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Everything posted by lazy_daisy

  1. I agree with you on Happy Ending being a good choice. It was high time Mika released a slower song to show another side of his great musical talent. And the high quality of his voice is particularly evident in Happy Ending. But I disagree with the idea that Grace Kelly was not the right song to introduce Mika. At least in my country, people were drawn to Mika by it and, maybe, by Love Today. Both songs are still a success. I think his choices have been very good, so far. Well, but this is just an opinion.
  2. "I'm throwing a really big party and ALL my fans are invited". (Well... that wouldn't be possible; we are way too many). Or... "I'm fed up with Harry Nilsson".
  3. ME, ME! May I join? I think the band really deserves some recognition for their work.
  4. Lucky Big girl! hahaha It's incredible how a single shot of a camera can change the meaning of certain situations. Anyway, Mika looks great on that pic. The photos are awesome! Thanks for posting!
  6. Oh, God! For some reason I couldn't enter the forums for a couple of days, but now Im back, I'm SOOOOOOO EXCITED! I can't wait to start with this project. I don't sing very well, but I'll do my best for this occasion! I'm already practicing the song, but I'm afraid nothing good will come out of all this... Never mind.
  7. ¡POR FIN PUDE ENTRAR! ¡ALELUYA, HERMANAS! (y hermano). No saben lo que fue estar un día ENTERO sin MFC. La muerte en vida. Lo que pasa es que cambié de e-mail y, para registrarme acá, había usado esa casilla que ahora no sirve. Como soy una adicta al foro, me dije que no podía dejar de actualizar la casilla, porque entonces corría el riesgo de perderme de algo importante. Pero la verificación no me llegaba y casi me quedo sin dedos (comerme las uñas ya no era suficiente) esperando que me mandaran el bendito mail. ¡PERO AHORA LLEGÓ Y PUEDO COMENTAR OTRA VEZ! :yay: ¿Moraleja? NO CAMBIEN EL MAIL CON EL QUE SE REGISTRARON EN MIKAFANCLUB POR NADA DEL MUNDO. Les cuento que hoy estuve en lo de una compañera de la facu, intentando estudiar. Pero no pudimos concentrarnos demasiado, porque estaba puesto LiCM. Con Mika sonando, no avanzamos demasiado. Pero la pasamos bien igual. Espero que me vaya igual de bien en el examen. :-S ¡Sofi, me alegro de que te haya funcionado la cuenta en MySpace! Empezaba a desesperarme. Ya te agregué y te dejé un comment. Está muy buena tu pág. En cuanto a lo de las fotos... ¿están seguros de que quieren ver una foto mía? Bueno, no sé por qué digo eso, en realidad: hay fotos mías en mi space y son públicas. Pueden visitarlo si quieren, pero no me hago responsable de los efectos adversos que las imágenes puedan ocasionar. Besos para todos. P.D.: Me olvidé de lo fundamental: ¡amo a MIka! jeje. Nos vemos.
  8. Sorry, I've never met him. But, believe me, it has became one of my life dreams. And I swear for the life of mine that I'll do it, one day. The problem is he's getting more and more famous each day and that means my chances of meeting him are slim. Anyway, let's keep dreaming. Regarding the kids subject, I'm not sure if he likes them or not. But... who cares about that? I don't really want kids myself so... Well, I'm branching off here. hehe
  9. Great idea, phunkygal! THANK YOU, MODS, FOR YOUR TIRELESS EFFORT! And don't worry: we really like you (at least I do).
  10. OMG! THAT'S GREAT, DAVID! Thanks for scanning the full article! You are an angel. I wish something like that was published in Argentina! *snif* *runs to her bedroom, sobbing*
  11. I'M SOOOO HAPPY! YAY! I was really nervous! I can't believe Mika received it! I can die in peace now.
  12. My favourite season? Summer! Fall is so melancholic and, generally, I have a lot to do in those months. I hate winter; cold paralyses me and spring is... well. I don't know. Summer is energy and sun and freedom from my studies and my job. So yeah, summer rocks!
