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Marilyn Mastin

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Everything posted by Marilyn Mastin

  1. Yes, I only meant that the people who wrote the graffiti were targeting him. But they are just stupid individuals, not conspirators.
  2. Well I've answered it. Sometimes I wonder why I voice my opinion on here when it gets taken out of context. The fact that they scrawled on the poster and then tweeted it, means that they targeted him. But it was a one-off. I never said it was an anti Mika campaign or that they shouldn't target him because he's famous. I said they targeted him, despite him being a popular celeb in Italy. I never said anything about a conspiracy against him. It was just some mindless individuals who did it. I was actually trying to say how brave Mika is, because there are homophobes out there. That was the point of my post.
  3. I wasn't meaning it is an anti Mika conspiracy. I only meant that, just because he's famous, he's not immune to that kind of thing. You see, this is why, when I write posts, I often say, "this is just my opinion". I know people recently are saying that they don't understand people putting things like that, because of course it's your own opinion. But sometimes posts get taken out of context. It might be the language thing, because not everyone here gets the nuances of the English language. But I said nothing about a conspiracy, or that it's just about him. I only meant that, just because he's a popular celeb in Italy, that doesn't stop people targeting him because he's gay. But I never said anything about him being the only target or anything about a conspiracy.
  4. It's a pity UK gay people are not applauding him too. Because it's time they were doing so. He's one of Their Own good guys. Well done Mika! He really practices what he preaches and is greatly admired by straight people, like Alan and me.
  5. This is the sort of thing I mean when I say about how brave Mika is. I think his reaction to the poster is the right one. It's showing that, even though he's Mika, a celebrity in Italy, he's not getting let off the hook by homophobes. They are targeting him. As a fan I would not have drawn attention to the poster, but since it happened anyway, Mika has turned the insult on it's head. It's not safe to be gay in a lot of places. It's not so bad in the UK, which is, I suppose, why Mika's out-there new album and his more open stance, hasn't turned him into an icon for British gay people and a very brave man, for everyone else in the UK, but he travels a lot, and not every country is so tolerant. So like I say, Mika is one brave good guy! Pity the UK can't see it that way when they talk about him, and his music.
  6. That's really lovely. It sounds really good in French. Their word for "sun" is much nicer than ours.
  7. That is a brilliant translation. Way better than Auntie Google's version. Thank you.
  8. Thank you, wonderful subtitling team! Brilliant job!
  9. I actually like the t-shirt. It's certainly better than those disembodied blue eyeballs. The NPIH artwork translates well to the t-shirt.
  10. My post had a mistake on it. That was because I couldn't correct it. After I clicked on EDIT, his box came up where you actually type, and stopped me being able to type. It was something about improving the translation. I couldn't get rid of it, so I couldn't correct the typing mistake. I hate technology. I can't use it. But I like when Auntie Google translates things for me. However, the translations done by our lovely team, always make more sense and flow much better.
  11. Yes I saw the trailer too and was disappointed not to catch a glimpse of the awesome one. But the doc is on for 1 hour and cameras have followed Loubi for a year. Didn't Mika attend Paris Fashion Week, or something like that, with Loubi? I'm sure he was pictured with Loubi recently at some fashion event I'm too bone-idle to check the threads. Besides, he does make men's shoes now and that's down to Mika getting a pair for his PDP gig. Didn't Mika also design some as well, a while back? Or they had his name on, or something. Now his sister Z is designing jewellery for Loubi so that must have been in the pipeline for a while. I wish we knew if we would see Mika., or he gets a mention. I'm going to watch it anyway.
  12. That's lovely. Auntie Google translated it for me. It's a great interview. Thanks for posting. He says he's not an artist Who sings. HCreates a Universe That Is connected. He mentions working with people --other and That it's fun.
  13. Now, I don't know if this is anything for Mika fans to get excited about, but I bought my TV guide for next week and looked at it, and what I saw is this... There's a documentary on Channel 4 next week, about Christian Louboutin. Cameras follow him for a year as he attends Paris Fashion week, does fittings for celebrity clients and oversees production... etc. Will we see him with Mika? Will Mika be in the documentary? Maybe he will! I hope so as they are such good friends. I thought I'd post this news on the UK media thread, just in case. The documentary is on Channel 4 at 9pm on Tuesday 11th of August.
  14. Radio 2 DJs do seem to like Mika! Looking forward to whatever he's recorded with Zoe. Mika is good at waxing lyrical.
