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Everything posted by mellody

  1. wonder why he wants to do a cover if he doesn't even have much time for his own songs... and thought he said after brussels that he wanted to do more songs of the new album the next time? he prob. meant london then, not blackpool...
  2. mika about WAG: "i wanted to paint this picture of an army of beautiful freaks, coming go get you!" robi, it's currently featured on top of the energy website, so the broadcasting probably was some time this week - that's why i guess it was prerecorded, maybe when he was in germany for all the radio stuff. not sure though.
  3. am already recording it, without the music in between so it's not that long. i'm listening to that and the blackpool thing in turns. he said something about being in a club when he was 15, something about dancing to that song on his own on the dancefloor, and what was his attitude about dancing on his own.
  4. great, really interesting that story he tells about "smalltown boy"! really long though, all 3 parts, i'm only in the middle of part 2 now... thanx for posting!
  5. as he wants to have fish+chips with MFCers in blackpool today, maybe he wants to have a beer with us next weekend in munich? he's here one week too early for the oktoberfest, but the hofbräuhaus is a 3 minute walk from where the gig is. asked him about it on twitter, lol! well, one can try.
  6. many thanx for the offer allegra! :huglove: but thanx, i don't collect magazine articles, they would just take away space in my flat, the scans are enough for me. :wink2:

  7. another girl from the german forum has won tickets from bayern3. so that makes at least 3 (or 4, if she also takes someone from the forums with her) big fans at that gig.
  8. ah so i in fact wasn't the only one who had that problem! i also was "not an active user" for 2 weeks, until they finally unlocked my account again! write dcdeb about it, she helped me by contacting them, and 3 days later i could log on again. do you really think it's because of the pix you upload? then why the heck don't they tell us and ask us about it? i uploaded lots of pix too, but they're all my own, and what does "similar pix" mean after all? if i upload 20 pix on which mika is wearing a white-with-gold-shirt, they're not similar to me, because he looks different on each pic - but maybe they see that in a different way? and if they say ppl do that to collect points, then what about the person who has over 100,000 meanwhile, and it's getting a lot more each day?! i figured it was a technical mistake that my account was closed, and they also didn't write anything to me like they wrote to giulietta - i'd be really angry and disappointed if i found out that they blocked my account, only because i uploaded my own mika photos!
  9. thanx bienie for the pix and vids! phew i'm glad bout the hair, i probably wouldn't even have noticed that he cut it, if he hadn't said it. damn, i really wanna go to london now...
  10. much shorter hair?! NOOOO! my wuschel!!! hope the curls are not completely gone... want pix! and he did only wag, rain, biotg and be from the new album? that's not much, actually just one song more than at the acoustic gigs... he'd better keep his promise to play more the next time! (and especially on sep 13 )
  11. @mariposa: someone asked bayern3 about it, and they answered that it's only for ppl from bavaria. but you could also win tickets on radio n-joy in hamburg, so... whatever. we have no idea whether they check whether you filled in the "regierungsbezirk", but you can always enter a wrong bavarian address, what's important is the phone number, and if it's a german mobile number, they won't know where you are. for the id check at the entrance i also don't think they'll check the address on your id, and if they do, you can still say you're studying in munich or something. don't you live in ulm or somewhere around there? half of ulm lies in bavaria anyway iirc... btw what blog was that you read? maybe you can get tickets from that woman?
  12. you clicked on the confirmation link in the mail? after that, you'll have to wait for the newsletter itself, in it there's your personal link to the competition. thing is, competition closes next monday and i'm not sure how often they send out the newsletters... some had to wait a week for it.
  13. my blue fluffy is so alone up there in the rsvp list doesn't anyone want to join it, at least for a "maybe"?
  14. maybe. but i'll definitely tweet him after the brussels and london gigs, telling him to perform it in munich if he didn't at the other gigs, and telling him how much i'll love to hear it in munich too, if he did. i mean, the gigs are at least 45 minutes (for munich they said an hour), and it's supposed to be a showcase of the new album - so for me that means no old songs and most of the new ones! talking about which, i'd still be quite surprised if mika actually did a gig without performing grace kelly!
  15. hope so too! i'd be really sad if i was the only mfcer there. WE will! you also have to win, and together we'll persuade mika to play our favourite song! @fanny, read the thread i linked to above, i posted all the info there. don't think you'll have much of a chance though, as the competition is only for people in bavaria, and you have to enter your phone number. they'll notify the winners by phone and they prob. won't call a foreign number even if you enter a wrong address. but well, you can try.
  16. ha! just got the call from bayern3, i won!!! here are the infos: - tickets won't be sent but there'll be a guestlist; they'll be checking IDs. - you can take one other person with you - there won't be a support act, she said mika will be on stage for about an hour. - the competition is still open til sep 8, but she said they've started calling people now already, as they have 150 to call in total. 150 winners, so that means somewhat around 300 guests at the gig. who i'll give my 2nd ticket to i'll decide when we know next week who else has won and who hasn't - but it will definitely be another mika fan from mfc or dmfc, if not everyone else wins tickets too.
  17. if anyone's interested to read the discussion so far, old thread is here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19315
  18. i'd definitely be there if he wasn't in munich 2 days later. though i'll kick myself if i don't get a ticket for munich and just could've bought one for london! have fun everyone who's going.
  19. need some sleep now... hope i'll find a download or youtube link tomorrow on here... night everyone.
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