties préférées de la vie française, ou peut-être du nouvel album français... Envoyez vos courtes vidéos avec vos questions à mikacompetition@gmail.com DATE LIMITE : 31 JUILLET 2023 ! ____________________________________________________ ATTENTION FRENCH FANS! You have seen fans in Korea, Japan and Italy asking Mika questions, and now it's time for France! Do you have a question you have always wanted to ask Mika? Maybe about touring in France, his favourite parts of French life, or perhaps about the new French album.... Send your short videos with your questions in to mikacompetition@gmail.com DEADLINE: 31 JULY 2023!
  14. ATTENTION FANS FRANÇAIS ! Vous avez vu des fans en Corée, au Japon et en Italie poser des questions à Mika, et maintenant c'est au tour de la France ! Avez-vous une question que vous avez toujours voulu poser à Mika ? Peut-être à propos d'une tournée en France, de ses parties préférées de la vie française, ou peut-être du nouvel album français... Envoyez vos courtes vidéos avec vos questions à mikacompetition@gmail.com DATE LIMITE : 31 JUILLET 2023 ! ____________________________________________________ ATTENTION FRENCH FANS! You have seen fans in Korea, Japan and Italy asking Mika questions, and now it's time for France! Do you have a question you have always wanted to ask Mika? Maybe about touring in France, his favourite parts of French life, or perhaps about the new French album.... Send your short videos with your questions in to mikacompetition@gmail.com DEADLINE: 31 JULY 2023!
  15. Yes, it's on the list of upcoming shows. We just missed putting it on the calendar.
  16. No worries. My fault, I have been a little lax in checking on this lately. I just happened to notice today that there were a few posts that might attract the wrong attention.
  17. Hi, all. Just wanted to remind you that technically, legally, we are not allowed to sell tickets through this forum. This is why we discourage you from including a price, from saying that you're "selling" your tickets. You can offer that you have spare tickets, or say that you're looking for spare tickets, or that you have a ticket you can't use... and then make your arrangements for obtaining or disposing of the tickets privately. I know it sounds like a picky thing, but I don't want any of us to get into any legal trouble because of the appearance that you or we are selling tickets here. Thanks!
  18. OK, first of all I have to say... this photo? Wow. Secondly, about this video below. This gentleman's name is William and he has written to me asking if there are any videos or photos of Mika in the crowd dancing with his girlfriend -- they would love to have a souvenir of that memory. I've found tons of videos of him on stage with Mika, and I've seen videos of Mika in the audience, but none with William's girlfriend -- she has long blonde hair and was wearing a sleeveless shirt. So if you run across any, maybe let me know, so we can share with them? Thanks!
  19. What a beautiful dress, Karin! That color will be lovely on you! I'm so jealous of those of you going to this -- seems like quite an elegant affair! Like Michelle said, we definitely need a group pic!
  20. No, it's OK. I hid your post at first, but then I thought about it - the story is out there, we can't change that. For whatever reason, Love Productions decided to send out its press release at this point. I just can't really go all-out promoting it until I have confirmation from Mika and/or his team that he's really going to do it.
  21. I've seen a few people post on Instagram that they've received their DVD - I think Annik and maybe Anne? Hopefully one of them will be able to help you out CJ.
  22. I know that stories about the return of The Piano have been splashed all over social media at this point, but you'll note that neither Mika nor Claudia or Lang Lang have posted about it yet. While the new season will most likely happen, I think there may be a small chance it won't and that we need to consider this as unconfirmed until we hear it directly from Mika. Also, if or when it is confirmed, we won't post about it in this thread, as this thread had to do with the 2023 episodes -- we'll create a new thread at the time. Yes, I know it seems silly, but there you go...
  23. I know this has been splashed all over social media at this point, but you'll note that neither Mika nor Claudia or Lang Lang have posted about it yet. While the new season will most likely happen, I think there may be a small chance it won't and that we need to consider this as unconfirmed until we hear it directly from Mika.
  24. For those of you who don't have Instagram, or don't want to use it, I've also posted the entire MFC Pride Concert on our YouTube channel here: The first half-hour is our usual Instagram Live, the concert starts after that. Unfortunately, toward the end of the show we had some tech issues and Charlotte's video of "Stuck in the Middle" and Liam's video of "Hurts" were not included. I did however upload both of those videos to our other Instagram account @mikafanclubtoo I really enjoyed the "concert" and I hope everyone else did, too -- I learned a lot, so that we'll be ready to do something bigger and better next year! Thanks to everyone again for participating and making MFC Pride Month such a success!
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