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Everything posted by Emerald

  1. Oh no, it's already straight as spaghetti:thumbdown: Do you have a laptop?
  2. Nope. Do you have a cat, sleeping on your bed?
  3. Today, I've had a great idea (this time, I swear, it IS great)... Why not write my blogs in English AND in French? That's why I've decided to write this blog in both languages. French: Aujourd'hui, je me suis levé autour des 10h00 (je dis AUTOUR des 10h00, car le temps que je réalise que mon réveil sonnait, que je le trouve (il était enfoui sous mon oreiller Winnie l'ourson), que je presse la touche "éteindre", que je me décide à me lever, ben... il était déjà 10h15). Voilà, je me suis donc levé, ensuite, je suis allé prendre une bonne douche froide (car il fait super chaud par ici), je me suis lavé les cheveux et tout et tout. Puis, je me suis lavé le visage. Ensuite, j'ai pris mon petit-déjeuner: céréales (des Kellogs Frosties, ce sont mes préférés), jus d'orange et Breakfast tea (car c'est mon préféré). A ce moment-là, il était déjà environ 10h30! Mais j'avais le temps. Je suis allé m'habiller. J'ai mis mes pantalons violets avec un T-shirt vert pomme (avec des petits dessins dessus, trooop cool). J'ai hésité longuement, puis je me suis dit qu'une cravate ferait "too much". J'ai donc abandonné la cravate. Par contre, je me suis senti obligé de porter mes bracelets multicolores et mon Tamagotchi Humphrey. Je savais pas trop quoi mettre aux pieds (c'est que, vous comprenez, j'ai environ 30 paires de chaussures... il est donc relativement difficile de faire un choix). J'ai finalement opté pour une paire de Converse All Star oranges fluo. A ce moment-là, il devait être 11h30 (je crois). Je me suis dirigé vers la sortie, quand soudain, je me suis rendu compte que j'avais oublié mes bretelles!! J'ai donc couru à l'étage, ouvert violemment mon armoire pour y pêcher mes bretelles favorites (vous savez, les rouges, là). Finalement, je suis sorti de chez moi, aux alentours de 12h00, pour aller enregistrer les démos de mon nouvel album:punk: A bientôt! M xoxo English: Today, I've gotten up around 10am (I say AROUND 10am, because the time I realised my alarm was ringing, found where it was (it was hidden in my Winnie the poo pillow), pushed the button “stop”, was up, well... it already was 10.15am). Well, I got up, then I took a cold shower (cause it's damn hot around here), I washed my hair and all. Then, I washed my face. Afterwards, I had breakfast: cereals (Kellogs Frosties, they're my favourites), orange juice and Breakfast tea (cause it's my favourite). At that point, it already was about 10.30am! But I had plenty of time. I got dressed. I put on my purple trousers and my apple green T-shirt (with little drawings on it, soooo cool). I hesitated for quite a long time, but then I thought a tie would be too much. So I dropped the tie. On the other hand, I felt I had to put on my multicolour bracelets, as well as my Tamagotchi Humphrey. I didn't know what to put on my feet (you see, I own about 30 pairs of shoes... so it's quite difficult to make a choice). I finally chose a pair of fluorescent orange Converse All Star shoes. At that point, it was 11.30am (I think). I walked to the door, when I suddenly realised I had forgotten my braces!! So I ran up stairs, violently opened the wardrobe door to take my favourite braces (you know, the red ones, there). I eventually went out, around 12.00am, to go and record my demos for my new album:punk: See you! M xoxo
  4. Mika virgin:naughty:I like that term! You're welcome! Paris will be great!!!!:mf_lustslow:Without us...
  5. I've made another Mika dream, like 2 or 3 days (nights) ago. It was weird and short. I was in a pub with my mum (dunno what she was doing there!!) and Mika was behind the bar. We chatted about stuff I don't remember and then, he taught me how to make card tricks (magic tricks)... That's it!! Mika the magician:D
  6. Guys, have you seen the new pics on the Mikagasmic thread? The ones that are in the magazine "Elle"? The ones that illustrate an article on the Paris show (wich is, if I'm not mistaken, in 3 days)????!!! The show will be wonderful, amazing, awsome, extraordinary and.... I can't go:tears: I just wanted to complain about that:blink:I'm really frustrated. I can't wait for another tour!!!!!
  7. You should have asked me that question 10 minutes ago:naughty: Are you wearing grey underwear?
  8. Oui, ca va bien merci!! Lol moi je prends tjs trois fois trop de trucs avec moi, paske jme dit que peut-être je vais me salir ou jme dit "on sait jamais, au cas ou.." blah blah:naughty:Mais en fait, j'utilise à peine la moitié de ce que j'ai priss:bleh:
  9. No, they make me burst out laughing on the contrary:naughty: Are you?
  10. Yes, I have two cats. Do you like chocolate?
  11. Hey! Good idea for a thread!! I have a question about abbreviations, such as lmao and all the others you use, but which I don't understand...
  12. Tu veux dire quoi par "cogner des clous"? Ouaiiiiiiiiis, j'ai vu les extraits de WALL-E, ca a l'air super chou!! Je suis trop fan de tout ce qui est dessin animé et animation:wub2:
  13. Im semblait, mais j'étais pas sûre à 100% et jme suis dit "si jamais je suis aveugle et que je vois pas qui y plus que le message, grr" lool. Merci
  14. Oui, je viens de le voir! C'est trop cool!!:punk:Mais ya que le message, le site est pas encore fini à ce que j'ai compris?
  15. You know, I'm new (well, compared to some of you, who have been here for one year or more:wink2:). The chicken thing, ok, I got the point:naughty:, but the apple thing, I'm sorry, but I don't lool. Could sb please tell me? In a PM if it's necessary?
  16. :naughty:Great!! I love this thread! Well, I'll try a little sth... Mika, the man wrapped in light, A light, shiny and contagious. Mika, your light is so bright, That the rest is blackness. Mika, the man of colours. You spray them on the world, Grey and sad, which is ours, And you make people whirl. It's short, but the inspiration is not quite here today, so...
  17. mandilambi, I really loooooove your art:mf_lustslow:!!!! I'd be absolutely unable to do sth like that!! I'm not patient enough, and I would make mistakes, not realise them, and have to start all over again lool. It's what I always did when I had sewing class in primary school:naughty:
  18. Ouais! Pour moi c plutôt un bon thé, un bon bouquin et mfc:naughty:
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