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Everything posted by mercurygirl

  1. I'm good thanks (as per usual) cept I hit my head today and I've had a headache ever since.

    And you?

  2. I'm good thanks! :) Can't complain


  3. Good good!

    Long time hey?

  4. Babs told me.


    When is it?

  5. Hey celesteee!

    What's this I hear about an operation?

  6. Shamzie! :biggrin2:


    how you?

  7. Holly! I've been missing you!


  8. Cool! I saw posters for it up in Cape Town too! Must be a massive show
  9. Awww I miss you too! I thought of one... though it's not got to do with my nieces or nephew. There was this one time when I was trying to fetch my dog's tennis ball out of the pool with the pool net and my brother was helping me and really thought he was on my right so I turned to 'face him'. I only discovered that he wasn't after I had knocked him into the pool with the back end of the net handle.
  10. http://images.google.co.za/imgres?imgurl=http://images.teamsugar.com/files/usr/1/13839/better-again-depp.jpg&imgrefurl=http://buzzsugar.com/96771&usg=__zSHMKz-TETcPtpoEULW6-dZ3xz0=&h=319&w=499&sz=31&hl=en&start=102&tbnid=11eH3UMJaXZ79M:&tbnh=83&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3DFreddie%2BMercury%26start%3D100%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN I hope this link works... I wanted it for the article and the video clip at the bottom (That guy is unbelievable!)
  11. Oh I know! I love Jacob and it killed me!
  12. Yeah, The first one was a classic, completely brilliant! Maybe it's just me, but I found Eclipse really painful to read. It took me forever to finish it and half the time I wanted to slap Bella for being so indecisive.
  13. hahahaha... no not really :biggrin2:

    Well good luck for it anyway! I'm sure you'll do well!

  14. Shame... is it gonna be hard?

    thanks! :)

  15. Ooh, what subject?

    Well, she isn't on my friends list... but yes. Why?

  16. Heya! Yeah, I've been away for most of the holidays, so I haven't been able to get online.

    I'm good thanks! You?

  17. I think we've lost the plot here a little... I like it:naughty:
  18. Hi guys! Changing the subject slightly... I have to tell you this, cos I'm soooo excited! Our school play this year is gonna be Grease (and for the first time ever they're actually auditioning boys for the male roles... you'd be surprised how many almost lesbian scenes we've had in the past) I auditioned for Frenchie (holding thumbs) cos I can't sing for toffee, so hpefully I'll get a decent role at least...
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