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Everything posted by BangBangLou

  1. yes, my 1st mika show totally felt like a dream. I had to like stop going nuts for a sec and let it sink in. I had seats my 1st show, so i wasn't close but by the way i was acting even being hella far away....im sure i would have flat out DIED if i were any closer. I have blacklight face makeup that i will start playing with tonight. I went to my sisters job because they have a whole blacklight section, and they have pens and paint for like decorating your room, but im not sure if it'll be safe on skin. They DID have blacklight streamers that i almost bought, but then realized it'd be a waste.
  2. Great Shot! This one picture just made me waaaay more excited for the Oakland show!
  3. im with you. *yuck* >.< But i went to pastry school and had to make a lot of desserts with gelatin, even if i didn't eat them. And i have to admit, the way gelatin works is cool. Lets see, what made me happy today: One week till Mika in Oakland!
  4. oh my goodness. One week. :kachinga: I need to get my costume ready. Im making my WW top into halter...for insurance.
  5. I got from from Trader Joe's. They are called "Gel Cups". *yum* Is it the wigglyness that grosses you out or the gelatin? Jello grosses out my sister just because of its.....jello-ness.
  6. vegan jello :wub2: Its been 5 years since i was able to eat that wiggly jiggly goodness.
  7. LOVE this dress! oooh, its so tempting to click video links! I havnt seen any yet....its been hard, but in one week when my show comes around, it'll be worth it.
  8. ppppppaaaaaaaaatttttttttttyyyyyyyyy why do you HATE me?? j/k Whats the costume that you wanted to wear? love your sig! i dont know, right now i feel like i dont want to enter any "Reports" threads for the next 12 days. I probably will.....tonight, but right now i say i wont.
  9. I'll paint my face up. I plan on wearing a costume but i can do my face to go with my character. I have black-light face paint, don't know if he'll use any, but even in normal light the colors look super cool. I'll use/bring those. Dont worry, you wont be the only one looking ridiculous. But i say don't worry & go BIG . You can glitter up your face AND have a cute costume. I think the biotg costume will be super cute. I think a mubbin-esque costume would be PERFECT. I have a gorilla costume i was thinking about using but then I realized i'd pass out. right now, im set on Wonder Woman. Mainly because of the boot tops.
  10. oh poop! for this show: Is anyone down with full-on dressing up with us? (Like Halloween dress up/costumes) My sister & her bf originally wanted to dress up b/c they are both working late the following Saturday, aka Halloween, & want to use their costumes. And slowly, we became set on it. I think it'll be fun and im sure there are people here who are up to it! Nothing really new for mika shows. So to whoever is down, we'll be ready! Maybe make it a mini All Hallows' Eve party queue?
  11. parrrrtaay! just one month!!! Your gift ideas are great! Both of them! The necklace would be nice to see
  12. aw congrats! I can get him a sick knife from the Oakland flea!!! :thumb_yello: j/k j/k..... No, but on that subject, I actually found these really cool wooden rainbow bracelets with little cartoon Virgin de Guadalupes on them at a flea market monthhhs ago...i fell in love & bought hella of them, i still get tons of comments on mine. I always had it in my mind i'd give him one if i ever met him.
  13. Very nice!I just entered! Good luck everyone!!!! hahaha! its okay, i spent all elementary school in piano lessons and all i remember how to play is the Can Can! ....i think he'd be impressed.
  14. sweet! Thank you! haha. My sister will be ecstatic! oh well...she gets her Elvis wall, i think i can have another Mika poster in our room!
  15. i am a HUGE iamx fan! :wub2: My favorite album is Kiss+Swallow. I don't think any album has ever left me that speechless. I couldnt breathe after i heard it I saw him for the 1st time back in June and it was amazing. I made sure i was at the stage, and it was insanely fun. The only negative where the amount of screaming girls constantly reaching over my head to get to chris the whole show ......vicious.
  16. THE voice I heard Grace Kelly 1st, on mtv in early 2007. You know how they play a clip of the same music video after every program for like a week. Well, at that time it was Mika & I was ===> :wub2: I remember I called my sister over when the full video was playing in the morning to show her the awesomeness & she was like "you actually like this?...is he f**king SERIOUS???"....turns out he was serious & shes now a huge Mika fan
  17. aw! T4P! All the pix are great! The good vibes are just oozing through the screen, brightening up my crappy night. and yes, his jacket is a total WIN! :thumb_yello: very. Zuleika is way gorgeous.
  18. nothing yet. =] yea, that's totally retarded. What seats did you end up getting?
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