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Everything posted by lazy_daisy

  1. ¡HOLA, MARCELO! ¡Al fin un argentino! Soy Lourdes, tengo 22 y vivo en Tucumán. Te cuento que tenemos un Argentinian Thead, así que no dudes en visitarlo si querés hablar sobre Mika con fans argentinos. Me alegro de que hayas decidido unirte al club y no te preocupes por tu inglés: es muy bueno (lástima que no pueda decir lo mismo de mío, je, je). ¡Nos vemos en el foro! Un saludo.
  2. I'd rent him to be my personal hugger. I need hugs quite often, you know (and, of course, he could get as many hugs as he wanted, completely free!). Oh, and I'd love him to walk with me.
  3. GREAT NEWS! The song fits Betty perfectly. I was a big fan of the original series (actually, it was a colombian telenovela called 'Betty, la fea') and I loved the plot and the story. It would have been amazing if Mika had been around in those days and if he had put music to that series too. In any case, this is going to boost his fame. Well done for Mika! I'm really happy. This was the original Betty (ugly betty looks amazing, in comparisson):
  4. :roftl: :roftl: You know, I hadn't thought about that, but it sounds like a GREAT idea. Should we rehearse the steps and moves to make sure this actually happens? Practice makes perferct, everybody knows that. The big question is if Mika will comply with this.
  5. I'd love to take part in this, but I don't have a camera. But I'll try to get one!
  6. Hey, I want to be a Mika trooper! I'm from Argentina and I do spread Mika's music as much as I can! ADD ME, PLEASE!
  7. ¡Hey, bienvenida! I'm from Argentina, too! (as you can see from my siggy). If you are looking for fellow argentinians, go to the Argentinian Thread. Here's my e-mail, just in case you want to chat: lourdes_araoz84@hotmail.com. Have fun! (Perdón, pero tuve que escribir en inglés para que todos entiendan, je, je. ¡Nos vemos en el Argentinian Thread! Beso).
  8. FINALLY! I got a bit scared when I typed 'www.mikafanclub.com' in my directions bar and only a chatroom appeared. Thanks God MFC is back in all its splendorous majesty. THANKS, DEANO AND KIERAN! Your hard and dedicated work was woth the while: the site is amazingly fast! And everything works fine for me. I'm so happy we have an exclusive server!
  9. YAY! GREAT NEWS! I'm sure he'll beat the others and make it to the top! I hate umbrella too. It's an annoying song and I can't really understand why or how it reached number one. Poor Rihanna! Everyone (or a fair number of people, at least) hates her song now, hehe. But that's what happens when you meddle with Mika! For my part, I never liked 'Umbrella', but it has nothing to do with him. Not my favourite kind of song, i guess
  10. Rest assured: it's not our beloved Mika. The reason is simple: if he was to take part in this show, he would certainly be one of the nominees. He is so great an artist that he'd be elegible for 'nation's favourite singer' or something like that. The article must refer to the the other Mika.
  11. I completely agree with the person who wrote this. Mika is unique and he was born a star, in spite of the rejection he suffered at some stage of his life. Great article. The biography would be a great idea. I'd certainly buy it!
  12. Awww... it seems he does care about his fans after all. It was very, very nice of him to perform free. I'm really happy to hear this, though there was no way I could possibly attend the show (I'm a bit far from the place...). But this is great news all the same.
  13. The same happens to me, Misko! I'm glad I'm not the only freak here . Enjoy the forums!
  14. God, it was an awfull joke. Did you give that guy a piece of your mind? Because you should. He deserves it. Playing like that with fan's feelings... it was terribly cruel of him.
  15. I agree. What does Justin Timberlake have, uh? (apart from the looks, which appeal to many a girl but definitely not to me). I don't mean to criticize him, but I really think Mika deserves a recognition for all his hard work and for his huge talent.
  16. WHAT??? There must be a mistake. Rihanna's 'Umbrella' is nominated and Mika is not? Something smells really bad here. Who is supposed to choose the nominees?
  17. I wonder why the press sticks to the artist's embarassing moments. Mika is doing incredibly well regarding his career, but the only thing they can say is that he fell on stage 'landing in a graceless heap of hair and heels' (which is not entirely true, since he managed it pretty well). Come on, the fall was not that extraordinary. The article itself shows every artist in the world (even the most experienced) have gone through worse things. Oh, well... However, Fergie's accident and Bowie's lollipop episode made me chuckle. I admit that. And I agree: Robbie Williams managed his fall amazingly. He looked completely cool and collected! And so did Mika, only he kept singing as if anything had happened.
  18. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I love that photo *right clicks on it and steals it*
  19. YAY! THAT'S GREAT! This is huge. I'm so happy!
  20. I try not to overanalyze, because I can't enjoy things and moments if I pay too much attention to details. Mybe something seems wonderful to me at the beginning, but I get dissappointed about it on second thoughts. Anyway, that's just me. I like this thread: It's good to work people out, sometimes. Then you can discover things which aren't on the surface at all.
  21. Welcome, Nina! It's great to have you here as well. You'll love it as much as I do. Have fun!
  22. I think the interview you are referring to is this one. he talks about homeless people but not about charity there. Maybe I'm confussed: http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2007050404,00.html P.S.: look at the very end, under the subtitle 'happy ending'.
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