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Everything posted by lazy_daisy

  1. What? The gift was safely delivered? I'm nervous, too!!!
  2. ¡Aah! ¡Re lindo! Me tocó una fibra sensible. ¿Quién escribió eso? ¿Fuiste vos?
  3. GREAT IDEA, FREDDIE! I was a bit worried my message would sink helplessly amongst the thousands and thousands already posted at the forums, because I wrote mine in one of the first created threads and (naturally) they have sort of... disappeared. And you'll agree with me that posting the same time and time again is somewhat tiring. Thanks for this brilliant idea!
  4. I agree! He's completely different to anything I've heard before. And I love him for that! Thank you very much for your effort, Diana and Blue! It was worth the hard work, you can be sure.
  5. ¿Cuál de todos los libros? Por Dios, había millones. Había uno con tarjetas por el cumple y otro que tenía como título "Relax (take it easy) Card" y que, obviamente, era para decirle que se cuide. La verdad no sé qué pasó con todos esos proyectos; estoy tratando de averiguar. Les cuento que soy otra de las locas que está haciendo maratón de Life in Cartoon Motion. Desde anoche. Estaba tan contenta que no podía irme a la cama; era como si mi mejor amigo cumpliese años. Al final, me fui a dormir a las 4.30, jaja, cuando Julie decidió que era demasiado vicio para ella y que era hr. de dormir. Lo malo de todo esto es que Mika ni se entera de que existimos. Está demasiado abocado a Europa y EEUU. ¡CUANDO VENGA AL PAÃS NI LOCA ME LO PIERDO! *Paciencia, Lourdes, paciencia... * Besos para todas, chiquis.
  6. Gosh, maybe you are right. But I still think Mika looks better; I'm sorry for the double guy.
  7. Of course, he looks somewhat Mika-ish. But nothing more. Mika is way handsomer than the guy of the photo.
  8. WELCOME, ELVIS! Glad to have you at the forums. And on Mika's birthday! Take that as a sign from heavens, dude, hehe. Have fun!
  9. La Iglesia debería prohibir ese video. Es demasiado pecaminoso. Los pensamientos se van para cualaquier lado, chicas. No hagan que peque, ya les dije. ¡Soy débil! "Give those dreamgirls a run for their money", dice nuestro bombón libanés. Yo pago más plata por menos que eso; no necesita ni siquiera preocuparse. hhehe Me encanta cuando se saca la remera. Ejem... Quiero más. ¿No tienen otro video parecido?
  10. Hi, Mark! Welcome to the forums! Have a great time.
  11. No, te entiendo perfectamene. ¡Es que en estos foros hay tanta gente y todos dicen cosas tan parecidas! Uno no sabe cómo expresarse de una manera que realmente muestre lo que uno siente. Pero en fin... creo que es evidente: todos amamos a Mika. jajaj
  12. Ok, post number three on this subject (number four if you count Mikasounds), but well... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIKA! I took me 22 years to find you, and you had to wait 23 years for your music to travel around the world, but it was worth the waiting. Have a great day! May your 24th year bring you happiness and all the success you deserve. A big hug from Argentina. Oh, and please, don't work today!
  13. ¡jajaj! ¿"Spanish for free"? Si tomase clases con cualquiera de nosotras, lo que menos aprendería el pobre Mika es español. Pero en fin... I SECOND THAT! I COULD HELP YOU WITH YOUR HOMEWORK, MIKA!
  14. ¡jajajaj! ¡Está buenísimo el video de la joda telefónica! ¡Gracias, Veromika, por la traducción! Y, ahora, a lo esencial: ¡FELIZ CUMPLE, MIKA! Estoy con el ánimo por los cielos, como si Mika fuese algo mío y hubiese fiesta esta noche. ¡Ojalá fuera así! Recién estaba chateando con Floopy y decíamos qué lindo que sería si fuésemos todas vecinas y saliésemos a festejar el año número 24 del hombre más increíble del planeta. ¿No les encantaría que Mika organizara una súper fiesta y que estuviéramos todas invitadas? Por Dios, me estoy volviendo loca. De amor. Espero que el Sr. pase un día increíble (no sé qué hr. es donde él está... de hecho, no sé en dónde está, pero supongo que aún seguirá siendo su día). Bueno, ya monologué bastante. Sólo quería compartir mi alegría con alguien. Y saber que no soy la única que, a la una y algo de la mañana, sigue despertando a los vecinos con Life in Cartoon Motion. Algún día nos vamos a encontrar (espero) y vamos a festejar como Dios manda. ¡Besos para todas, chiquis!
