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Marilyn Mastin

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Everything posted by Marilyn Mastin

  1. Who would also like to help Mika win some awards in France. There is a thread about it, but I'll post the link here for conienience. http://nrjmusicawards.nrj.fr He's up for... Revelation Int Masculine Int Chanson Int Album Int Clip de l'anne (best single) Love today, from Marilyn
  2. I loved hearing the guy trying to sing 'Love Today'. That was really funny. Almost as funny as when I try and sing it! In the end, there is only one person who can really sing Mika's songs... and that is MIKA!!! Love today, from Marilyn
  3. The only thing is, there seem to be a lot of rumours about. There's one about Mika working with Madonna and Timberland. Might, or might not be true. I'd really love mika to be working (occasionally) with other artists, especially ones who have been around for a while. It doesn't hurt to have the extra exposure and publicity since Mika is still quite new and needs to break America. So I hope it's true! Love today, from Marilyn
  4. Absolutely fantastic. Just what Mika deserves. A review brimming over with the respect so many seem to deny him! I really wish more journalists would give him good reviews. I can't understand what's wrong with them. Mika is the best live act in the world!!! I am also happy that Palladium got a mention. I have never seen them at a live gig, but I looked at them on YouTube, because I knew they were supporting Mika, and they are great! They really deserve to do well Love today, from Marilyn
  5. Why don't all you Americans complain to MTV. Tell them you want to see Mika! I complained to Channel 4 in England, because when they aird the World Music Awards, they did not show Mika getting all his awards. They only showed him getting one. I think we all need to let our medias know how much we want to see Mika. They will have to bow to pressure in the end. There is a new forum, which includes a Street Team section. That is set up to help promote Mika by voting in polls, and doing whatever else it takes etc. If anyone is interested, here's the link. http://mikacornor.proboards56.com/index.cgi Love today, from Marilyn
  6. I love him in an affectionate, motherly way as well! I'd really love to look after him! Love today, from Marilyn
  7. Oh, they are never going to say, sorry. This is the best we can hope for, for now, but when he hits Manchester again, he'll get a good write up, don't you worry about that. They won't make THAT mistake again, now they realise how much Mika is loved and respected. Love today, from Marilyn
  8. Amazing review!! Absolutely wonderful! Just wnat Mika deserves!!!!!! Love today, from Marilyn
  9. CordeliaMoon has started a new Mika forum. Here's the link if you want to take a look http://mikacorner.proboards56.com/index.cgi Love and vote today, from Marilyn
  10. What's wrong with Madonna? Isn't it great if Mika is working with her? After all, she's been around forever and has a lot of influence. This would be good publicity for Mika, especially if Timberland is involved as well. That's another influencial guy. A talented producer and anything (or anyone) he touches turns to gold in the charts. And Mika would be working with Madonna, not marrying her!! I think it's fantastic myself!! It's great he's making powerful frends. There is a new forum, started by CordeliaMoon. Here's the link if you want to take a look. http://mikacornor.proboards56.com/index.cgi LOve today, from Marilyn
  11. I can't see where he's nominated. How do we get onto his catagories? Love today, from Marilyn
  12. I have always hoped that these awkward questions would go away. Maybe you are right, and they will, or they are doing. I really hope so anyway. In an ideal world people would mind their own business when it comes to a person's private business, whether it's Mika, or anyone else. I must say though, for him to ride it out like he has, shows guts and character beyond what I would have, or most would have. I suppose I just get worried, call it the mother in me, but I just don't like to think of anyone hurting Mika, just as I don't like to think of anyone who would hurt my son Steve, who is Mika's age. Anyway, CordeliaMoon, has said, she's going to start a forum for anyone who wants to get involved with sifting through any bad stuff about Mika. That's certainly not the "I hate Grace Kelly and all his other stuff" people, it's the ones who accuse him of terrible things that are untrue, or threaten him in any way. We can get things like that stopped, by reporting it to the people who are actually allowing the posts, or whatever, we would not be dealing directly with the groups, or individuals themselves, because that would do no good. Anyway, she's setting it up this week sometime, so keep an eye out. Ive done an edit, because the new forum is up and running. It's called Mika's Cornor and it looks great. You have to register and join, and there is a lot on it that is fun. It is very Mikatastic, with all the colours and the balloons. There is also the virtual bodyguard part, but no one is going to do anything to make things worse or aggravate the situation. It all about being vigilant, and not tackling the groups themselves, just reporting obscene posts and replying to bad reviews with polite responses. So this thread can close down now, because the new forum will be dealing with anything that comes up. Love today, from Marilyn and thanks for your responses. At least this thread has helped us get things off our chests, so to speak.Now, if anyone is interested, here is the link for the new forum http://mikacornor.proboards56.com/index.cgi Love today, from Marilyn
