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Everything posted by Carol_Queen

  1. Buenisssimooo!! Siii, hay q convencer a Mika de q venga a Latinoamericaa!! por Dioss...si supiera la ansiedad q tenemos por verlooo!!! Bessso MMUA!
  2. Holiss!! no sere de Mexico, pero por lo menos de Latinoamerica!! ya te agregue!! espero q me aceptess!! Besote MMMUA!
  3. Ohhh, nice Picss!! jajajajaj!! what the hell happened with your hair, darling!!!???? maybe it was a wet day...mmmm Have a nice day people!!!
  4. Argentina Mikaaa!!! you have to come to our beautifull third world country!!! Porfi pleasee!! te lo pido por favoooor!! de rodillas sobre las brasas, sobre una cama de clavos, sobre vidrios, caminando de rodillas sobre un empedrado...COMO SEEAAA!! T lo pido POR FAVOOOR!!!! Bessso MMMUA!
  5. MTVLA sucks!! yeah yeah yeah, thats a sad sad truth!! They never show Mika´s vids, never-ever,!! in the add of the EMA´s, they sayed that Mika was going to perform, etc, and then, we wait and...goodbye, see you, etc and...Mika?? no...no Mika!! I don´t know why, but here he ´s very famous, everybody loves Love Today, but MTV never talk about him...!! I´m ungryyy, sooo ungryyy!!!
  6. Thank you so Much Shari!! and how lucky you are!! a Queen tour!! I hope I can go to Europe next year, to see Mika and Queen (then, I rest in peace!! jajaj!!)!! Enjoy being Europeans peoplee!!! and live there!!
  7. Hey!! It´s been a long time since I came here for the first (and only) time!! but now I have so much time to post!! I see some of you have plans for the saturday. I´m going to another place here in argentina, called Rosario, cause a group of fans are going to have a party in a `disco, only for Queeners. So, we (a group of fans, including me!) are going to go there!! theyre going to do some karaoke, dance, etc...It´s gonna be fun!! I think we have to remember Freddie that way! I know it hurts, I cry every single 24/11, cause he´s so much to me, but I think he want us to remember with a smile on our face!! I hope to post more!! cause I really like this thread! Lots of love for you all!!!
  8. Hey!! thanks for posting tha mag!!! He´s very beautifull on the pics, specially cause his curls are growing again (I love his crazy curls!)!
  9. You`re so lucky!! here in Argentina it´ll come out november 29th!! but we want it NOW! (like breaktrhu vid!). the worst thing is that we don´t know the edition that is coming out, hope is the deluxe one (but I don´t think so...)!! Enjoy your DVD!! I´m gonna wait (biting my nails.....S**t!) !!!
  10. Wallet for me!! (here in Argentina we have a lot of that wallets, in that colour!!! recently, I had to buy a new one, and one of the wallets that the shop shown me was just like Mika´s wallet...)
  11. OMG!! he`s sooooooooo sexy on that pic!!
  12. WHITE TROUSERS ROCKS!!!!!! He really looks good on white trousers!!! (and I think he knows it!)
  13. Me too Lau!! jjajaa....yummy!!! I don´t know if you saw this picture but he is soooooo beautiful when he smiles... Beautiful boy!! Doing Yoga... OHMMMMMMM
  14. Ohhh MY GODDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to say it AGAIN..HE`S SOOOOO MIKALICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! Great pics lmclmc!!! you make my day happier (no kidding!! here´s raining so much!!!!)
  15. BABYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jajja, he`s so cute!! with that face of a little devil!!! How can I say!!?? you´re so MIKAlicious!!! jajaj!!
  16. Anyway we want to, Anyway you´ve got to, WIN, WIN, WIN!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Yeahhh!! the MFC Rocks!!! I can`t pass a day without lookig the threads, specially the argentinean one (I`m from there!!) I`ve met a lot of new friends, I have a lot of fun in here, and it´s a nice funny way to be connected with Mika and with everything that represents:thumb_yello: !!! So, come onn!! don´t be afraid!! we are crazy, but harmless:naughty: !
  18. Holiss!! Estaba x aqui de pasada... Congrats por el nuevo thread!!! Suertee!!
  19. Ohh, you`re so lucky!! here in argentina we don`t have singles, and on TV they are still playing Love Today!!!...I love it, but I really want to see BG or HE too. I think the DVD is coming out nov. 12
  20. not only in the amblyopia is an indication the little eye patch. When a child has a problem with the normal development of one of the eyes, they patch the normal one to estimulate the development of the other one. And it could be a brain problem (optycal nerve problem, or maybe a macula problem) or some eye patology, like the herpes, etc, who lefts Sequels. Well, I really don´t know. The point is that he can see!!and it´s all we have to care about!! (he is healthy!!)
  21. Yess!! this patology is treated with glasses!! and one option would be surgery...but it depends on what is the cause of the Lazy Eye If a Know anything else I let you know (I´m on the 5th year of medicine!!!)
  22. It´s a decrease in the visual acuity due to an organic lesion of the eye It has multiple causes, like eye patologies, etc That´s it! I hope this is the information you wanted! (Sorry for my english...!!! jajaj, I´m helping myself with an internet dictionary...and I don`t know if it`s good!!)
  23. It´s the first time that I read the "I respect Mika" thread. I have to say that sometimes I write things about how gorgeous Mika is, and sometimes we (the girls on the thread that I post) let ourselves go and say some things that really embarrase me... But I think I don´t cross the line, because I put myself on Mika´s skin and I understand it could be a little strong and uncomfortable...But when I say those things I have no bad intentions, and I try not to say`em I really really respect MIKA...he deserves it with all the things he gave and he gives us kisse from a third world beautiful country
  24. No, no idea... in argentina we are like you, we don´t know when is comming out, and if it´s really comming out here...We just have to wait!
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