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Marilyn Mastin

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Everything posted by Marilyn Mastin

  1. Loving all the reports and stuff. What an amazing person we've become fans of. Speaking Czech! Is there any language on Earth that Mika can't speak some sentences of? He's one incredible human being! I'm sure he's made new fans as well.
  2. The only thing that sometimes gets-my-goat about it is when people on Twitter say @Arianagrande ft @Mikasounds I always correct them. But I think it has helped the song that he collaborated with an up-and-coming artist. The song has become a hit, which is awesome, and got Mika some great exposure to people who would never have heard of him otherwise.
  3. We want it to be really memorable for him, so he knows we still want him and still love him, despite the poor efforts of his record company.
  4. I don't agree that it's mocking at the end. I thought it was balanced and fair. I've left a comment, talking about how I believe Mika's record company have let him down and mentioning the songs which (I think) would have made better singles. If people read the comment, maybe they will look up the songs I mentioned, which are, Hurts, NPIH, Rio, Promiseland and Porcelain. He's a bit like that guy on Radio 2 who wanted Mika to do a darker album. He does see Mika's worth. I'm sure of it. It was that other reviewer who said Mika shouldn't come back to the UK, who I thought was really insulting.
  5. Actually, I've had another think about it. I've realised it would be better to make a kind of book. The back and front made of A4 card, then a few blank pages inside, for people to write their names and messages. This would mean there would be more room for the names and messages. I'll probably send it separate to the badges, to the same address and then it can be taken to London for the gig, and presented to Mika at the m&g afterwards. How does that seem to everyone?
  6. Mika is going to be so thrilled! As well as the badges, I'm thinking about making a gift for him. Something glittery but simple, saying something like, "Thank you Mika! UK loves you." It would have to be something easy to give, like something on A4 card, presented to him in a clear plastic envelope and everyone could sign it (you could also use the back of it for signatures and short messages so more people could sign it) He takes the time to give us all autographs, why not give him ours and our messages? I'll sign my name and write my short message before I send it. The messages would have to be short, so there's more room for others. What does everyone think of that?
  7. That's okay. I started at £10 in the hopes of getting a decent price for it. Besides, if someone from abroad bys it (which is likely because no one in the UK bothers about Mika's albums) the postage will be more. I'm not used to eBay either. I'm trying it out as a way of, maybe, starting to do some buying and selling to supplement our income a bit. So it is an experiment at the moment. I must admit, it was this thread that gave me the idea to try and sell it. If no one bids for it, I could offer it for less, but I'd like to see what happens first. I also have a few other Mika things I'm going to try and sell, to see what happens.
  8. I'm actually selling mine on eBay. I have all the songs on other disks and I'm not a collector. So I'll give you the heads-up about my selling it. However, it's an auction. I'm planning to sell a few things on eBay, some Mika stuff and stuff I don't need, as it's a way to raise some money. Me and my husband have to rely on state benefits and it's a pittance. Not like you see on TV on those 'on-benefit-and-doing-brilliantly', programmes. Disabled people, who genuinely cannot work professionally, have really been screwed by this government. Anyway, it's my on son't account as I would make a hash of it if I had my own account. So search 'Songs For Sorrow EP' on eBay, if you want to make a bid.
  9. Of course they should! Only God knows what is wrong with these people!
  10. I think I've read that one before, but it is great. Pop royalty? I agree.
  11. Definitely! Mika has a song for every occasion. Popular Song, We Are Golden or even We Are Young (because that wasted theme song for KA deserves another chance as well) They'd all be good for movies about high school kids standing up to bullies.
  12. I think, this is the direction he may be going in now. Maybe his songs in the movies, and perhaps a musical show soon. After all, if he wants to start a family, he's said himself, he can't be travelling the world with such a punishing schedule and no place to call home. He will need to settle down to bring up his children, and once he has done that, he might start writing a musical. I do get the feeling that's what he might do.
  13. Since Lollipop has had a bit of a revival in PP2, it's good that this continues with the Disney film. But he has such a wealth of talent. imagine... Heroes in a war film NPIH in a film where the lead character has a crisis of faith LYWID in one of those comedies, like the Hangover series I could go on. I hope the powers that be in Hollywood will look at all Mika's work, not just at LICM. But this is really good news, and keeps his name out there.
