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Everything posted by Jujuzita

  1. I actually used to have 2 dogs but they passed away sometime ago Then 2 turtles that are HUGE right now, my little cat Tsuki (poor girl travels a lot since I can't live without her) and when I get my OWN house I wanna get a dog...a golden retriever maybe...I just love animals...at least they don't backstab you like some ppl But my dream is to have a small monkey one day haha (don't ask) and a horse....looooool
  2. Wow, that was one of the best introductions I've seen...EVER Welcome and join the madness...sometimes at least
  3. I have a cat and she's the woman in my life A few months ago she had to go through surgery and it was hard on me...wouldn't know what to do without her
  4. put me in =) will try and send it tomorrow
  5. Now I just need to convince my mom to pay the flight
  6. My little cutie is called Tsuki (moon in Japanese) and has been my company here....since I study away from my parents I need to pay an overpriced apartment
  7. Damn, and I thought I'd get the crazy like me Ashtea
  8. Hey please add me up to the list....from Portugal...want to be paired with someone from Canada....or UK looool
  9. i'm looking for one for 25th...but still need to buy plane ticket
  10. I really wanna go but besides the fact I have no ticket, I have noone wanting to go with me to London to see Mika
  11. Welcome to the forum abd have fun browsing it... I'm fairly new too and loving every moment...wishing Mika would come here Or I'll just get crazy and go to London...but noone wants to come with me there to see Mika
  12. Too bad I'm from portugal Good luck to the 3 of you and CONGRATULATIONS I want a full detail report
  13. A minha ideia não é nada de especial Mas tipo, eu sou boa a fazer websites e pensei numa cena tipo "petição"...não sei bem que lhe chamar realmente....pa ver quantas "assinaturas" de ppl português que o quisessem num concerto cá arranjámos...uma coisinha toda pretty e toda arranjadinha E dps pôr o link na conta do myspace...sei lá, podiam acabar por ver o site ou a ideia (no myspace estaria um resumo da ideia po ppl português e tal ver) Não sei, qq coisa assim...na verdade soava melhor na minha cabeça
  14. looooool, I did say I was joking on the last bit....since ppl talked of fantasies ahahaha
  15. ahaha, I still don't have many....only have internet after 2am Study/disco....'cause that's basically what I do here....I study in a different town that my parents live in so A have a cat too...she keeps me company since I live alone
  16. Parece que além do frasco ao pé da cama que haveria outro vazio também....e especula-se que o entrar no papel de Joker também n tenha ajudado porque ele metia-se demasiado na pele do personagem BTW, tenho uma ideia em relação a uma cena com o Mika vir a Portugal...mas n sei se é aki que devo postar isso
  17. I don't know Maybe all the work I've been doing is clouding my head and covering my good judgments... JuJu, breath in ("Mi...") breath out (..."ka")...ok I feel better now As about seeing me change...haha, you wish....have to catch me first BTW, I do get a little jeaulous too, but I realize I'm also studying what I love now (not before)...anyways, I don't think I could ever cope with fame Well, if I loved someone famous very much I would TRY and cope with it, as long as he kept things private PRIVATE I don't know, I think I find it a bit overwelming for the kind of quiet study/disco life I lead now
  18. Woot Woot, I wanna be a part of it... Joana - Portugal hehe
  19. Is this thread dead???? And now that i was going to give my vibrant hello's to all of you, Bus and Driver included
  20. Actually I dreamed of a fantasy last night looool I'm thinking of this website thingy sort of like a petition for Mika to know how much we portuguese ppl wanted him here. He would find out about it and sign the petition himself (and the band members too ) and then chat with me all the way It started with the fact that we were born in the same month, same year...no really age diference for me there And we'd become friends...yada yada, chocolate and whip cream...looool =P jk
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