  13. Mika is Mika. There was another thread, I can't remember which, but i remember posting something like. Mika is Mika. He's unique and there isn't another person like him. Of course I admire that he sticks to his guns, and certainly, all that matters is trhat he is protected from the abuse of small-minded people. Because it's not his fault people are trying to fill in the blanks. In the old days, people were more in awe of celebrities, because they aonly saw them at the pictures, so they seemed far above the norm. These days it's the other way round. People think thay have a right to know everything about celebrities, and most of them, pander to that, to get more fame. But the thing I most admire about Mika, during all of this scrutiny, is that there has not been one person, a guy, or a girl, selling a story about sleeping with Mika. No one's come forward, so Mika is either, very careful and selective with his partners and they respect his privacy, or, he hasn't really done much, if anything, with anyone yet! To be honest, the second thing is easiest for me to believe, because he is very innocent and at the moment anyway, his passion is his music and he's married to his work. Once again, there is no one like Mika in this or any other time in our world. Love today, from Marilyn
  14. His music is starting to be played. Love today was played on the jungle show the other night. Rellax (instrumental) was played over an item of news on Entertainment today, and Happy Endings (intstramental) was lplayed over an item on The Xtra Factor. I want Mika's songs on the adverts. I could just imagine a sofa company, using Relax Take It Easy. That would be great and I'd make the tea during the programes.
  15. It's on YouTube now. It's typical Mika, with the Lollipop girl, etc. It should prove popular, but the rank and file, who arn't Mika fans, may not get it. On the other hand, it might make them search for Mika, to see what he's all about, and that would be great. LOve today, from Marilyn
  16. My own personal opinion is that he is gay. My son Steve says, "if he wasn't, he'd just say, I'm not gay, but because he doesn't give an answer, he obviously is." I think that's what a lot of people, including myself, think. There are moments, like when people are slagging him off for not saying anything, that I feel frustrated and think, Mika, just tell them and make them shut up. But no one can make someone do something they don't want to do, and if he doesn't want to say anything, that's his choice. But I do think he's making his own life more difficult in the long run. Another thing is, when he is so secretive about his sexuality, some people who don't know him like we do, will wonder what exactly he's hiding, so that's probably why people are calling him a pedophile etc, now. So whether he is gay, or bi, or straight, I wish he'd just say something for his own sake. Love today, from Marilyn
  17. Yes, you need to be very careful about copyright law. You can't make anything with a real picture of Mika on it, but maybe if someone could draw really well, they could paint a picture of Mika. Maybe someone copuld even paint Mika portraits that could have prints taken from them. You might get away with something like that, but it might be best to check if it's okay. Love today, from Marilyn
  18. I agree. You've got celebs bringing out perfume, and other stuff. It always seems tacky to me, like they are desperate for that extra bit of fame, and more money. There are T Shirts on Mikasounds.com, that's enough really. The artwork is wonderful. He should keep that because it IS different, unique and colourful, and it's a part of Mika's new world. But I don't think he should get on the clothes and perfume (or aftershave) bandwagon. Leave that to the desperate people who are not Mika! Love today, from Marilyn
  19. And so, what if he is! That's not a crime. It beats me how some people on TV, like Anthony Cotton, for example, can be openly gay and no one gives a monkeys. Mika is keeping his sexuality to himself at the moment (that might change when he meets someone) and because HE isn't pushing, whatever he is, into peoples' faces he gets slated for it. For the record. Billy Brown is a great song, which to me, could just as well apply to a man who went off with another woman. It's not really about the fact that Billy is gay, it's more, that he just happens to be gay, or probably bi, and he fell for a man. The song could just as easily apply to a man who fell for another woman. To me, the biggest message in the song is... Don't think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. You could loose what you already have. Love today, from Marilyn
