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Everything posted by martine

  1. Noooo, you don't want to be as old as I am!
  2. Are you only 12? I thought you were older. You sure sound mature. Is that good English?
  3. Guess I'm an old hippie. Born in the sixties, been there. I haven't really changed my ways. Love and peace, hey!
  4. Don't worry about the singing, Cath. The most important is you did it. You promoted Mika in a very nice way!
  5. Add me too! I miss Genesis on your list.
  6. I think I will try this tomorrow, without the microphone (have to get one first, maybe this weekend). But I'm not sure of talking English.
  7. Thanks to both of you! It's reallllllyyyy fast now.
  8. I love the pics, well done girls! I'm waiting for your reports though! Where are you hiding?
  9. It took me long, but I got the cd! For those of you interested, this is the download link for the MP3 (the part where Mika sings, the whole opera would be too much), and I also put a link with the lyrics (Mika is the boy!). I hope this is ok, it's not like the demo-mp3 is it? Well, if I'm not allowed to do this, then I will hear from you mods and I will take it off. The MP3 : http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/5/1/1036435/The%20Pilgrim%20Meets%20Mr%20By-Ends.MP3 The lyrics : http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/5/1/1036435/The%20Pilgrim%20meets%20Mister%20By-Ends.doc Hope this will work! I've never tried this before. If it does : enjoy!
  10. Well, not in my world either! I havn't got a ticket, I had to wait till next week because the person who would take me had to be sure he got free from work. His boss is on holiday till monday. It's not that I didn't keep on nagging to everyone in my family, they were all so tired of me. You can imagine how I feel, there were tears this afternoon. Well, it's my own stupid fault, I know. If I only would dare to drive a car, then I wouldn't be have to depend on anyone else. I must be the saddest person in Belgium right now. :sad: :tears: And just now they're playing Relax on the radio. As if it helps! There are the tears back...
  11. martine

    Hi, y'all!

    Hello! Welcome! Don't worry, your English is better than mine. Everyone is so nice here, they will understand if we make a mistake. Have fun on the forum, you will get addicted soon!
  12. Time isn't on my side lately, I seem to be so busy. By the time I get to read all the new posts here, I havn't got the time to post myself. But I'm fine thank you!
  13. Eir is having a holiday in Tunis. She will be back end of this week, I think.
  14. Hey, welcome to MFC! Don't worry, I'm obsessed too, and I'm 45!
  15. I'm so sorry MikaMad! Lots of hugs and love from all of us, I guess you all need it!
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