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Everything posted by Droopsy

  1. It's a store. With toys and school supplies and things... At least, that's what I think of with "FUN" This could be something else of course... I don't really think it's openened on a sunday evening
  2. Yes! We'll meet sooner than planned! And yes, I really hope so!! And if not... I reaaallllly hope Mika gives some tickets away like he did in Amsterdam!!!
  3. !! I can't wait to see the booklet! I'm going to a store this afternoon
  4. Ah yes, I remember, you like big pictures! http://www.derigovision.com/backend/brands/img_upload/1208300948110_vl1950_vert.jpg This one's big too, the others don't seem to be unfortunately
  5. Shame that the photoshop qualities haven't improved http://www.derigovision.com/backend/brands/img_upload/120830094870_sl1913_ampp_vert.jpg *ahumbluegreyhairahum*
  6. Thanks, Eriko! Very nice pics, I think I like them more than the first ones even!
  7. Goh het maakt me niet zoveel uit dat er mensen naar hier zouden komen, maar ik zou het wel heel erg vinden als mensen uit nl of fr bijvoorbeeld wel winnen en de belgen dan niet. Dat is gewoon niet juist...


    Anyway, gewonnen of niet, ik ga er toch zijn xD Hopelijk deelt hij weer wat tickets uit via twitter zoals bij jullie :)

  8. Haha, omwille van je post in de showcase thread, was de ideale post om te quoten xD

  9. Well, I don't know about this venue, but I've been to A LOT of gigs and never had any problem with a compact camera. Just don't take any professional camera, DSLR or one with a changeable lens and you'll be fine The smaller the better. Just put it in a pocket instead of a bag since they do tend to look in those
  10. I wouldn't mind other people coming to this but it would be nice if the Belgian fans who want to go, get their chance before others That's just normal. I'm sure you guys felt the same about Amsterdam. So yes, I'll do everything possible to win and I'll be there either way.
  11. Have I told you lately... dat je ongelofelijk wijs bent :mf_rosetinted::naughty:

  12. Well, I hope TM makes an arrangement for the winners of the Belgian playback that never took place. It's the least they could do IMO. Yes, the jim gig... wonderful memories.
  13. Can you perhaps listen to the album online there on Sept 14?
  14. Oh my, I feel really bad but that really had me laughing out LOUD
  15. I'm thinking the shipping rates would be a bit much You could always move here?
  16. I don't know I've seen quite a few good-looking, tanned construction workers this summer
  17. I had to laugh when I read that email. Is this video controversial? Seriously? Perhaps if we're talking about how many people like it vs how many people dislike it. I can understand the nudity e.g. might depend on culture / religion. Other than that? For me it wasn't controversial though and I think it's quite boring they're making this big deal out of it to perhaps attract more attention. Yes, I can add quite a few actresses to that list. Though I don't think the girl was that bad. I thought the man, and the nurse in particular were much worse Ha, I hate that movie Anyway, when it comes to movies I prefer the cinematography to the story. The atmosphere, mood, colors, aesthetic aspect, the emotions that are being evoked, the music score etc. are mainly what makes me love a movie. Based on that I can say I don't like this film, I find the result just plain ugly. MYH was much better imo. I liked the dog though.
  18. "This film contains some nudity and scenes that viewers may find offensive. Caution is recommended. Not suitable for under 18s." You'd think you're about to watch a dirty movie
  19. Well, I saw it was the 10th (!!!) series already (I think we only had... 3?), so I guess it must be popular! If I remember correctly, I've seen quite a few worldwide trends about it on twitter as well in the past.
  20. I'm assuming he's just doing a performance The cast of celebrity dancers has already been revealed and he's not one of them --> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006m8dq/profiles/celebrities
  21. Well, maybe your wish will come true. On the Belgian Itunes, the deluxe album says "French version" for MYH I can't play a preview yet for that one though.
  22. I have to be honest, I didn't expect ANYTHING from this song... With such a title, I mean come on I was very pleasantly surprised though! I really, really like it. It's a bit quirky, I hear some influences from certain 80's songs I think this might be one of my favorites if not my favorite of the album.
  23. Love this song I had it stuck in my head all day today I think I even prefer the benassi remix a bit more. (from what we've heard)
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