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Everything posted by *Danique

  1. This is great!!! I really love it! Thanks Mika!
  2. Really love that pics! I would have LOVED to have been to that performance too...
  3. I think this is interesting But a bit scary too... Thanks for posting al this anyway, I like it!
  4. Me too, because I don't understand anything of it
  5. That's so sweet of you! And I totally agree Thank you Mika!
  6. This is the best fanclub on this fanclub site!!! PLEASE LET ME JOIN!! I really love the lollipop girl, she's sweet
  7. I really love all the drawings and the art in this thread! Everybody has a lot of talent! Great job everyone!
  8. That's awesome! But... I didn't know that Lollipop was released already
  9. Great review! I really love it that she ended the review with "kaching ah!"
  10. Thanks for posting all this! I really like it And I want to win that signed album! (I already have Mika's album, but not a signed one)
  11. Thanks for posting! I really like the interviews! And that "accident"... it's funny
  12. We think this is maybe Mika's account! This is really exciting
  13. Yes, she had a couple of singles and I have her cd (but actually, I don't like her at all ) But I didn't know they were friends!?
  14. OMG I really love his braces!!
  15. WHERE CAN YOU BUY THAT MAGAZINE?? I really really love that pics!!
  16. On my cd it's at the end of Relax and Any Other World too. But I don't hear anything at the end of Ring Ring...
  17. To be honoust... when I first read this, I thought it was a girl... but now.. I really have no idea!
  18. That's great It's no surprise for me that he's better than J.lo
  19. I love happy ending, but I've never seen him performing that song live too... But I would absolutely love that
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