  13. ¡JAJAJAAJ! Adri, no tenés desperdicio. Me hiciste reír sin ganas, te juro. No sé qué le pasará al pobre Mika si llega a aparecer por acá, pero que no se preocupe: van a ser todas cosas lindas. ¡Y UNA GRAN BIEINVENIDA PARA NUESTRO PRIMER MIKAFANTÃTICO! Espero que no te espantes con nuestros comentarios, che. Pero tenés que entender que la gente que nos rodea en el mundo real (no virtual) está un poco harta de que le hablemos de Mika. "Is not all Mika, Mika, Mika, you know?" jaja (había una pág. para fabricar slognas, a partir de una palabra que vos ponés; cuando puse "Mika" me salió eso, jajaj). Éste es nuestro espacio de terapia grupal. ¡Gracias a todos, por mantenerme cuerda! (eso creo). Besos. P.D.: ¡AGUANTE LA LOGIA PENNIMAN!
  14. I've just read the article. THANKS, MKA_SPECIAL! And I can see the image perfectly. Good job! CONGRATS ON YOUR 1,000 (or more) POSTS! You achieved my dream! Well, I'll have to keep working (hard). hehe
  15. Here's my mail: (sorry, I had to erase my address because of the spam warning. Thanks, Christine!). You must add lazy_daisy, you must add lazy_daisy, you must add... Oh. Are you still awake? Err... add me if you have the time.
  16. ¡JAJAJA! ¡LA LOGIA PENIMANN! Yo soy miembro, desde ya les aviso. Chiquis, para todas las que grabamos el CD para Mika y le mandamos tarjetas, tengo una buenísima noticia: ¡LAS CHICAS ENTREGARON TOOOODOOO! Para una historia pormenorizada visiten el Thread de Weston Park. No puedo creer que Mika va a tener en sus manos lo que todas nosotras escribimos o grabamos o lo que sea. Me siento cerquita de él, por un rato al menos. Ah, y ya que estamos: estoy en campaña para conocerlas a todas. Voy agregando sus mails de a poquito. Así que ya saben: si una fulana con el mail lourdes_araoz84@hotmail.com las agrega al msn, no es un psicópata: ¡soy sólo yo! (ehh... bueno, capaz que tengo algo de psicópata, pero no es para tanto). ACÉPTENMEEE. Besos y me voy porque me duele la cabeza. Muaa! (re chivo de la marca, che; pero qué más da).
  17. I won't deny I'd like to see some kind of reaction on Mika's part, but I don't expect anything. I'm just happy to think that he'll feel loved when he sees our presents and cards. I CAN'T BELIEVE THE PRESENT WAS FINALLY DELIVERED! I hope you all realize the power of MFC!
  18. I've just finished reading all the posts (it took me more than an hour to do so!) and i have many things to say: 1) I'm really proud of you, Bexxy! I'm happy you are amongst MFCers! What you did at the concert was GREAT. I doesn't matter you didn't meet Mika; at least you managed to deliver the presents. That's much more than I had hopped for. I really thought our gifts would be lost and that there was no way we could reach Mika on time. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for proving me wrong. And thanks to the Penguin! Thanks for your effort. 2) You not only managed to deliver the presents, Bexxy, you actually RECORDED the show and are taking pains to put it on YouTube for us MFCers to watch! Thanks for that too! You are priceless. 3) I'm sure Mika got the gift. Ladyflower and Pinguin made it a point to tell the security guys this project took a long time of preparation. I don't think they have the heart to get rid of our present! 4) I LOVE THE PHOTOS! It seems you had a lot of fun and the show was amazing. I wish I had been there... But my time will come! (or so I hope). In any case, thanks guys for being my bridge to Mika! A BIG, BIG, THANK YOU from my little self. *Hugs Bexxy and her faithful Pinguin*
  19. Girls, I have three words to say: call an ambulance. Mika fan dying here. He looks amazing in purple...
  20. Now I've read it, I can give my verdict. And I can summarize it in a single word: AMAZING! It's more than evident that you worked really hard on this project and your effort has paid off. I enjoyed the editorial and the fashion section, and I laughed again with the photo captions. Is Mika seeing this? Because he should. I'm really proud of you, people! Thanks for this amazing magazine. If I can be of some help for the oncoming editions, just let me know! Ahem... now excuse me, I've got matters to attend to. *runs to solve the crosswords*
  21. OH, THANK YOU FOR THIS! I was waiting for it anxiously. I'm downloading it, right now. I'll post a another comment in a couple of minutes!
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