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Everything posted by Jujuzita

  1. LOL, to which gigs are you going??? All like me??? Crazyy ppl aren't we??
  2. Maybe...you're not forgetting me for the 25th right? BTW, is the person with the ticket Laura???
  3. I can't order...no credit card And I also wanted Mood Beams....so cute...not for out of the UK though
  4. From a boy here in the MFC...he still had one and I got it
  5. Alas I agree with you Here it's the 24h system as well And sleepyness seems to be the only state of mind I can be in these days, since it's the only way I fell something...weird huh??
  6. I want a free meal one of the days I'm in London BTW, we Portuguese can cook really well
  7. same here...i'm going to all 3 gigs, but i'm looking forward to queueing with all of you
  8. since I'm dateless too this year I'll sacrifice myself
  9. going to all 3 as well....crazy crazy me
  10. some here...love your boy =) my white little girl loves to rub against my black clothing but i love her and going to sleep with her right now haha ttyl, xxx Ju
  11. huh??? didn't get that....not about american football/soccer! what kind then??
  12. i read football somewhere....i love football, but isn't football in america diferent from here???
  13. I'm going to the 3 gigs But I'm going alone so ppl PPL...I wanna go meet you...the prob is I'm arriving on the 25th....maybe I'll take a flight at 5am or something so I can have a bit of the say in London
  14. OMG, love your cat so cute I do love cats more than ppl, some ppl backstab you and animals don't unless pissed at something you did haha My cat is the woman of my life, now I just have to find the man This is my kitty Tsuki isn't she lovely???
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