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Everything posted by lazy_daisy

  1. haha. Maybe you are right. But, technically, it's not our fault. I mean, the man moves in that way and what can you expect? We are human, for God sake. To tell you the truth, I'm really surprised such a sweet thread ended up in this. But well, Mika is cute and childish everywhere, except on stage. He seems to transform over there. It doesn't cease to amaze me.
  2. Open your ears. It's him. Why do you think he sound different?
  3. ¡YO HAGO LO QUE SEA POR CONOCERLO A MIKA! LO JURO. Chicas, si se van de mochileras por Europa, me avisan. Yo me prendo. En en serio. Y lo mismo con Brasil o donde sea. HAGO LO QUE SEA, REPITO. Vendo mi casa, mi mp3, mi pc (mis posesiones más preciaadas) y me voy. LO AMOOOO. ¡Te felicito por haber aprobadoooooo! Yo desaprobé Marjketing. Vieja de mierda, me puso un 6.50 y aprobábamos con 7. LA ODIO. En cuanto a lo de Mika, cuando él venga mandamos a una de nosotras (o a varias) para que compre las entradas de todas por anticipado. ¿Por qué sueño tanto, mier*? Después me doy con una pared. casi me largo a llorar, después de leerte. Gracias, en serio. Me diste un montón de esperanzas. ¡Y QUÉ ENVIDIA! Chicas, tenemos que hacer algo para LLEGAR a Mika, si es que viene. En serio. Ya me obsesioné mal. ¿AH, NO? MIRÁ ESTO (en el miuto 1.15, más o menos). CASI ME DA UN ATAQUE CARDÍACO. OMG, NECESITO UNA DUCHA HELADA. QUIERO SER MICRÓFONOOOO: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EFXkmuPTmLo
  4. OH. MY. GOD. Six words: I wish I had been there. Please, don't hate me for this, but the vid reminded me of those dancers who perform on night clubs and dance around a pole. :eek: Well, kids definitely don't do that.
  5. The first thing that atracted me about Mika was his cuteness, yes. But, well, I can't say he is completely childish. When he's on stage he dances and moves in such a sexy way! OMG. Pardon me, but children don't do that. I don't have any kind of naughty thoughts concerning him, but you'll agree with me that he can be hugely sexy when he wants to. I used to think about him as a big child, but I don't know if that's really accurate. He is a big flirt (he said that himself) and believe me: if he doesn't take care, he'll end up snaring me.
  7. OMG! THIS THREAD IS HILARIOUS! I LOVE MFC OFFICIAL PANTS! Yes, I tend to focuse on his underwear and it's mostly grey (ok, ok, just kidding). Maybe it's because grey is an intermediate color. I mean, white makes you look too fat and black makes you look too thin. Grey is just perfect. And since Mika's underwear is somewhat... public nowadays, Mika must be worried about his looks. Plus, you never notice when grey cloth is dirty. By wearing grey underwear, Mika avoids having to change his underpants so often. Another feasible theory is that he bumped into a sale of underwear of that colour and he bought loads of them. Remember he buys three of everything? haahh I can't believe I'm discussing his underwear. *shocked*
  8. :roftl: HAHAAH! OH, GOD! i wasn't in the mood for it, but you made me laugh! Poor thing, he'll have a hard time trying to read all of it! But the bulky books and the CDonly show how much we love him, so it's not that bad. He'll be happy, in the end.
  9. I never suggested not liking new members to come to this forum! It's true I said I'm sad because Mika is getting too famous and that means my chances to meet him get thinner and thinner, but that doesn't mean I don't love to share this place with people who love Mika as much as I do. Everyone who loves the man is really welcome. I was referring to those people who go crazy when they see a famous person, no matter who he/she is. As I said before, people are not stupid and, since Mika's voice and talent are so amazing, the increase in the number of his fans can't be helped. I only wish it didn`t happen as quickly as it's already happening. That's all. I think fan clubs are FOR FANS. If nobody came, what would this be? I shudder only to tthink about it.
  10. Don't worry, you made perfect sense. And I agree. Many people will like him now because he's getting more and more famous, whereas we, his true and faithful fans, have loved him all along. But I guess we are talking of something we can't control here. His getting famous is inevitable. Let's hope for the best.
  11. From the look on his face, I can surmise reporters where bothering him too much at the show. Poor thing! It must be hard being famous. Photographers pester him even on his time off! AND YEEES! I LOVE THE HOODIE! I must have one like that! He looks great, even without his lovely curls on his forehead. Love, love him!
  12. You read my thoughts! I was thinking excatly about that, this morning. And it's one of my worst fears. Of course I want him to have all the success he deserves (and he'll certainly have to do so if I wish him to come to this far away country). But, at the same time, I wish the number of his fans wouldn't increase at such a terrifying speed! I just think everything is so unfair! I loved Mika ever since I heard his songs and I don't have the slightest possibility of meeting him. And I'm afraid I will never have: by the time he comes to Argentina (if he ever comes), he will be enormously famous and I doubt I will ever even have the chance to buy a ticket for his show. Things like that have already happened to me in the past, and I'm really worried it's going to happen again. I wouldn't be ble to stand it; I love Mika and meeting him has become one of my biggest dreams. Of course, I know he's a star and (saddly) he's not our friend. I'm not even asking him to be my friend, that would be asking too much; I'll be happy just meeting him. That's all. I'll stop here, because I'm in great peril of getting depressed. Believe me: it's going to happen. You are not taking into account the BIG power of internet and globalization. And Mika has an enormous talent. People are not stupid, you know. There's going to be tons of new fans as time goes by. Well, I guess I have to guet used to this idea.
