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Everything posted by BangBangLou

  1. Yeah, he surprised me. My sister cried, i was just all "awwwww!" at the end. I love him now
  2. I really didn't like him either, before i saw this movie. He's so sweet and cute in the movie but then i remember he's not that sweet in real life. oh wells. Um I've never actually seen HSM, but im pretty sure its not. The beginning scared me a bit because there was dancing and basketball (like what I've seen of HSM) but that ends soon.
  3. Went to go see 17 Again yesterday. It was really sweet and i fell in love with Zac Efron. go see it!
  4. right now...cheesecake, Cherry Dr. Pepper, and IAMX.
  5. ^eh im cool with the long hair. I wanna touch it. I like the new single. =] I hated it at 1st but it reaaally grew on me.
  6. eep! great book!


    ah, sweet! norcal peeps

  7. im good! all excited about the mika announcment like everyone else!


    Oh and what part of Cali are you from?

  8. ah school. Well, you can catch up on sleep during your 1st couple of periods, no?
  9. Im just going to stay up. Its easier to stay up than try to wake up.
  10. Yeah i just figured that out. eep. I need to set my alarm incase i fall asleep tomorrow night...though that probably wont happen.
  11. awesome awesome awesome! Funny, I 1st read "Songs for Sorrow" as "Sing for sorrow" because im so used to "Sing The Sorrow" which is an album by my fave band....its already confusing me! But im excited! I'll get used to saying "Songs for Sorrow" soon!
  12. that tweet made me happy! I love Yo Gabba Gabba! I went to see a band with a bunch of my friends and they had Yo Gabba Gabba as the opening act! It was strange but awesomely fun and after just staring for a good 4 minutes we joined in on the dancing, that was the 1st time I ever heard of it.
  13. damn, i need to go to bed. I dont want to, alls i want to do is listen to "toy boy" all night. but im dead. goodnight, and thanks to everyone for the reviews and videos <33 *kissez*
  14. i can't understand all the lyrics but the overall song and from what lyrics I can make out.....i love it cant wait for yours!
  15. hahahahahahahahahaha I dont know, i just pictured that and thought it was hella funny.
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