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Everything posted by mgpm

  1. Well, now, Mika is only 23. There is a lot to be said for youth. When Freddie was very young, he was quite thin as well, though not as tall as Mika. Mika is just blushing with youth right now. And I really like his height and how lithe he is. It's all of a package. I think Freddie was just the right balance, not to muscular not too thin. I like Mika just how he is too, though. It's kind of an apples and oranges thing. But you know, both Freddie and Mika, I believe, both have "IT." That magic. That wonderful whatever that sets me and however many others going and makes us take notice. So I'm happy.
  2. Oh, it was wonderful....I'm so glad I came in when I did, even if I missed some, I'm grateful to have seen what I saw. Happy happy.... He's such a happy influence... I wake up hearing his music in my head most days. This morning it I heard "Cover of the Rolling Stone" by Dr. Hook, but I think it was just 'cause I wanna see Mika on the cover of the Rolling Stone magazine. IT WILL HAPPEN. Ohhhhhhh it was so fun to watch that. I'm babbling now. Babbling...like a little girl....just a happy little girl. Thank you to all that made this afternoon possible. Thanks to Italy, and all you lovely Italians. XOXO Thanks to cath or kath whomever gave me the link to get on. And thank you God that my husband was still at work so I could watch this in peace and quiet. XOXOXO
  3. this is so cool...how much is there to go? I just came in on this!
  4. how do I join in?!?!? Bwwwwahhhhh I can't figure it out!
  5. Those look so fabulous!!!!!!!! He's going to LOVE them!!!
  6. No, I entirely, wholeheartely disagree that Mika should come out and say what orientation he is. Or that some threats should make him have to. He is his own person, and has a right to have his own feelings and not express every single one to the public. If there are others who have feelings out there, it is not his responsibility to make them feel better about their feelings by coming out and assuring them they are OK, one way or the other. His job is to make music. He's doing that. Leave him alone otherwise. I'm all for gay people being who they are. I think they should be allowed to live their lives in peace and they should not be discriminated against. But they should not be allowed to bully others into doing and saying things they are not ready or do not want to say...outing people. Love you, Mika, just as you are. xoxo
  7. Hi Jackie and welcome. I was from MD originally. I'm going to the DC show, are you?
  8. My son (who is six) is learning "Grace Kelly" on the piano. He can play about half of it. Me? I can't play a note. I can only sit back and admire him.
  9. mgpm: looks like an American soccer mom, but has the heart of true MFC'er. Beware, may be lying in wait for me after the DC show.
  10. I think he could definitely do almost any Queen song justice, and sing circles around George Michael. (who was absolutely horrid imho singing Queen's music) But Mika needs to establish himself in his own style right now. Perhaps in a few years he'd consider it. If he did, I personally would be over the moon!
  11. I definitely could be his therapist. Dealing with all these crazed fans:wink2: , record company demands, travelling weariness, hectic schedules, etc.--has got to leave him in a state of mental stress. I'm a shrink. I could do it. I'm all ears...and I've got a zipper on my mouth. I'll take it all to my grave, Mika. Complete confidentiality, utter professionalism, you have my word.
  12. Actually, this sounds like a great idea to me. I often think if I won a mega lottery I'd buy a bunch of houses together in a development for the people I care about to live in one place, but Mika's idea sounds even better.
  13. I've had my family on Mika-alert...to tell me if they hear anything Mika related, and my husband told me that he heard him on the radio for the first time yesterday--Grace Kelly. My oldest daughter said one of her friends has been listening to him and younger daughter said that one of her friends likes Mika. He's just starting to catch on in my area. (rural Pennsylvania, US)
  14. I don't like the back up singers in "happy ending."
  15. Not a bebo member, caz, sorry I can't help with that. But I'll help with Wiki, if I can. I found the MFC through Wiki, as well.
  16. I would LOVE to hear Mika sing with Kevin Max. He has an incredible voice too, so beautiful. Go here to have a listen: http://www.kevinmax.com/ I'd like to hear them sing something slow together, a ballad of some sort. If they sang something sad I think it would tear your heart out! I'd also like to hear him sing something with Prince. But I don't think Prince would like standing onstage with Mika...there are no heels big enough to make him that tall!!!
  17. LOL! I might have done that too, if I was close enough!!!
  18. I think you are right...I think Mika does love us, I think he's grateful for us and our support of him and his music. I think he loves that we "get" his music. After all, we enable him to have the life he wants making music and pleasing people. However, fans can go over the top. And that can be too much, even dangerous. But yes, Mika loves us.
  19. I did have a tea with Kava Kava in it once here that was very, very calming but they stopped selling it in the US. Guess it was too calming! You might be able to find it in other parts of the world though. I sometimes think I fell out of the sky and am not related to the people I am with. No one else in my family will drink tea. Not even when they are ill. I couldn't survive without tea when I am sick. It helps to make you well!!! My youngest one, now she will listen to reason and she will sip some of my tea. So it's been nice to be here with all of you tea lovers.
  20. Very Naughty, Freddie... Sivan, your pictures with Mika are to die for!!! Don't worry about giving your number, I'm sure he gets that all the time. But you know he and his band *might* have a policy between themselves of not taking them or not using them. Maybe not to get distracted when they are on tour, etc. I dunno. Don't feel embarassed for giving it and don't feel bad if no one calls. You aren't silly, just besotted. ...and, I might add...lucky as all get out!!!
  21. THANK YOU!!!! Also THANK YOU for not forgetting the big girls. That's very, very sweet. You guys are the best. xoxoxo
  22. Well, when I see him in DC, I'm going to name drop and tell him that Sivan and Summer and Robertina are my MFC sisters. I'm so happy for you guys!!! Lucky girls!
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