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Everything posted by crazyaboutmika

  1. Good luck for finding tickets Deborah Have a wonderful concert Bourges goers Fingers crossed for periscopes
  2. mikawebsite.com has them too if you guys need a second link
  3. A few caps https://www.facebook.com/princess.penniman/media_set?set=a.10157413709223125&type=3&pnref=story
  4. Maybe it would be better if you started a petition yourself, I made an account because I wanted to help, but I'm afraid I would get spam if I give my phone number...there are lots of sites you could use for making a petition and I would gladly sign that one. I'm a bit suspicious of that site because my browser is showing that it is not secure and also because the list of Mika's songs only includes songs from his first album....
  5. Le Prophète is exclusively available in the FNAC shops and FNAC online. There were ten in the shop where I bought mine. The movie can be played in French or English. There are optional French subtitles and also an audio description for people who can't see. I love this animé because nothing beats Mika's voice the cartoon and the characters are really sweet and funny, filled with love The animations are a delight for the eyes and the songs have a dreamlike quality. Reading the whole book could be a bit challenging but listening to Mika explaining about all the different aspects of life as he reads the book really gives life to the words along with the numerous animated scenes that show what he's talking about in the most simple and beautiful way (freedom symbolized by birds in a cage then tied to a tree for example) I believe this movie should be shown in schools because it really explains life in a beautiful and simple way and at all its times.
  6. Nice thread Just so you know Deborah "Gave it all away" is not really a cover because Mika wrote it for Boyzone so it is really his song I love to sing too Making covers is so much fun I used to do that as well,but I haven't in a while for lack of free time and a pc that didn't record, but I would love to do some from No Place in Heaven too when it becomes possible again In case you guys are curious mine are on my youtube channel
  7. Edit:I just preordered the CD and DVD and I'm some happy bunny now because another of my Mika dreams came true
  8. Thank you so much Charlie I love the backstage video Lovely reports girls and thanks for the show videos Eriko
  9. Hello, two French fans wrote in the French speaking thread because it seems they were told they had won ticks for Bourges on facebook and they were asked to e-mail back, but they didn't get any answers to the mails they wrote (so they wrote several) but to this day they have no answer and they don't know what to do. Maybe the mail they got was an hoax but they are very stressed and worried and they don't know what to do http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/30329-french-speaking-thread-part-5/?p=4055180
  10. Bonjour Je ne peux pas vous aider directement car je n'ai jamais gagné de tickets, désolée, mais je peux juste poser la question pour vous sur twitter et sur le topic du concert J'espére que vous allez recevoir vos billets rapidement , bon courage Avez vous la bonne adresse mail? mikacompetition@gmail.com Et il me semble que les noms des gagnants sont taggés sur la page facebook...c'était votre cas?
  11. Rully I love your captions :clap: Used to love me Now you hate me https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/716556462521131008/pu/vid/1280x720/Xo3NjIdNwIllETNo.mp4
  12. Caps of The Voice tonight https://www.facebook.com/princess.penniman/media_set?set=a.10157393766088125.534503124&type=3
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyoTUKOjspw&sns=fb Periscope shared by Salvador Nunez (with a tilde but I don't have that on my keyboard ) I hope it's ok to share it here , he twitted publicly so I believe he meant to share it everywhere
  14. I was going to suggest http://www.mikawebsite.com/audio-mika-interview-radio-mexicaine-alfa/ for anyone needing an alternate link, but I'm glad you could download it thanks to Marina
  15. http://m.milenio.com/hey/musica/mika-mexico-freddy-mercury-queen_0_710329253.html?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Referral&utm_term=Hey&utm_campaign=MilenioHey
  16. Ana,if you're going to the secret gig, please RSVP on the thread. Have the best time ever http://www.mikafanclub.com/calendar/event/1001-surprise-acoustic-show-universal-emi-gardens-mex/
  17. I know Norma is trying to go and also Ana (Lui on MFC) who had made the paper book , they both live in Mexico I hope they both get a tick and they both make a report
  18. https://www.facebook.com/601170536588253/videos/1068367009868601/
  19. https://www.facebook.com/umusicmexico/posts/10153970536163405
  20. Fingers crossed for all Canadian fans
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