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Everything posted by mikasbestfriend

  1. I used to like the Hoosiers a lot more than i do now. I've inda gone off them but I do have their album and I still love 'Worried about Ray'. My mate loves 'Goodbye Mr.A' and one of our teachers at school is called Mr.Edwards but we call him Mr.E and after our lesson we sing goodbye Mr.E to him
  2. I love 'Nine in the Afternoon'. It's a brilliant song! Listen to it everyday.
  3. Hang on I think I'm Sagitarious. I think. If I was born on 23rd November I would be Sagitarious wouldnt I? I found out the other day that Mika is the same Chinese Zodiac animal thing as me aswell (pig) and it was the year of the pig last year and it deffinately was a good year for Mika last year, and an amazing year for me.
  4. This is brilliant! If it wernt for the pic I think people might actualy belive it. I want to see last years one tho.
  5. Can anyone help me?I have this picture but I dont know what happened to it and a bit off the bottom got cut off. Does anyone have this picture?
  6. His hair looks realy light there. Is it the lighting or was it actualy that colour?
  7. YAY we are getting better and better. and i thught we couldnt get any better:roftl: And well done and thanks to all you people that are making this happen:thumb_yello: much apreatiated.
  8. um sorry I'm not realyfond of searching through about a hundred pages if i need something answered so I just ask it. When is this going to happen? when we are officialy the official site?
  9. There concerts are soposed to be realy good. Was it the Best Live NME they won?
  10. I think I fell in love with there music after seeing them at the brits (with their plastic duck:mf_rosetinted: ) and I downloaded a couple of there songs and now I might be getting 'Favourite Worst Nightmare' soon!
  11. hmm i see what you meen. they don't realy look that alike but they have simalarities.
  12. um can some one help me. i know you've been talking about calvin looking like andy but um i dont know what andy looks like. There's a thread about him isn't there? I'll try and find it. I love Calvin Harris by the way. Me and my mate are obsessed with 'Acceptable in the 80's'. It's an amazing song and I'm getting I Created Disco soon! I even have a duck named after him, and odviously I have one called Mika aswell.
  13. He dosn't need a reason for the things he dose.
  14. umm sorry can i just ask what is gabbler? i just dont get this thread but i dont realy get much.
  15. No not realy. stupid global warming. have you seen 'Meet The Spartons'?
  16. wow this thread is realy cool. especialy since i know i do pretty much all the things you say. its actualy quite worrieing.
  17. Waa! I want snow! We had a tiny tiny bit here earlyer when i was walking my dog but it was hardly anything. Hopefuly we might get it tonight.
  18. I would love to help you but I dont know how to do them eather. Sorry.
  19. 1. IF MIKA WAS IN JAIL... I would worry because i had a dream about it the other night:blink: 2. MIKA LOVES... today 3. I HATE IT WHEN MIKA... meats you people cos i get jelous:mf_rosetinted: i realy did have a dream the other night that he was in jail and i climbed through a window to see him and got caught by the police and ended up geting chucked in with him anyway.
  20. I thaught there were a few different pink ones. The one I have has ring ring but not erase or your sympathy. I always thaught that it was the american one that had erase and the japanese one had your sympathy (or something like that) and I've seen a green one (which I always thaught was the french version) that didnt have any extra tracks. But now I am even more confused:blink: and i cant remeber anything now.
  21. I'm 12 aswell! Welcome to the mfc, i'm sure you will realy enjoy you're self here.
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