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Everything posted by wasabi_tea

  1. In no particular order... Mika - I'm Falling George Michael - Mother's Pride (it's about a boy whose father goes off to war and dies, then when the boy grows up, he joins the army and also ends up dead =( so sad!) Dido - All You Want Eva Cassidy - Autumn Leaves Michael Andrews feat. Gary Jules - Mad World Turn A Gundam - Tsuki no Mayu Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven Parasite Eve - Main Theme (Orchestral Version) Lââm - J'écris ton nom Sting - Russians The only ones on there with the potential to make me cry are the Dido and Eva Cassidy ones... if I'm feeling lonely, I avoid them like the plague XD
  2. Once, after having overplayed the Mikaness a bit (I know, how is that even possible?!), I had nearly a week's break... then I kinda went, "BAAAHHHH need my Mika dosage!!" and started playing his music constantly once again XD
  3. Hooray, someone agrees! XD This is gonna get me shot to death, I'm sure, but I feel kinda sorry for the guy... and I'm in slight disbelief that he's been forced to make an apology video, to be completely honest. But I s'pose the reason I got the joke is because I'm strange...? XD; I don't know. I don't really understand how it could be interpreted as anything other than a joke, though... just look at the guy's body language, and listen to the way he's just kinda making up random crap on the spot. Meh. I dunno. =/ I think I should shut up now, LOL...
  4. Wow, people are taking it so seriously. WTF. I personally laughed my head off. The point where he started singing about Mika dying a horrible death made it blatantly obvious to me that it was all a bit of silliness. Actually, I thought it was quite obvious from the start... Meh, maybe it's just me having one of my controversial moments, but really, I don't think you all should be getting so angry over this. And this is coming from someone who is rather protective of those for whom she has a lot of respect... (Meant in the nicest way possible, of course!)
  5. I think it'd be really cool to hear him do a Muse cover. And I wonder what he'd make of a Björk song, hmmmm... I also think he should cover 'We Gotta Power' from Dragonball Z, just for fun XD
  6. I'm a Sagittarian, and Leos do indeed rock my socks XD Some of those 'astrological hell' selections make me go "Errr?!" though... from what I've seen, Air Signs tend to get on quite nicely with Fire Signs, and Earth Signs tend to get on well with Water Signs, veeerrry generally speaking. I actually get on quite nicely with Geminis, I find. I think that my worst pairing would be Pisces, to be honest XD
  7. ROFL! My dreams have been generally Mika-less recently, though I'm sure I had a dream where a whole album's worth of Mika songs that I hadn't heard before ended up on the internet, and I was gonna listen to them...
  8. I haven't yet, but I'm going to two of his concerts this year, so I hope I'll meet him at least once!
  9. I can play descant recorder, 5-hole ocarina (currently learning how to play 12-hole ocarina), and a small amount of keyboard (I only ever did a Grade 1 exam in it...). When I start playing a keyboard or piano, I tend to just plonk down minor chords and diminished chords and sigh happily, for the dark sound of these chords brings me much joy *LOL* or I just play the chocobo theme from the Final Fantasy series or something equally geeky (haltingly, though).
  10. Mika, a fraud? Hahahaha, people are funny! However, the beginning of 'Over My Shoulder' does sound almost exactly like the beginning of Martin Grech's 'Open Heart Zoo'... I suspect that this is just an interesting coinky-dink, though...
  11. =O I'll have to try some of this stuff! Sounds tasty... Wahahaha, that was exactly what I thought when I saw a Lebanese restaurant in Kensington High Street a couple of days ago
  12. I'd most likely go into anime geek mode, ask him which anime he's seen, recommend some other anime, and then babble about anime music.
  13. I don't have curls either x'( but I am most certainly a perv! A somewhat restrained one, but a perv nonetheless.
  14. Mika rocks mah socks because... - He's eccentric - He's funny - He has a WTF top OMFG 8D - He painted his railings pink! - He's talented - He cheers me up without ever having met me!
  15. Nawww, my first reaction to this thread was to laugh out loud, especially as Mika 4ever said she thought it was nonsense... Mika... the perv?! BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
  16. Yeah, seriously... the amount of times I've heard of people accidentally inviting demons into their homes because they've used a ouija board... Actually, on that subject, I keep having dreams where some spirit has followed me home, and instead of being scared, I'm always like, "Oh no, I've made the house haunted, my mum is gonna kill me!" XDD
  17. Haha, yeah, I've had several anti-ouija board lectures from my mum and aunts... XD They make me curious, but NO WAY would I ever use one!