  14. I love what the guys says in the first part of the article. The difference with someone like this guy above, and that Chris person who reviewed Mika's album the other night on Radio 2 in the UK, is that this guy sees the whole album and what Mika has achieved with writing it. The guy on Radio 2 was very complimentary of Mika as a musician, and said that he should write more orchestra based music. But on this album, a lot of the tracks would be good as classical arrangements, as they are, at their core, classically based. Ordinary Man being very much a case in point, and if you listen to NPIH and concentrate on the music, it has a kind of classic flamenco based tune. But the man on radio 2, basically dismissed this album as just like his first one, and that made me very disappointed. But all that aside. Why didn't the guy on Radio 2, and most others in the UK, have anything to say about how brave Mika is with this album. "Where have all the gay guys gone?" That can not be misinterpreted. He's always been out there with his music, but this bold line in GG tells people once and for all. Good Wife also goes there (even though it could be referring to a woman in love with her male best friend, because of GG, the listener knows what Mika means in the song, when he sings it) These days there is a lot more tolerance for gay people, but also a lot of people still hate them. This album will support gay people, and also tell straight people that gay people are actually normal. They fall in-love and have relationships like anyone else. Why couldn't that guy on Radio 2 in the UK, even mention how brave Mika is with this album, when there is still a lot of prejudice around? Thank goodness for these great reviews from USA. I know they are not mainstream press, but there are enough of them to make a difference and help gay people, and their straight family and friends, sit up and take notice of Mika. Everyone can enjoy his wonderful songs. His work is so unifying, why can't the UK see that as well?
  15. Considering that there are countries that have no publicity at all about the album, so no folks there are buying it, and the UK don't even seem to stock the album, I think the figures are okay. It's a start. I don't think the figures will go up quickly. I don't think we should expect that at this stage. At the moment I think it's best to concentrate on being hopeful about things like, Mika's music getting into the movies. I know Lollipop is an old song, but it's going to be in a Disney film and may lead people to Mika. I think we just have to hope for things that lead people to Mika, even if it takes a while for it to make a difference.
  16. I'm fantastic at crafts. I can even teach crafts, but what I can't do is use technology. It's hard for me to do even the simplest things on a computer. Someone would have to tell me how to post the pictures. My son could take the pictures with his digital camera. How many can be posted on here? I'd need advice.
  17. That's good news about Lollipop in a Disney movie! I'm thinking that this is the way Mika needs to go with his music, for the time being anyway. Big Hollywood films with his music are such a good way to get his songs known and a song in a Disney film is fantastic! I hope, however, that some of Mika's newer songs get into the movies, especially the ones from the new album.
  18. Hi there. I haven't used this bit before. I'm doing okay. Hope you all are too!

    1. Salura22


      I am pretty good! Hi to you as well!

  19. I've been keeping an eye on the thread. Just posted to let you all know that the badges are coming along well. I do them in-between my other work. I'm aiming to do about 50 altogether, for people to pin to their clothes if they don't have anything with Mika's name on, to wear. They are all different, so they will look as though everyone made their own. Good luck with everything you are all doing.
  20. I just saw a tweet from @chartnews WW sales @mikasounds No Place In Heaven (109,000 total) Very good!
  21. I managed to listen to the review on catch up. This is the right page http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0612rlp#auto I sort-of get what the reviewer was talking about, but there are some incredible tracks on the album. However, I do agree that Mika is capable of writing very intense music, and orchestral music would be really good from him. I don't hate the review, because the criticism was constructive, and the guy knows that Mika is a true musician, who has it in him to be great again, but maybe not in the way that he once was, as a popstar in the UK. I have to say, he's probably right about that. But I still say that the album has some amazing tracks. It's just a great pity that they didn't feature them on the show, and also that Mika's record company didn't put out one of the better songs, like Promiseland, as a single.
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