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Everything posted by lazy_daisy

  1. Thanks for taking the time to type that! It must have beenn somewhat tiresome, but believe me: it was worth the effort. The article is great.
  2. ¡Hola, Romis! Espero que estés conectada acá, porque estoy sin msn y no sé cómo se llegar a la pág. para conectarte sin el programa. Si sabés cómo hacer, avisame. Lo de "Ka ching" se relaciona con Grace Kelly porque la canción es una burla a la industria discográfica, a la que sólo le interesa vender y facturar con los artistas (por eso no aceptaban a Mika: porque, en teoría, no vendía). ¡Hagamos un thread sobre las Mika nurses! jajaj
  3. I missed that one. Thanks for posting!
  4. I love those shoes! I'd certainly buy them if they were available. But... uh... they don't match Mika's green pants, hehe. Oh, who am I trying to fool. I love him none the less. hahah And his shoes, of course.
  5. Not yet. Do your friends call you by a funny nickname you don't like? (I keep being called 'Little Lulú', because I'm short, my name is Lourdes and I have curls. But I hate that! LOL!). too slow! haha No. I'll use my last question
  6. I constantly do! Do you like pineapples?
  7. Haha yes! (because it doesn't involve standing on a stage). Do you like making stories up and taking people in? he, he
  8. Love them! (specially the red ones). Did you sang karaoke and lived to tell the tale? sorry too slow. No I repeat my question
  9. What an incredible photo! Someone should congratulate the photographer on it. No, wait. It's Mika's doing. He looks so good in that pic! I love the shoes!
  10. Why not, you know? hahah Are you blonde?
  11. Welcome, Eff! Great to have you here. The forum is great and people are really nice (myself included, haha), so I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun. Enjoy!
  12. I love 'Happy Ending'! It's amazing. If the information is true, the song will top the charts very quickly, I'm sure. But it's so heartbreaking! It made me cry the first time I heard it. It was one of those musical shocks you get when you listen to an amazing -though sad- song.
  13. What? Licked his arm? God! Things are getting out of control for poor Mika! hahah Can you imagine going back home with your arm covered in saliva?
  14. HAHAHA! Your eyes must be very tired, indeed, heheh. I've got a pair of red trousers (new ), lots of colorful scarves, white sandals (no white shoes, sorry), a purple t-shirt, a bright turquoise turtleneck (it was a gift, hehe, i don't particularly like turquoise, but I wear that one all the same)... and that's all. Ever since I became a Mika fan everything reminds me of Mika, hehe. It's so weird! I see Mika-ish outfit everywhere!
  15. ¡Hola! La verdad anduve medio desaparecida estos días, pero ahora vuelvo a las andadas, je, je. Vi que te llegó al archivo. Me alegro. Creo que puedo conseguir alguna de las otras canciones, pero estoy en eso. Prometo que te aviso, cualquier cosa.
  16. I already voted! Hope he keeps rising in the chart! I voted all the songs I could. Mika rocks!
  17. Ooooh! :wub2: Add me, please! I love that picture, though it's somewhat small. Could you upload a bigger one, please?
  18. I'm sorry. I didn't visit the forum for a while. What do you mean by 'it's been cancelled'? That means our message is not being delivered?
  19. Oh, thank you! You are really nice. But I don't think he thinks the same, hehe. Anyway, it's really sweet of you to cheer me up. How about you? Are you a good singer?
  20. Welcome! You'll love it here. There are lots of Mika projects going on, so it will be easy (and fun) to share your excitement with others. Just get involved. Enjoy!
  21. hahha! I can imagine how that would be: Me: hmm! *stands up and coughs* -Hello, my name is lazy_daisy and I have a Mika problem. I talk about him all the time and torture people singing his songs horribly out of tune. Psychiatrist: -Oooh... that's too bad. People, I want you to give this poor soul a warm welcome to the group. The rest of Mika obsessed fans: -HI, LAZY_DAISY! It would be a very interesting experience.
  22. Oh God! That's me! But i can't keep my mouth shut. I only realize I dropped his name into the conversation when it's already done. It's a wonder people haven't deserted me yet. Maybe this is a new kind of social dissability. haha I'm a Mikanoic. Any psychiatrist in the room?
  23. He's still ill? That's too bad! He should take care of himself and not compromise like this if he is not feeling well. I imagine the fans must be dissappinted, but I'm seriously worried about Mika. What's going on here? I hope it's not something serious.
  24. Is the interview really old? I hadn't read this before! I love it when he talks about the athmosphere he wants to create during his performances. Maybe it's because I've never been to one and this is a great description of what goes on in the audience at the moment. hahah! I would have paid to see that! That mysterious hand must have been a great distraction indeed! Thanks for posting!
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