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Everything posted by bonzaboy

  1. Ohh, awesome! He's pretty! What breed? Are you planning on competing, or just pleasure riding?
  2. The time doesn't seem to be out for me... but you guys are on daylight savings though, right? Still, it shouldn't be two hours out... that's weird. Today I could've been competing with Bonza (my pony), but instead chose to practise the same 5min segment of the musical I so intelligently involved myself in for three hours. And even after all that, we still can't get it quite right...lol =] For now, I shall be off, for I have a nice 15min seminar to write in regards to poetic integrating devices for tomorrow.
  3. update mikasounds: Back in LA. Didn't close my eyes that whole flight, just ate the whole time. Photo shoot tomorrow. I think I'll go nap on the beach. 2 minutes ago from Tweetie
  4. Hey, don't let it freak you out. I'm autistic as well (AS), and I think of it as a gift, rather than a disorder. I was diagnosed at 14, (three years ago), and at first, I wasn't very accepting of it at all. I was always the abnormal one at school, and to me, this seemed to make it worse! I didn't want anyone to know that I was different, not even my family. I thought the fact that my parents were making me see a psychologist once a fortnight was just plain weird, and told my friends that I had orthodontist appointments, even though I didn't have braces anymore. I wanted nothing more than to be 'normal'. But after about 6 months, it occurred to me that I wasn't that different to others. Autism isn't something that you can see, just by looking at someone. It just meant that my social skills weren't quite as developed as other people my age. They were something that I had to physically learn, rather than them being intuitive. I decided that this was something my friends should know, so that they could help me with my social skills and behaviours. So that they could let me know if I was, to quote my friend "Committing social suicide for the fifteenth time this week". I decided to embrace my difference, and even now, I think that it's important that others should know, to help them understand people like us. Because we neurodiverse people (people on the autism spectrum) see the world in a very different way to neurotypicals (people not on the autism spectrum). As for your mum, I know that accepting someone that you love is different can be a very hard thing to do. My father's side of the family refused to accept the fact that I was different. to quote my grandmother, "There's nothing wrong with that child, she's just high spirited", and that "Seeing all these people will break her spirit". It can be a hard thing to swallow, and even my mum said that at first, she didn't want to accept the fact that I was different. She was frustrated, because all this time, she'd been getting nowhere with me, and other parents who had no idea about me were criticising her parental ability. What you need to do, in my opinion, is try and sit down with your mum and explain to her about autism, and that it's not just an excuse to be a hypochondriac. I'd suggest looking for a dvd by Tony Atwood for your mum, because he explains all this extremely well. I also just love this book. I found it at my library, and it's brilliant. http://www.amazon.com/All-Cats-Have-Asperger-Syndrome/dp/1843104814/ref=pd_sim_b_4 Good luck, and if you ever need to talk, PM me. =]
  5. It's okay, I can help you. =] I can tell from the extension on your file that you've recorded with Audacity, correct? Cos the file that you've given us is the project file. It hasn't actually saved all the data required to produce an audio clip, just little pieces of info that it'll use to open your project again next time, on your computer. You can visibly see this, as the file size will be a lot smaller than that of an ordinary mp3/wav file. What you need to do is open the file that you've uploaded for us with Audacity. Once it's loaded, click 'File', and then select 'Export as WAV'. It should then prompt you to name and select the destination for the file. And that's it. =]
  6. I fell down a flight of stairs today and sprained my ankle. =] That was embarrassing. haha I get the feeling that I'm going to become a regular in this thread...
  7. My entire year level set our mobile phone alarms to the same time, and locked them in their lockers during QCS prac today as an April fools prank. It was hilarious. Every ten minutes or so, twenty-something mobile phones would go off. The teachers didn't have any idea what to do, and they couldn't stop the phones, cos they were locked inside the lockers! lol It was funny.