  15. It's not just his voice. Mika is so knowledgeable about the construction of music (remember those videos he made before TBWKTM about how the album was constructed) he also knows such a lot about different composers and artists. He's taught us such a lot over the years about different things, from visual art and artists, to musicians and composers. When he's been on the radio he's often chosen unusual tracks, that would not normally be played. I think he would gain so much respect on the radio. Plus, it would be so wonderful to be able to look forward to hearing him. So I hope that's what he's planning.
  16. I'm hoping he's DJing a radio show. He'd be wonderful and would play unusual music that wouldn't get onto Radio One. I'm sure he'd give a chance to artists he believes in, who need a platform. He could also play his own songs and get them heard. I'd be over the moon if being a DJ on Radio 2 was what he's doing, as Mika could be a great force in music, not just as a writer and performer (I've always believed this) and the radio show would be one way he could really shine as more than a popstar.
  17. Regarding the UK. No he's not going to sell out huge places. He could sell out a smaller one I think. But his best bet, for getting himself known again, could be the radio show he's planning, and if he could get his music onto adverts on TV. Adverts would help a lot, and wouldn't take a lot of effort on Mika's part. He could be off doing other things, while his record gets played on TV in the UK. One thing I have been pleased about recently is that he has quite a few pop videos from NPIH. The Staring At The Sun video is beautiful, I know that SATS is the new single, but there are also vids of, Good Guys, Last Party and Talk About You, all from this album, up and running on Vevo. I think getting the songs on video is one way to get them out there and the SATS video proves you don't need a big budget to make something beautiful. Just the right song, the right setting and the right director (Hi there Andreas) So Mika could get more of his songs onto video, getting hits online. These days, there are other ways to get a hit song, and get known, than the singles and the album charts.
  18. See now, this is more like it! It's so hard for UK fans because we don't want to come across as though we are bossing Mika about, or that he is our slave. We just want a bit of positive news. All that we want, not the sun and the moon Or tweets with his dogs in his big living room All we want Is to know that he is back in the UK And that soon Mika will say That there will be gigs, and he'll say so An he'll be on the radio It is just a simple solution To stop UK confusion To know he still has wondrous plans To make happy his UK fans All we want All we want All we want Is some UK news. That's a bit of good news. It's made my day. Thank you Mika!
  19. This is what I mean when I say he's always so vague. I understand that certain things take time to sort out, but a bit of an indication that he has something to announce, wouldn't go amiss. He must realise that the UK is eager for some gigs, or news of projects here, like the radio thing he mentioned. People from UK have told him so on Twitter. What about a little video message for the UK from Mika? Nothing long, just about a minute, to tell us he's announcing something soon? I don't think that's a lot to ask.
  20. I've met him 4 times. I'm very lucky. Good luck with your group.
  21. Yes it should be available everywhere. But sometimes things are not available in all countries. It's like, with the album, where the UK release date was delayed. I hope it would be available everywhere though. He'd get more sales that way..
  22. I sent them yesterday. Standard First Class, so they will be with you soon. I also included my email address if you want to use it. I really love your idea of a NPIH artbook. I'm sure Mika will be thrilled. As I said, I've thought of something for the song Hurts, so I hope that's okay.
  23. I would so love Mika and Rylan to meet. Mika has already met someone who works with Rylan on Big Brother. The presenter, Emma Willis. When he was on that radio show recently, during the promotion week in the UK, where there were a few people, basically, having a chat, she was on the show as well. I really hope she went back and told Rylan all about Mika. I adore the SATS video! It's just the right thing for him. He just needs to get away from all the gaudy cartoon scenery and silly costumes, not to mention the fake sea in Uw. All we need is natural scenery, a beautiful sun, and an even more beautiful Mika. Andreas did a wonderful job and I hope he directs all Mika's videos from now on.
  24. There's a guy I really like. Not as much as Mika, but he's great and I think if he and Mika met they would get on so well. He's called Rylan Clarke. He started out as a contestant on UK X Factor, but he's not a good singer. However, he has a great, charismatic personality and has made a name for himself as a presenter on the Big Brother companion show on Channel 5, and on the This Morning show on ITV. Recently he competed in Celebrity Masterchef and was so funny and brilliant on that show. He's a lot like Mika, with a quirky sense of humour and the ability to make everyone who meets him, love him. He's also, like Mika, in a relationship. Rylan is actually engaged to his guy Dan and they are getting married soon. But Dan, like Mika's guy Andreas, stays mainly out of the limelight. Like Mika, Rylan has normalised being gay. He doesn't go on about it, everyone just knows that he is. Just the same way that Mika just goes on about his business and makes no big deal of being a gay man. So to me, Rylan is another gay hero of today. One day he and Mika might be named in a song that another gay guy, who is young and nervous at the moment, might write in the future. Wouldn't that be great.
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