  18. Ooooooh, my family have had loads of 'fun' with the paranormal and stuff XD My great-grandma on my mum's side was a medium, if I remember correctly, and she was supposedly one in a long line of Margarets (which ended with me, 'cause my mum didn't like the name XD) who were almost all witches/mediums. My mum also used to live in a haunted house for a while when she was young. It apparently had a voodoo curse on it or something. She said that she'd often hear someone playing a piano, but there wasn't a piano in the house, and cutlery and stuff would randomly fly around the kitchen or just all fall down, making a huge crashing noise. Paintings would often spontaneously fall off the walls too. She said that this all got worse after she and her sisters used a ouija board (during which the glass went flying across the room all of a sudden). Several of them ended up possessed at one point! Also, she said she had a little rubber dolly that she really loved, and one morning, she noticed it had been covered in strange markings with different coloured magic markers. It definitely wasn't anybody else in the household, because the family were too poor to be able to afford magic markers... I've not had much experience with the paranormal myself, but my friend and I used to go to this park which we suspected was haunted. Some teenagers had been riding their motorcycles in there some time during the 50's or 60's, if I remember correctly, and one day, one of them lost control and they all ended up crashing and dying. When we went in there and sat down, we would often hear this really loud motorcycle revving, which sounded like it was right next to us, and there was this weird kind of clacking noise which we'd hear sometimes as well. We'd also hear the sound of teenagers laughing and stuff while there was no-one else around. I can remember that one time, my friend saw this hand about to touch my shoulder, and she freaked out and grabbed me, after which it disappeared. o.o; Then one time, she was saying to me about how the families of the teenagers who died must have been sad to lose them, and then I heard a girl crying. After that, there was no more motorcycle revving or other strange occurrances. As for psychicness, I seem to have some minor psychic powers. I'll get premonitions and 'info bursts' and stuff. I remember one time, I was watching TV, and I randomly thought, "George Michael," and I was like, "Huh?" and then George Michael came on TV! Another time, when I was watching VH1, 'Back to Life' by Soul 2 Soul came on, and I suddenly thought of an album title, a year and other random info, and when the info box for the song came up on the TV, it had the exact same info that had randomly popped into my head a few seconds ago! I also remember feeling really scared about the next day on September 10th, 2001. I thought I was going mad, because I'd finished all my homework, so had nothing to be scared about *LOL* but then I came home from school the next day to find out that the Twin Towers had been attacked... OHHHH OH OH OH here's another random strange experience I've just remembered. I was on a Malice Mizer fan forum, and it was the day after the anniversary of the drummer's death. I was reading some threads in which people were being all sad about it, and I got sad too. I started a post on LiveJournal, talking about random stuff while still feeling sad, when all of a sudden, I felt like someone had said to me, "Cheer up! ^_^" and I was suddenly filled with happiness out of nowhere. To this day, I still wonder who or what caused that to happen to me...
  19. Hehe, no problem~! xD 'I love you' in Pami (one of my own languages, haha!): ymyshoshe fashy (pron. ih-MEE-sho-sheh fa-SHEE)
  20. Women tend not to use 'da' very much in Japanese, though, so they'd usually just say "suki yo" or "daisuki!" (the last one is literally "big like!" XD *LOL*) This thread reminds me of a Eurovision song... It's my way to say I want you S' agapo, je t'aime, I love you Te amo, o pashut ohev otakh It's my way to say I want you S' agapo, je t'aime, I love you Te amo ve'ohev otakh Ohev otaaaaaaaaaakh XD
  21. Yay, Serial Experiments Lain! I'll have to watch that again at some point, haven't seen it in ages... I wonder which manga Mika's read? The last one I read was Angelic Layer, I think, and that was a year or two ago... O.O; I regularly read the webmanga 'Pandect', though.
  22. I hope it's alright that I'm resurrecting this thread... (If not, feel free to kill me with large mallets XD) But yeah. I've been into anime and manga for quite a while now. I first discovered it when I was about... *thinks* 7 or 8! (I'm 19 now) Unfortunately, in recent years, I haven't had as much time for it as I used to, but since I started my Japanese degree in September last year, I have been able to watch bits of random anime, like Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan (ultraviolent hilarity), Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (ultraviolent creepiness) and Fushigi Yuugi (amusingly girly nonsense). Actually, I did an review of a book on anime for Aspects of Japanese Culture class, in which I ranted loads about how the author was misrepresenting hentai, LOL... (seriously, it's not all ultraviolent misogynistic demonic tentacles, ya know!) I really need to finish watching Excel Saga at some point... it's a hilarious series. And I must watch more Studio Ghibli stuff... and I must watch Neon Genesis Evangelion at some point too (can't believe I still haven't watched it o_o )... so much to doooo... XD
  23. I had yet another Mika dream last night XD Mika was on this radio show or something, and he was announcing all these cool events, but he kept messing up important details and stuff, so he had to keep correcting himself, which I was finding rather amusing, and this went on for a while, until I woke up. I really don't know where that one came from... o.O;
  24. I bought this CD about 6 years ago while I was in France on a school trip, and I've played it almost every night since then! It's so soothing and peaceful, and it just kinda lulls you to sleep. Very nice. Brian Eno's 'Music for Airports' also seems to have a similar effect.
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