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Everything posted by mikaaloverr

  1. I love this video! It's so different than I'd expected it to be tho Best one, I think
  2. Great! Love Today is playing here, too, in #3 I agree, it's much more exciting to hear it on the radio and my dad says, "Why are you so happy when you've got the CD? He doesn't understand, it's better when you know there are other people listening, too
  3. Hola gente! Les escribo acá desde Buenos Aires, hace mucho que vi este thread pero siempre me olvidaba de "unirme". Conozco a Sofi_89 desde su flog (soy .com/mikaalove), y tengo la misma obseción que ella con Mika Pregunta (prepárense porque tengo muchas, jaja) Escuché (ba, leí) que Mika iba a lanzar un DVD en Londres, alguien tiene idea si lo vamos a poder tener en Argentina? LA GRAN PREGUNTA! Besos,
  4. What MIKA song are you? You scored as a "Lollipop" You are person-butterfly, outgoing, simple, very humorous. Though many people may think you are too happy and see the world in pink colors. However, even though you are a bit crazy and may jump around and laugh without stopping, you see what's going on around you clearly - you just try to make it look sweeter for yourself. "Lollipop" 100% "Love Today" 75% "Billy Brown" 75% "Relax (Take It Easy)" 75% "Any Other World" 70% "Stuck In The Middle" 65% "Grace Kelly" 55% "My Interpretation" 40% OOOH, I like it
  5. Well, here in Argentina Mika has become "famous" no more than two months ago. So when I get asked, "Who's Mika?" I can't help but babble EVERYTHING I know about him It's kiiind of freaky and they just stare at me like LOL It's the same here, I can't just say SOME stuff ! Good luck on finding a summary
  6. I hate it when they roll their eyes. I feel like saying, "Is there something wrong with your eye?!" LOL And when I start singing, "I could be brown, I could be blue..." the eye-rolling starts from ALL of my friends this time . I tend to write "Mika" or "Love Today" on the blackboard before the class starts, and my prefect says, "Agustina..." and then I'd say, "Okay, I'll erase it "
  7. LOL, that happened to me too. There was this ONE friend of mine who doesn't like Mika at ALL and when I talk about him (which is every five minutes ) she shakes her head , and I GET SOO MAD!
  8. Love it! Wondering if he really does have a diary...I know I wouldn't. Not with all these crazy stalking Mika Fans out there
  9. Are you kidding?! Count me in, I definitely fancy Mika! There are soo many of us out there, it's great.
  10. I've been through that too. Mika was just new here in Argentina and I had heard Grace Kelly a few weeks back before I told my best friend who Mika was. Well, some - let me rephrase that - MOST of my friends said he was ugly, and I told them that not only I like him because of his looks, but his music represents and communicates a feeling I get only when listening to HIS music. Little by little, my best friend started liking him (it was probably 'cause I took the LICM cd to her house whenever I slept over - which is almost every friday ) and then all my friends dance to the songs. It's just a matter of time, and I know how it feels not to talk about something you desperately want to. My whole family gave me the Mika Obsessed reputation after listening to his CD for a week.) While your friends start realising who Mika is and in no time, he'll be famous - I mean, super famous - talk about Mika and just share any comments you have with someone on here. Who's better to talk to than to craaazy Mika fans (myself included). No offense guys Hope you can solve this, and know you can send a PM any time you like just to chat BYE!
  11. WEEL, here in Argentina they're selling the watch Mika uses, you know, the colorful one. So I'm going to the mall today to see if they still have it and I'll buy it I have LICM, no posters but 2g of space used in the hard disk , LOL I hope he comes to Argentina someday .
  12. Awww a poster! Wish I had one of those, there aren't any in Argentina.
  13. I'm terrified of potatoes. Just kidding I absolutely HATE spiders. They squirm and move quickly!
  14. Is it true that Mica in German means GLITTER?
  15. Nicolle, till today I didn't know Instant Martyr and I'm Falling even EXISTED.
  16. Anyone know the lyrics for "I'm falling"? THANKS!
  17. Thanks for the lyrics. You guys're great
  18. Hi. I need some of Mika's song's lyrics. I need these songs: I’m falling Instant Martyr Your Sympathy Satellite Same Jeans Thanks
  19. LUCKY YOU. I don't have either Ring Ring or Erase
  20. Thanks! I was looking for the piano chords but couldn't find them
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