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Everything posted by Lucrezia

  1. Today the whole italian Press is dedicated to Mika... every magazine has a column about him and his album. Here are the scans: La Gazzetta dello Sport http://t.co/cHXsKFy4dL Il Giornale: Il Corriere della Sera Leggo Milano Metro Milano La Stampa http://t.co/4p96H4DpTc
  2. Thank you so much for everything girls! You've done an amazing work!!
  3. Today was a very relaxed listening session with some moments when we laughed a lot I'll write a proper report I promise but since tomorrow there will be the Fabrique gig and my exam tomorrow morning, you'll have to wait until Thursday/Friday to read something good By the way, the album is very full of surprises: you'll be pleased I think about his new work... We listened just 13 songs not the whole album, Talk About You All She Wants Last Party Good Guys Oh Girl You’re the Devil No Place In Heaven Staring At the Sun Hurts Good Wife Rio Ordinary Man Promiseland J’ai pas envie For now I can say that the songs are very danceable, pop, fresh, most with a summerish style, I think that every songs could be put on radio as single. There are few songs with just his voice and the piano and the lyrics are very deep... My favourites are Hurts and Oh Girl you're the devil in addition to those that we already know. See ya in a couple of days with a proper and detailed report.
  4. Today I received the mail so tomorrow I'll listen the album with other 9 lucky people. I'll take some notes and I'll write a report about it. Wish me luck
  5. Thank you so much Thank you Deb for your translation!!! And of course Charlie for your hard work!
  6. As promised, here's the link to download the Mika's interview http://www.mediafire.com/watch/kplebab5zzamv6n/Rai_3_TGR_Lombardia(150607_205047).mpg
  7. Not yet. Really hope that someone will record it: unfortunately i won't be at home this time
  8. Wired Italia made a really particular and interesting article/interview about Mika's album. Here are the scans of the magazine
  9. Mika Facebook posted this less than 10 minutes ago: it's the track by track of the new album! https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/photos/np.1433407987458056.1546997599/10153024413828040/?type=1&ref=notif&notif_t=notify_me You can see the video on Deejay.it but it's in italian so I hope that soon there will be an english version. Here's the link: http://bit.ly/1Gm58GJ
  10. It's a great news!! Can't wait to listen the program tomorrow! Thank you Eriko!
  11. The translation and the scans were on the previous page, maybe you didn't notice it
  12. If you want to translate it, you can... I was going to do it but today I was really sick so I don't have the strength to do it
  13. Here you are Grazia's videos from the gig Toy Boy https://vk.com/video251318454_171381611 https://vk.com/video251318454_171381609 Billy Brown https://vk.com/video251318454_171381612 Lollipop https://vk.com/video251318454_171381588 We Are Golden https://vk.com/video251318454_171381589 Last Party https://vk.com/video251318454_171381594 https://vk.com/video251318454_171381614 Love Today https://vk.com/video251318454_171381613 https://vk.com/video251318454_171381599 Popular https://vk.com/video251318454_171381603 https://vk.com/video251318454_171381606 Mika's meeting https://vk.com/video251318454_171381604
  14. Here are all Grazia's videos (she gave them to me so I can share them to MFC) https://vk.com/video251318454_171381574 Before Gig https://vk.com/video251318454_171381587 Last Party https://vk.com/video251318454_171381575 https://vk.com/video251318454_171381577 https://vk.com/video251318454_171381579 Intro Lollipop https://vk.com/video251318454_171381578 https://vk.com/video251318454_171381585 We Are Golden https://vk.com/video251318454_171381584 Greetings https://vk.com/video251318454_171381586
  15. Another Mika's interview this week on Italian press: this time is for Pride, a gay magazine Here are for you the scans
  16. Grazia asked me if I could record her periscope that she made when Mika came out after the gig so here it is Hope you'll like it https://vk.com/video251318454_171379675 She has a lot of videos from this gig...in the next days we'll see how she can transfer them to me so I can share them here
  17. And here you can find the online version of BillBoard article with more questions http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop-shop/6576071/mika-freddie-mercury-simon-cowell-interview
  18. On the new issue of BillBoard Magazine (May 30, issue 127) there's a little Mika's interview at page 50 There's even a tweet from Republic Record about it Republic Records @RepublicRecords · 4h 4 hours ago .@mikasounds talks to @billboard about the inspiration behind his new single #LastParty and embracing his quirks! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CF8Yd2nWoAAxJ79.jpg And here's the scan in HD
  19. Thank you so much Anne for your amazing work!!
  20. Have an amazing day Eriko and of course to all the girls who'll go there!
  21. -18 days to Milan's gig! Can't really wait!

  22. Buon weekend a tutte voi ragazze! Grazie per le tue belle parole Ho voluto far una prova per vedere come reagiva questo nuovo fandom italiano se si provava a dar delle regole e sono contenta che questo mini-esperimento sia riuscito! La giornata di domenica è stata veramente una grandiosa avventura e spero di poter rivivere quei momenti in un prossimo incontro con tutte voi Marina grazie mille per aver svolto in questi anni un ruolo così impegnativo nel migliore dei modi: sei stata sempre disponibile per tutti noi Congratulazioni Myriam, da oggi sarai la nostra nuova mamma a cui non daremo mai un attimo di riposo
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