  8. I've realised why my link is being so slow. It's because I'm nearly out of bandwidth for this month. haha. So I uploaded it to one of the other sites for now. =] http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=053f5f8cf8f32d248ef1259ff1b60e81e04e75f6e8ebb871
  9. I filmed some stuff. Now I've just gotta kick my sister off the other computer, cos mine doesn't have a firewire port. Mind you, that could take a few days...lol
  10. weird... I typed mine all in caps, and it worked... =\
  11. It's probably because the forum username system isn't case sensitive and that's how you've originally typed it when you first joined up. For example, I could log in as username Bonzaboy, BoNzAbOy or BONzaboy and still be directed to the same account, if my hypothesis is correct. Now I'm curious! *goes to check* -Edit- Yup, I was correct. =]
  12. You all have a lovely voices! As I mention in my audio clip, I love accents. =] This is me. http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/2412175_luvib/ejvoice1.mp3 Hopefully it will load faster for you guys than it does for me. If it doesn't, let me know, and I'll upload it elsewhere. =]
  13. I have way too many. My most recent was when I went out to do transect sampling in mangroves last Thursday. Actually, I had two moments that day! lol The first of which was when the back of my pants split. We were told to wear old clothing, cos mangroves are muddy. so I decided to wear my oldest pair of jeans, which were obviously getting a little worn, without my knowledge. lol The second was whilst I was getting changed into clean clothes at the ferry terminal to go back to the mainland. I pulled out my clean pants, and found that my water bottle had leaked just in the wrong place. So I walked around the ferry terminal for a good 20 minutes looking like I'd wet myself. The teacher looked at me strangely, so I was like, 'What? I have bladder problems!' My friends nearly died laughing. So did I, for that matter.
  14. So I was cleaning up my hard disk the other day, and I found a screenshot that I'd taken last year of the ARIA (Australian Recording Industry Association) chart website, just after Big Girl had been released. The ARIA chart website has a section called 'Chartifacts', which pretty much just discusses the chart for the week. I took a screenshot of it, because I knew that it would be gone by next week, but never actually posted it. So, since we're all pretty Mika deprived at the moment, I though I'd post this one up for you guys. =] Original screenshot- http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i245/bonzaboy/Blog%20pics/ARIAscreenshot.jpg Text- BIG GIRL (YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL) - Mika 24 year old Mika made his debut last year with his hit single Grace Kelly (No.2 Apr. '07). Since then Mika has gone on to release three more hits including this week's debut, Big Girl (You Are Beautiful). Previous releases include Love Today (No. 3, Aug.'07) and Happy Ending (No.7 Dec. '07). All of which are taken from Mika's debut album, Life In Cartoon Motion. Mika recently won a BRIT Award for Best Breakthrough Act and has also taken home three World Music Awards for Best Selling New Artist, Best Selling Male Pop/Rock Artist and Best Selling British Artist. These are all outstanding accolades for the short career Mika has enjoyed so far.
  15. Thanks. =] Wow, I would've thought they were signed too!
  16. Aw Charlie, you don't look stupid! I think you look quite nice in that pic, actually. =] Sounds like you had a good time. =D I quite like their style. I think I'll have a look for some of their stuff on iTunes now!
  17. to the MFC. Don't worry, for a lot of us, this was our first fan-club, myself included. =]
  18. Hi all. =] Today my biology class went for a trip to Magnetic island in order to play in mud and mangroves. Fun fun! =D Actually, the funniest part was all the stuck-up girls and their $400000 jeans in the mud, squealing about every new organism we came across... :rolls_eyes: I was smart, and wore gumboots and old pants. haha *snigger* I can imagine my cat in a wig. He loves cross-dressing.
  19. hehe, yay for stalkers! We should have the option to rename 'followers' as 'stalkers'. It'd make things just that little bit more entertaining... Sounds like a typical retreat... Hope you have fun. =] My username? it's bonzaboy. =]
  20. Hiya! Wow, you're having retreat early in the year! We went on yr11 retreat beginning of term 4!
  21. The absence of homework in my afternoon made me very happy. I can have an early night!
  22. I know! haha But then, she's never really been into all that stuff that typical girls like until now (I never have been, so there's never really been peer/sibling pressure on her to do all that 'typical' girl stuff), so hopefully once she's gotten over her first teenage obsession, she'll realise. =]
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