  15. That sucks. But you have a lot of talent, keep it up.
  16. Hey! That's the bag I love! I must have it and I remember that fact ecah time you post a new photo! Do you sell it? hehe
  17. ¡Hola, Romy! ¡Bienvenida! Si no me equivoco, es la segunda Romy de Argentina que tenemos en el foro. Soy Lourdes y vivo en Tucumán. Estoy segura de que va a encantarte el sitio. ¡No te olvides de visitar el Argentinian Thread! Nos vemos.
  18. OH, I LOVE THE COMIC! IT'S SO COLORFUL! I was wrong some posts ago. I said Mika would love the drawing. Now i'm sure he'll be thrilled when he sees your little work of art. I'm in love with it myself. You are really arty. Have you studied something related to drawing or art?
  19. It's 7.28 p.m on the 17th of August, in my country, but well... Let's do it now: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKA! I'm one of the freaks who recorded a message for you . But, since the gift is not going to be delivered, I'll tell you how much I love you and your music by writing. Laughing Mika, I hope this new year brings you happiness and success (even more than you already have). I'm a bit far from you (nothing really, just a couple of billion kilometers away), but I send you all my love and a big hug on this special day. I'd love to be with you to deliver them personally, but you know how work is... haha. Thanks for your amazing music, for your endless energy and for making all of us happy. TAKE A BREAK AND ENJOY YOUR BIRTHDAY! You really deserve it (forget my siggy, it doesn't count today). P.S.: On the recording, I sang 'cumpleaños feliz' (happy birthday, in spanish) to you. Confused Now I come to think about it, you are really lucky for not getting the gift. Laughing Your birthday will be perfect now. Have a great day! I'll think about you in the distance. hehe. Kisses.
  20. It's 7.26 p.m on the 17th of August, in my country, but well... Let's do it now: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKA! I'm one of the freaks who recorded a message for you, at MFC . But, since the gift is not going to be delivered, I'll tell you how much I love you and your music by writing. Laughing Mika, I hope this new year brings you happiness and success (even more than you already have). I'm a bit far from you (nothing really, just a couple of billion kilometers away), but I send you all my love and a big hug on this special day. I'd love to be with you to deliver them personally, but you know how work is... haha. Thanks for your amazing music, for your endless energy and for making all of us happy. TAKE A BREAK AND ENJOY YOUR BIRTHDAY! You really deserve it (forget my siggy, it doesn't count today). P.S.: On the recording, I sang 'cumpleaños feliz' (happy birthday, in spanish) to you. Confused Now I come to think about it, you are really lucky for not getting the gift. Laughing Your birthday will be perfect now. Have a great day! I'll think about you in the distance. hehe. Kisses.
  21. I'm sure he'll love the drawing! I wrote some kind of... letter to him, because I'm artistically challenged, hehe. I wish I had a gift like yours. You could rent Mika to help you with your drawings and ask him to bring Da Wack along! It'd be a success, believe me!
  22. Yes! I really enjoyed it. I'm so hopelessly in love with Mika's music!
  23. YAY! GREAT NEWS! I LOVE HAPPY ENDING! Plus, it will show people out there who don't know Mika's music what he is capable of doing. There are some people who think it's a beautiful song but that it won't make to number one. I couldn't disagree more. It's true H.E. is a slower song, but I think it's AMAZING. It will be another success. I'm really happy about this news! I can't wait till the single is released.
  24. Yeah, I'm pretty sure of that, too! By the way, I love the drawng in yuor siggy! Did you make it yourself?
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