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Marilyn Mastin

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Everything posted by Marilyn Mastin

  1. I've just posted MIKA'S TROOPS!! Love again from Marilyn
  2. Mika has been getting some terrible things said about him, on Facebook, and in other quarters, and until now, everything has been scattered around and that isn't an effrective way to deal with the comments, and launch complaints. So I have proposed, and several members have agreed, on the 'Facebook' thread, that we have a thread on the forum, especially for all the bad stuff. So now, when we see any nasty articles, or anything worse, instead of opening random threads, we come straight here and post them. Then everything is in one place. The bad comments, the links we need to complain. Anything which will help us. This would not be my thread, although of course, I'll keep an eye on it, but it would be for everyone of us, who want to support Mika, and above all, keep him safe. I hope you will all get in on this, because things for Mika are not getting better. He has many people who love him, but also a lot who hate him, because he is so different and controversial. We all know how good he is, but small minded people are feeling uncomfortable and what people don't understand, they attempt to destroy. We mustn't let that happen!! The world NEEDS Mika, it's just that, some of them, don't know it! Love today from Marilyn
  3. Okay, would you all like me to start a thread, especially for the bad, and even badder stuff? I said on another thread, I think, the one about Manchester Evening News, that Mika is generating hatred because he stands out from all others, and let's face it, he's changing the world and making people less judgemental. He's challenging prejudices and small minded people don't like that. Did someone say people want to kill him? If that's true, it's terrible and frightening, but I'm not really surprised. Someone bumped off John Lennon for being much less controversial than Mika is. So, I'll get onto it, and start a thread. If you think MIKA'S TROOPS is okay for a name, that's what I'll use, it's short and to the point. But it won't be MY thread, it will be all of ours. Whenever we see anything bad about Mika, we'll have a special place to put it, one that we can all check regularly. If anyone posts something on it, they can also do a link, so that we can complain. I'll get on to it right now and open the thread. I'll have to put it on the Chat about Mika forum, because I know I'm not allowed to put anything on the front page myself. But I hope it does get moved there. See you there. Love today, from Marilyn
  4. Oh wow! He'll love ME then! Maybe he'd like me to take him to The Trafford Centre sometime. Love today, from Marilyn
  5. A similar thing happened when Channel 4 aired the World Music Awards, at which Mika won 4 trophies. We saw Avril and Rhianna getting theirs, a lot of foreigners getting theirs, and saw Mika get only one. The transmission was cut short. But even if they only had limited time, they could have shown our British (by adoption)guy getting all his awards, rather than a lot of people we don't even know getting theirs. I did complain to Channel 4 about it. My son just told me that MTV did cut a few bands etc out of their American show. They cut off Tokio Hotel as well, and they are really good! Love today, from Marilyn
  6. Well done! Hey, with all the bad articles and people slagging him off, I think we should have a special thread for the bad stuff, then we can get on to it and do complaints etc. There could be links put onto it, when he gets something nasty, so we can respond imediately. We could call it, something like MIKA'S TROOPS, or something, whatever anyone thinks. Anyway, that's just an idea. What does anyone else think. Mika rules 4 ever! Love today, from Marilyn
  7. Birmingham would be good. It's higher than London, and more central. I'd love to come. You'd all get to meet my husband as well. Love today, from Marilyn
  8. Here's another little job, if anyone's up for it. It won't take a minute. Write a review of LiCM, and give it a rating of 10. You don't have to register, just write your comment and rate the album. There is a thread about it, but i though I'd post it here, because this is a busy thread. http://www.albumvote.co.uk/reviews/mika-life-in-cartoon-motion Love today, from Marilyn If the link doesn't work, there is a thread with it on
  9. I've posted mine. Mika WILL get the top rating album. I'll also try and post the link on the Sofeminine thread, where everyone is gathering to vote in the polls. That way, more people will see it and get on to it. Love today, from Marilyn
  10. Well let's see. They don't have much food, and so they loose weight (bye bye Mika, nice to have seen you) and then they have to eat kangaroo whatsits (well he'd probably be starving, so he might eat them) Then there is the obligitory romance. Who would that be, hopefully NOT Christopher Biggins! But Mika could entertain them all around the camp fire. Love today, from Marilyn
  11. I didn't know Mika had written a song called 'Stuck In The Middle With You?' Oh well, what do I know that The Manchester Evening News, don't know? I thought his song was called 'Stuck In The Middle!' Silly me!!! Love today, from Marilyn
  12. It's really great. Bits from the DVD, but it shows Mika going amongst people and smiling, and happy. Really great! Love today, from Marilyn
  13. Come on. Do spill the beans. We're all friends here. But PM me as well, if you don't want to post it (waits with bated breath) Love today, from Marilyn
  14. There is a small article about Mika in The Sun newspaper, on the Bizare page. It isn't in the online version. It just a small piece. Here's what it says.... MIKA visited the Manchester set of his favourite show, Shameless, TO DISCUSS A CAMEO ROLE - but the cast ended up appearing in his gig in the city. The girls dressed as Lollipop girls, furry animals, an Big Girls. Just thought I'd post that. Love today, from Marilyn
  15. Mika has the best fans. Let's prove it to the world, and especially Spain! Love today, from Marilyn
  16. I hope they release it over here, in English as well! Love today, from Marilyn
  17. I complained as well. I don't know if it got onto the comments page, because I couldn't see where the comments were. I sent an email with my complaint. However, if someone can tell me how to get onto the comments page, please let me know by a PM or something and I'll post a comment on there as well. But I did send an email about it. When we complain though, we must remember we are representing Mika. Which means we are better than those idiots, so we must not swear (even though we'd love to) and must put out points accross articulately. If we rant and rave, it won't get us anywhere. We need to show them that Mika's influence in our lives has made us better people. That will do more good for our cause, than anything else. Also, history has shown that when you get a person who stands out from all others, has the power to change the world, and isn't afraid to say what he thinks is right, and challenges the established normality, it makes people nervous. Ironically, the fact that Mika has strirred up hatred in certain quarters, shows how influencial and noticeable he has become. We all, in this fan club, know he is the most special and influencial person in the world today, and there will always be small minded people who are uncomfortable with that. Love today, from Marilyn
  18. Which paper was this? Bless their hearts after the disgraceful MEN review. Love today, from Marilyn
  19. If he was in the show, it would only be a one off thing, and he'd probably sing! The characters would probably go to see Mika in concert, and he'd play HIMSELF. Darius was in Hollyoaks once, and couldn't act for toffee, but I think Mika would be brilliant, and it would be a bit of fun so...why not? Love today from Marilyn
  20. I'm the one who pipped her by a month. Proud old Mika fan, Marilyn. Love today, from Old Mal
  21. Yes, I'd say so. It's nice to have a word that describes what Mika seems to be all about. Maybe he would describe himself as one (partly anyway) or maybe not. Love today, from Marilyn
  22. My mum could make her eyes move in different directions! Now that IS weird. Love today, from Marilyn
  23. Never mind all that. Mika needs a good rest. Why can't he do some televised stuff, maybe some televised concerts that could be shown in a few countries, and just have a break from all the touring for about 6 months? You could see, in the DVD, how much it takes out of him!!! Love today, from Marilyn
  24. It would be awesome if he did an episode of Shameless.Now let's see... Songwriter/singer/entertainer/producer...ACTOR... That makes sense. I hope it's true!!! Go Mika go. Let's hope they put him in Holyoaks as well, he'd love that!!!!! Love today, from Marilyn
  25. I'm going to do the same thing. Mcr E. N. won't know what's hit it!!!!!!! Love today, from Marilyn
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