  13. Oh, not again! I always buy this kind of stuff. But, deep down, I knew the rumour couldn't be true: it would be all over the papers by now. Anyway, I would have felt happy if I had learnt he found a special person. Silly, silly me... why do I keep believing these cruel people? Why? I should have seen this coming... *walks away, mutterig*
  14. I loved that video! Mika appears happy and carefree. And the resolution of the vid is really good. The questions are similar to others possed to Mika in many a previous interview, but I like this one because there's nothing too artificial in it: Alan and Mika seem to be chatting naturally. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for posting!
  15. ¡NOOOO! ¿Cómo vas a postear ese video? ¿Qué no ves que estoy enferma y débil! Ver semejante bombón así, sin remera, me dejó lista para la internación. *se agarra del escritorio para no caerse de la silla*. ME LO COMOOO. Dios sabía lo que hacía cuando me puso a mí en Argentina y a él, del otro lado del globo. ¡CUÃNDO NOS VA A VISITAR, EH? ¡CUÃÃÃNDOOOO! ¿Y si me hago anciana y todavía no aparece? ¡NO IMPORTA; TE VOY A ESPERAR, MIKUSH! La vida de una fan es muy sacrificada.
  16. ¡TOTALMENTE, CHICAS! Hubo un antes y un después en mi vida, gracias a Mika. ¡AHORA HASTA SALGO A CORRER, jaja! Antes, era una vaga de mier* (más todavía), porque no había nada que me motivara para caminar o hacer ejercicio. Pero tener a Mika en el mp3 es motivación suficiente para caminar a cualquier lado. ¡LiCM me pone todas las pilas! Lo malo es que no puedo concentrarme en nada más. ¡Me va pésimo en la facu! Pero bueno, igual la paso bomba con ustedes. Les cuento que estoy enfermuchis... No sé qué es. Acá en Tucumán hace calor para la época del año, pero estoy como engripada. Esta mañana no me pude levantar, así que falté a clases. Recién estoy resucitando. Espero que esto no sea nada grave; hoy voy al médico. Ah, me acabo de dar cuenta de que mi dirección de MySpace no funciona. No aparece. Ahora la arreglo para que puedan entrar y dejar comentarios y agregarme, jeje. Soy Lourdes, por si alguien con ese nombre las agrega y no saben quién demonios es. Me parece que esa vaa ser la única manera de contactarme con uds., porque vivo en donde vivo y uds. idem. Pero igual me siento parte de este grupo de dementes fanáticas de Mika. LO RE QUIEROOOOO. Si viene a Argentina alguna vez, creo que me muero. Hoy me volvieron las palabras, parece: me explayé demasiado. Será porque estoy sola, en cama y neesitaba comunicarme con alguien. No las conozco a todas, pero las quiero como si las tuvieras acá. Un besote. Oops! Me olvidé de nuestro único hermanito varón. ¡Un besote para vos también!
  17. Thought I'd check this thread and when I saw that ^^... I ALMOST FAINTED WITH JOY! IT WAS EVEN MORE INCREDIBLE THAN I HAD IMAGINED! THANKS FOR YOUR EFFORTS, GIRLS! I feel a bit sad, because, since I live so far away, I couldn't do more than write and record a message for him. But if I had been there with you, this is what I'd have done! IT'S SO WONDERFUL! I understand now why Mika took the trouble to thank us. I agree. Many artists just think their fans owe them the things they receive from them. I'm glad Mika is not like that! I love him more than before. I'M SSOOO EXCITED AND HAPPY ABOUT THIS! God, I'll stop or I'll start crying on my keybord.
  19. Who was the jerk who wrote this rubbish? IS HE IN POSESSION OF MIKA'S HEAD TO KNOW EXACTLY WHY HE LEFT? The autor just states Mika was flustered because there was someone more famous than him around. How does he know, uh? And insulting his talent like that! I'm really sorry, but I don't find this article funny. It criticizes Mika without a solid basis. The owner of that site should be grateful I'm not allowed to post comments, because I'm ready to give him a piece of my mind. Ok, don't get me wrong. I'm a journalist student myself, but i hate when this sort of thinh happens. I tell you: this... text is terribly biassed. It's sole purpose is not to inform but to express the subjective feelings of the author. I don't know if the site is supposed to be a blog or what, but it's not serious in the least. I'm going now or I'll end up being (even more) uncivil.
  20. I've been trying for the last half hour, but it's useless: I can't stop smiling. I'M SOOO HAPPY! That message will stay in my mailbox forever! Mika is sooo sweet! God, I'm so moved... *blows her nose noisily*
  21. ¡Chicas, estoy a punto de llorar de la emoción! ¡Mika mandó un boletín agradeciendo todos los regalos! Me enterneció un montón, realmente. Nunca pensé que se fuese a acordar de decirnos gracias. Por lo general, soy medio verborréica y no paro de hablar, pero hoy no tengo palabras. Quiero abrazar a mika, las quiero abrazar a uds., quiero abrazar al mundo. Hoy podría morir y sería la mujer más feliz de la tierra.
  22. Awwww... He's really sweet! I almost died when I logged in and I saw the message! I'm so happy he liked the presents!
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