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Everything posted by BangBangLou

  1. aw, the vid was too cute! It made my heart hurt a tiny bit though, that was the greatest day And you two are the sweetest things.
  2. have to post b/c i love it so much. I bought this little dragon earring today. I think its too cute. I named him Demetri he looks blurry here, but his face is actually really fierce!
  3. MY FAVORITE BAND FINALLY HAVE A NOR CAL DATE! :kachinga::kachinga: now i can go to bed all happy. :wub2: 'night
  4. ^true that. I haven't made packet pudding in a long time. I've been making my own....but Jell-o Pudding always tastes the best. I need to go buy some!! and my oven timer went off!!!!!!!!!!!!.........but they werent ready.
  5. aww. I say get one now, even. They are so cool. They bake with a light bulb!!!
  6. and its all real! im such a fat kid the corners are my fave too! but you can have one =P oh god, i never had the patience for an Easy Bake Oven! I'd just eat the batter. Which is weird since i want to be a baker now....i've learned to wait.....even if it means in anger!
  7. Brownies take way too f*cking long to bake! i want them NOW!
  8. ^o0o i hella want to see a Lady Gaga costume! I'm Wonder Woman this year.
  9. i thiiiiink....wait.....ummm....yes. That is the greatest thing i have ever seen in my life.
  10. I just wandered into this thread right now and had to join in on the "i love your hair" bandwagon. When I used to have a mohawk i always wanted to try and put leopard print on the sides when it grew in but didnt know how and was always afraid to try! Yours look great! Im sure mine wouldn't have looked anywhere NEAR that good. kudos! *sneaks out*
  11. I hella want a pin set! I was $5 short at the show. i say im only gonna order a pin set but...yea, thats not gonna happen. I love the smiley face tee too much.
  12. ^yep yep. Vids and just talking about it got me through the last 2 days (as sad as it sounds) because then they become nice memories instead of a dream you desperately want back, leaving you feeling all empty inside.
  13. around the fox? haha I mean it isn't "nice" but i guess you're lucky you didn't have to leave north Oakland. :naughty:
  14. Just found this other review, don't know if it's been posted already! http://spinningplatters.com/2009/10/25/show-review-mika-at-the-fox-oakland-10242009/ the beginning scared me, but it funneled into a good review.
  15. thanks! np! poor astor. =P How long did it take you to make the 6 you brought? haha yes, lets not! Buuuuuuut if that turns out to be the case, i'll def. see you next year. (mika? afee in spring? who knows ) no, no videos. I only took like 20 pix during the show. I'd pull my camera out take 3 quick pix and throw it back in my bag. There was the little divider on the barricade sticking out right next to me so i could hang my purse on there and grab my cam in and out...that wasn't any important info but it was nice.
  16. yes, it helped a lot!! I kept accidentally slapping Patty's hand going after the same bubbles. I wanted tha bubbles!!!! well we counted to 60 7 times but it wasn't quite 7 minutes! haha apparently we need to add the "Mississippi" BAH! I wish i could have stayed with you but eh, im okay. I guess everything happens for a reason and i'll meet him some day. But yay, I'm so happy you got to give him your necklace! I really hoped he would get it once you showed them to me! Its the cutest! Thanks again for my Drinky necklace! :wub2: And it was fun just seeing you againl!! You are the sweetest, its refreshing. Its been too long, hope to hang soon! ------------------------------------------------------- ANNND.... BEST SHOW EVER. the end. This morning i woke up feeling the pain from the bruises on my arms and it feellltt so GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! here are some pix i took of mika with his crutch!
  17. Im going with my friend, who is a guy, and he will be there with me early. If they separate us, I may have to get him to stall the boys line until we get in! haha j/k?
  18. ^eep! Im gonna freak when i see "Mika" on the marquee!!! goodnight! See ya tomorrow! I should get to bed early tonight too....but i dont see that happening!
  19. So excited! I finally have my costume finished! And I just made some cookies for ya'll
  20. Of course my family just recently cancelled hella channels including Logo! Stupid exspensive cable! Haha I looked for it on the guide and there it is laughing at me. Lol j/k I know I can watch it online tomorrow.
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