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Everything posted by BangBangLou

  1. I've almost done it a few times...but then voted against.
  2. :roftl::roftl: Such a nice thing to come home to after a crazy weekend! I am SO at the Oakland show! *dies*:mf_lustslow:
  3. Zuleika looks super pretty in the 2nd picture. Thanks for posting! Though i cant understand it (should have taken french instead of spanish! ), the pix are super cute!
  4. :teehee: These had my in the biggest fit of giggles....i was seriously tearing up from laughing so much. My inner fangirl is going crraaazzzzyyy.
  5. hehe Yes! I love PeeWee! We have the whole playhouse too from when my brothers were little but now my older sister has taken over them. Shes obsessed with peewee. Her bf even has exact suit and everything...freaks.
  6. sure. This is the best pic i have of it...well, its really the only picture i've ever really taken OF it. It was taken not too long after it was done. (which was may 13th 2008 ) and this i took not too long ago, but i love how it looks when it just peeks out. *ima nerd*
  7. Bienie, you did good on his eyebrow! I failed at it. Heres my attempt so far. I got a bit lazy at the end and will probably go and do it again later with fresh eyes.
  8. its so cute and perfect! *jealous* hehe I have a mika related tattoo too. Its of billy brown, i posted it a while back. =]
  9. I GOT MINE TODAY TOO! Its so pretty! I just put the cd in...listening to Toy Boy. I still need to look at all the pages. but YAY!
  10. im still waiting on mine. Cant wait to get it but im not tripping about it...yet. haha
  11. ^ i saw the stream of the show online! They sounded amazing. I felt like I was there because i had such a high afterwards! You are lucky you were actually there!
  12. yeah, it definitely sucks for those who aren't old enough but its not "unfair". It happens...all the time! And it happens/happened to everyone! And i cant say it doesn't suck huge donkey balls sometimes, because it does.
  13. aw! cool! Lucky for those who can go! I would love an 18+ show!
  14. ^123 I love it. Its not mindblowing and its not a new sound (in general) but he did it well. And i love it. But..... I really dont like Lady Jane >.<
  15. i love this song Its my fave of the two, i am just repeating it and repeating it.
  16. i have no idea what to DO with myself right now! eep im excited!:biggrin2:
  17. eeep! I feel like i need to pee...even though i know i dont have to! 27 minutes!
  18. ok 3am now. My mom has been on the computer for the last 4 hour and i was lingering behind her the whole time waiting for my chance. haha 48 minutes =]
  19. awesome! I am setting up my profile right now =] It was a bit slow for me at 1st but now its working alright .
  20. ^ahhh yeah he's gorgeous! My 6 year old niece has posters of him all over her room. I need to take a better look next time im over.
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