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Everything posted by elise_xx

  1. kijkt er hier ook iemand de nieuwe uri geller? het is spannend!
  2. what a beautiful cake! happy birthday! How did your friends make it?!
  3. Omg that's the cutest thing ever! I always wondered if singers ever have hickups while singing
  4. haha well he's the same in clothes & music, but he's personality is pretty different
  5. Wow, good Mika be any more like my brother?!
  6. Thank you ! Loving it !
  7. I cant live without : my friends and shopping !
  8. What a sad story . Jack sounds like a special little boy. I will think of him while listening to mika. I'm so sorry for your loss! He will always be remembered. Love, Elise
  9. If anybody wants to make mika-shoes, i bought mine here: http://shop.hm.com/nl/?action=viewshoppingwindow&dept=BARN_FLI_ACC_SHOES_STO
  10. Yes, fabric markers I'm thinking about making another pair.. the shoes were really cheap!
  11. I made MIKA shoes! here are pictures: http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd238/Elise_love2day/?action=view&current=Picture0208.jpg http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd238/Elise_love2day/?action=view&current=Picture0207.jpg http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd238/Elise_love2day/?action=view&current=Picture0209.jpg http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd238/Elise_love2day/?action=view&current=Picture0202.jpg http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd238/Elise_love2day/?action=view&current=Picture0204.jpg http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd238/Elise_love2day/?action=view&current=Picture0203.jpg http://s226.photobucket.com/albums/dd238/Elise_love2day/?action=view&current=Picture0205.jpg Hope you like them.. They were pretty hard to make..
  12. Is it a dutch magazine? can i but it?! And saying **** really isn't that bad is it ?!
  13. Hello I was wondering if anybody was going to see alphabeat on their UK tour.. Cause quite a lot of people on the MFC know them, and they've played at Mika shows I want to see them, but their not coming to the Netherlands If you are going, have fun! And say Hi to them from me pleeeeease And if you don't know who alphabeat is : http://www.myspace.com/thisisalphabeat
  14. Wow. It is AMAZING! :biggrin2: Honestly, it is! I love it. Especially this part: And I fell in love with the man at the piano When his eyes meet mine we share the secret only we know But at the end of the day At the end of the night I realise This love is impossible
  15. even een vraagje... Heeft de MFC eigenlijk een hyve?
  16. Voted! I love the cosmo girl! I don't get what people see in Zac Efron either, to be honest..
  17. Yeah I'm paired! I'm so excited! :biggrin2:
  18. Very,VERY soon! If he comes to Holland, I'm gonna freak out and buy him a huuuuuge lollipop!
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