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Everything posted by wasabi_tea

  1. Well, I don't have pictures of him on my walls anyway... the last time I put pictures of a celebrity on my wall was back when the Spice Girls first got famous, haha! And while I admire the fact that he always seems to manage to give off so much positivity, I've never actually thought of him as being perfect or anything like that. I see him as a human being, with imperfections like everyone else, despite the fact that I haven't actually been able to see much of his negative side, as I don't know him. (It would be interesting to see more of his negative side, actually...) If I'd known Mika before he got famous, would I still come on here? It's possible I would, just out of interest, and also because of the friendly atmosphere on here. I think I'd still be amused at the randomtasticness of some of the threads on here XD haha.
  2. ZOMG! That torikatsu don was goooood. I should try takoyaki at some point. "Tako tako tako Tako tako tako Tako tako Takoyaki Manto Man! Takoyaki Manto Maaaaaan!!" Mmmmm, tempura...
  3. NIKKI Gender: Feminine Usage: English Pronounced: NIK-ee [key] Pet form of NICOLE or NICOLA (2) NICOLA (2) Gender: Feminine Usage: English Latinate feminine form of NICHOLAS NICHOLAS Gender: Masculine Usage: English, French Pronounced: NI-ko-las (English), nee-ko-LA (French) [key] From the Greek name Νικολαος (Nikolaos) which meant "victory of the people" from Greek νικη (nike) "victory" and λαος (laos) "people". Saint Nicholas was a 4th-century bishop from Anatolia who, according to legend, saved the daughters of a poor man from lives of prostitution. He is also known as Santa Claus (from Dutch Sinterklaas), the bringer of Christmas presents. He is the patron saint of children, sailors and merchants, and Greece and Russia. Nicholas was also the name of two czars of Russia and five popes. Yay, I'm Lady Claus XD
  4. Heh, I was in Camden yesterday, and I saw a sign saying that London Zoo was nearby, and my first thought was, "MIKAAAA!! Let's skip to the zoo! =D" Anyhow, I would probably take him to Morelli's Gelato, buy him as much gelato as he could possibly want (it doesn't matter how much it adds up to in the end!), and then we'd just sit and chat about random stuffs.
  5. If Mika's music had been crap, I wouldn't have paid any more attention to him after having listened to it. And, well, I must admit, when I first saw him, I didn't even think he was all that handsome... *gets rocks chucked at her* But then I heard his music, thought it was fab, watched a couple of interviews, realised he's fab too, and now I'm just like, "Oh, he's beautiful ^_^"
  6. I dunno how my mind managed to not register this thread until now... XD; (My brain is so faulty! ) But I'd like to contribute, pwetty pweese! I'll probably draw a picture or summat...
  7. MOOSE. I can't believe I've managed to overlook this thread until now, LOL, that's just not like me XD My current thoughts: Yar. I keep procrastinating things. It's really annoying. I wish I wouldn't do it. Garrrrgh. >_O My CD rack is still empty even though I moved here several weeks ago now, and the room's just generally in a mess. The light! The colour! The joy! Please don't kill yourself with all of this =S The Monochrome World needs you! Ua, halyshoshe fashy... (^har, all that makes no sense... XD I think Serial Experiments Lain has put me in a random mood) I must go and do my CD rack. And feed my ever-hungry gob. Ah, loymofau ni... (^hooray for making your own languages... XD)
  8. I think I'd be Excel from Excel Saga... she's basically like what I'd be in real life if I didn't have such a prominent dark side! *LOL*
  9. Hmmmm... 1. Some sort of porta-bog-thing 2. My iPod, for much music geekage 3. Some Japanese sweets (they're amazing, I tell you...)
  10. I thought that sounded weird! But then I thought, "Oh, I'm just a first year Japanese student, I don't know anything..." *LOL*
  11. Wahahaha, oh boy the idiocy would pain, but it's just too damn stupid! I love how the main description is in internet f***tard speak
  12. Haha XD I've actually tried some of the baklawa now, and it's heavenly! I'm SO going to end up addicted to this stuff, neeheehee!
  13. ; Y'know what? I think I'm gonna shoot whoever 'organises' (yeah, some organisation) concerts and stuff for Mika, and take over myself. This is getting frickin' ridiculous. :rocket:
  14. Meh, I just laugh about people who take part in hate clubs and stuff, as they're just worthless human beings that want to provoke a negative reaction from fans of the unfortunate subjects of their hate clubs... if you just laugh at them, they've lost the battle. It's incredibly stupid that people would choose to dislike or even hate Mika because of something so unimportant as his sexuality, but I guess you shouldn't have so much faith in the human race as to think people wouldn't do such a thing. It still makes me twitch, though. I once saw some person who was all like, "Oh, I'd like to know whether Mika's gay or not before I let my children listen to him..." and I was just thinking, "You deserve to be shot." (I didn't actually say this to them, though, haha...) Arr. I'm all twitchy and naaaarrrrggghh. I'd better stop talking about this before I break something... *puts on some happy music*
  15. Yay, thank you! My imagination has kept me awake at times, it was as if it was permanently on speed when I was younger *LOL* then when I'd finally get to sleep, it'd give me the wackiest, most random dreams in the history of dreams... I mean, I once dreamt that Madonna ran into a shop pointing a gun at me, because she didn't want me to buy the jewellery I had in my hands, then all of a sudden, the dream switched to a scene with Caroline Quentin and some bloke off of Casualty (I forget his name), and they ate some chicken, then the next thing I knew, they'd gone bright green and were throwing up all over the floor! This was supposed to be some food poisoning awareness ad or something. Then I woke up. And that wasn't even one of my most random of dreams... And hey, there's nothing wrong with being geektastic XD GEEK PRIDE 4-EVARRRRR!! <3
  16. LOL, Nakashima Mika is a lady There's a band called Mika that I've heard of... maybe it's by them? On one of their album covers, there's this Lego figure-type-thing that actually looks very similar to... 'our' Mika
  17. Aww, that's all right, it sounds nice anyhow! I asked Wikipedia about it, and this is what I got: "Jallab (from Arabic, جلاب )is a type of syrup popular in the Middle East and made from dates, grape molasses and rose water." Mmmmmm...