  20. I agree, and I don't think anyone needs to go around with a virtual banner, getting rid of all the people who hate his music. We can keep more of a low profile. It's really all about vigilance. If we see anything on-line anywhere which attacks him personally, or tries to instigate personal hatred towards him, we may be able to get it stopped, without making too much fuss and getting ourselves noticed, so-to-speak. But also, anyone who goes to actually meet Mika, could become more vigilant. We must remember to look around, in case anyone suspicious is there. They would be easy to spot, because they wouldn't be looking exstatic like us. Since I've never been to a Mika gig, I don't know what the security is like, but i imagine, some places are better than others. My son has told me that those facebook people are probably into the sub-culture that - he thinks - is called Grunge. They are like really really heavy-metal fans who write and sing songs with lyrics about torture and rape. They hate pop music with a vengence, but obviously, can't keep their disgusting opinions to themselves. LOve today, from Marilyn
  21. Sounds great. I can't believe he's touring in Januay though! Doesn't the guy ever listen to his own lyrics? Relax, take it eeeeeeeeeasy!! I'll look out for your thread with the details of where to send my card. Love today, from Marilyn
  22. Is there any way to help with the Facebook thing. You could let me know. A few people on my new thread think that we shouldn't really do anything, because Mika wouldn't give them any thought. The thing is, I know he wouldn't, because he's brave, but like I posted over there. He likes to go among people, in the street or at the gigs. He likes to hug, he's very tactile, so he's vulnerable. Most of the nasty people are cowards and would run a mile if they actually saw him, but it only takes one person with a knife - and we will all be singing 'Happy Endings' with a whole new meaning (happy endings gone for evermore) That's why I think his fans should, at least, keep an eye on what's happening and try and nip some of it in the bud. I know some people are not agreeing with this, and I'm not talking about people who just don't like Grace Kelly, but we can't just sit back and let people threaten to torture or kill Mika!
  23. I read som of the reviews that had been submitted. Maybe there is a link on the 'Rate The Album' Thread. I would have thought the link I posted would have been okay, but because of my medical condition I get confused with certain things, and that's why I hate doing links. I know I have to copy them exactly and they make me nervous. But I think, if you can get onto the site, there is a way to read the reviews. I've just done an edit, because I checked the link. I think the one on the other site is better. When I clicked on that one. I did see other reviews. Love today, from Marilyn
  24. Yes I see your point of view, and am not talking about, going in with all guns blazing. Neither am I talking about the people who just hate his music. It's the others I'm worried about! There are a lot of people blowing hot air, who would run a mile if the actually saw Mika in front of them. But there are a few others who might stick a knife in him, and it only takes one person. Mika likes to walk around, talk to his fans, and he is very tactile. He likes to be close to people. We can't do anything to protect him physically, but we can monitor what's going on in terms of hate groups or whatever. If we think things are getting really bad, we could advise the company to provide a bodyguard for Mika. We could just ignore everything that's going on and maybe that is what Mika would do, but I don't know if it's a good idea to just ignore everything, and let these people get away with it. All I know is, I am officially freaking out at the knowledge that the hatred for Mika is so bad that someone COULD try and kill him, even though I know others who have been influencial and good people, have been killed in their prime. Again, from Marilyn
  25. Great, we'll all have to advise eachother, but this can be our campaign thread for everything bad to be posted here, so that we can get it sorted out. It makes sense for all the bad stuff to be in one place, instead of all over the forum. At the moment there is the Facebook stuff going on. Is there anything we can do to help with that? In future, stuff like that can come straight on here. I do agree with the previous poster. We don't want to be morons like those people who hate Mika, and of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If they don't like his music, that's okay. If they say things about Mika which are personal insults, or threaten him in any way, that is unacceptable. But I would never condone us ranting and raving. Any complaint should be articulate. As long as we remember we are representing Mika, we won't go far worng. He has helped us to become better people. Love again from Marilyn
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