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Everything posted by BangBangLou

  1. eep! that sounded like the greatest day! IM so happy for you and all the mfc-ers that went!
  2. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/perez-take-two ^^^new perez link! edit: no mika talk anymore though =[
  3. Lollipop acoustic? eeperz! The Roxy is laggin' on their pic updates! haha
  4. i thought hearing about it while its going on would make me sad and jealous but im so happy right now!!!
  5. thanks for the vid!! That was so sweet to watch!
  6. more like 8 hours. >.< edit:...and i cant drive haha
  7. Everyone with tix already are still going to the flower/ice cream/ticket thingy tonight, right? (edit: i didnt read the whole mfc ticket thingy and didnt know you still had to go get your wristband at the same place...so nevermind! im retarded!) I want to read updates/see pics on that too! have fun everyone! <333 I dont think he would do another one in California after this. But i am learning to live with that.... the 1st time i hate san francisco. I will see him on his next real tour...cant wait for that!
  8. i get his updates in text messgaes and i was with my mom in the car when i got the last one.....and made this sound "oooh eeeeeketatahahaha"
  9. The happiest day of my life was when i finally met Placebo!:wub2: July 29th 2007! You dont have to read all this: I just got excited thinking about it! haha I spent waaay too much money to see them at Projekt Revolution, they were only playing a 30 min set but i needed to be there so i scored some 4th row tix. When i got there i saw signs saying there was going to be a signing and i started FREAKING OUT! So i wait, see them play, they loved me because i was acting like a retarded monkey on acid waving my placebo flag and dancing in a half-filled ampitheater of people sitting on their asses. Then once they were done i flew out of the stage area and ran everywhere to find out where the signing was! Finally a security guard caught up to me and dragged me to the line haha. I guess i was THAT obvious decked out head to toe in placebo running around. When they came out i was freaking out, Stef bent to look around the line, finally saw me and waved..at ME! He knew what he was in for! haha And it was amazing. The table was right in the middle of everything and everybody at the festival. It was right next to a merch booth and people buying Linkin Park shirts were all confused. No one really knew or cared who they were besides the ones 1st in the signing line haha but it was the best day ever. I went through twice and got hugs and UH! IM surprised i made it through! My friend FAINTED! I thought that would be ME! haha But i did get physically sick and had to go home right after they left. I should have sold my seat for hella bank to some kid on the lawn but i didnt. Thats one thing i regret. But its a nice souvenir i guess.
  10. watching this video for the 3rd time. amazingly hilarious and truthful vid about twittering. http://current.com/items/89891774/twouble_with_twitters.htm
  11. bleaching my hair. well, im waiting for it to be pretty enough to wash out. Been doing this for 4 years, im kind of over the process, but the results are too pretty.
  12. haha same here! I played my sister grace kelly back when i 1st got into him and she was like "WTF? IS HE FREAKIN' SERIOUS WITH THIS?!" But now her and her boyfriend are big fans. Thinking back, she wasnt much of a fan when we 1st went to see him, so i think it was the concert that converted her.
  13. haha yeah he is delicious as himself! There is absolutely nothing wrong with your taste! He makes me go completely nuts. *melts* yea this was an oldass post but this was the greatest thing that ever happened
  14. They play the "love today" video at Macy's in the juniors section a lot on the tv's. So its cool. But then I went to this other mall and their Macy's had BIG screens and i come down the escalator too a HUGE Mika. Its was sweet. I've heard "stuck in the middle" in H&M and the apple store. I cant think of any other place right now...hmm.
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