  18. I'm gonna talk about food again, LOL... Today, I went to that Lebanese sandwich shop/takeaway I said about before, and I got some mujadara with this stuff that had chickpeas, aubergines, potato (I think) and tomatoes in it, and it was sooooooo good! I sat in Holland Park munching away happily, feeling glad that I'm not like my fussy brother, who wouldn't have dared to try the lovely food that I was eating. It was a really good-sized portion too, it filled me up and I still have some left, and it only cost £3.50! I'd also bought this rosewater drink in the Lebanese grocery (along with some kibbeh and some more baklawa), and I had no idea that it was going to taste just like Turkish Delight, LOL! (Wasn't a bad thing, though, just a little surprising!) I haven't tried the baklawa yet (I got an assortment this time, I only had one sort of baklawa before), nor have I tried the kibbeh yet, but they look yummeh! ^ The baklawa I bought, mmmm...
  19. LOL, people are funny And yeah, I agree with Christine on the whole anti-Celine Dion thing, she's actually done some really good songs... plus she was in the Eurovision, so that's extra respect points from me! *is obsessed with the Eurovision, hahaha!*
  20. OMFG he likes Shiina Ringo! And Cowboy Bebop music! (Kanno Youko FTW!) AAAAHHHHHH!! *dies XD* *rezzes* The anime geek in me is most happeh.
  21. Oh goodness, upsetting people through my words or actions is one of my major obsessions, because it's happened so much throughout my life... I'm really neurotic about it XD; I have times when I'll upset people, or think I've upset people, then freak out because of it and become a recluse from a few days to a few months XD; aaaagggghhh. So I think I probably count as socially disabled, LOL...
  22. These'll be in no particular order... One Piece - Believe Del Amitri - Roll to Me Puffy - K2G Big Mountain - Baby I Love Your Way Gackt - U+K The B-52's - Love Shack Ranma ½ - Mahou no Tsubasa UB40 - Kingston Town Deee-Lite - Groove Is In The Heart Dragonball GT - Hitori Ja Nai And I'm sure there are loads of others...
  23. *randomly pops in* I recently moved to West Kensington, and much to my delight, I've discovered a little Lebanese grocery nearby! I bought some baklawa from there, since I'd never tried it before, and it's soooo yummy! I'll probably go back there tomorrow and get some more, 'cause I've nearly finished it! Actually, I've seen so many Lebanese places nearby... there's a Lebanese restaurant on Kensington High Street (as well as another restaurant I saw near there), a Lebanese sandwich shop thinger on Earl's Court Road, that little Lebanese grocery I mentioned before... they really are everywhere, like Mika said
  24. Just the phrase "3000 word essay" makes me feel terrified *LOL* I could draw a bajillion pictures for Mika if I wanted, but write an essay?! GAAAAHHHH NOOOO! I can't do essays T.T and I really wish I could - there's only so much you can do in life with artistic skills, and even then, you have to be the absolute best in order to succeed, but writing skills are needed for so many things. I'm actually rather envious of those who are good at writing essays and stuff!
  25. Well, I drew my avatar *points at it* XD I've actually been drawing since a very young age... I started out with just scribbles, so my mum thought I wasn't very artistic, but then all of a sudden, I started drawing people and dinosaurs and stuff! (I had a major obsession with dinosaurs when I was little. Come to think of it, one of my earliest pictures was a slightly disturbing one of my mum and I stabbing a t-rex, with blood coming out of the wound and all. I must have been what, 3? XD; ) After I discovered anime, when I was about 8, I adopted the anime style of drawing, and would mostly draw people in that way, though in recent years, I've started to redevelop my realistic style, and only occasionally draw in an anime style. I've also been very, very into music since I was little, and I remember being about 4 or 5 and telling my mum about how I'd be on Top of the Pops every week when I was older! *LOL* I write songs and stuff, and I like to sing, though my all-year-round permanent cold hinders my ability to do so =( wah! I like making my own characters too, and though I've become rubbish at writing stories, I have all these 'daydream sagas', as I call them, in my head, detailing my characters' lives and all the horrible things I make happen to them hurhur. I've made loooaaaads of characters over the years, and keep making more all the time (though sometimes, I'll kill off characters before they even have a name, hahahaha). I make my own languages up for them too, because I am teh geekz0rz XD Yar. It seems that most of the things I'm good at are on the arty side... I never was one for maths or history or geography or anything like that (though I somehow managed to do rather well in science, WTF gave it up as soon as I could, though!)
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