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Everything posted by Lucrezia

  1. Here's the interview at Heat Radio @HeatRadio What's that? You missed @mikasounds with @ThisSarahPowell earlier? Well get here quick!! https://audioboom.com/boos/3308077-mika-on-heat-radio … #NoPlaceInHeaven The english fans could record the ITV interview from the official site: unfortunately I can't see the replay cause I'm not in UK. Same for the Magic Radio I think, that's why we can't listen to it.
  2. There's a problem with my recording on Filmon! It recorded just 35mins of the program so I lost Mika's part this is the first and the last time that I use filmon to record something...
  3. I'll record the itv program today Thank you so much girls for your work!!
  4. Very nice interview! I uploaded my recording while we wait for a better one https://vk.com/video251318454_171409007
  5. Mika and «No place in heaven», the complete interview The highly anticipated fourth album of the British pop star is finally out: "This is my most personal album» When I meet him in the Universal Studios at north of Milan, Mika can barely contain his happiness and satisfaction. After three years of talking to the Italian press (and with Sorrisi) juist only about a tv subject ("X Factor") he can finally get back to talk about music, about his songs and about his new album. The album, released on June 15, is called "No place in heaven." From what emotions this new album come from? "In recent years I have discovered a new freedom, in my personal life and in my relationship with the press. So I wanted to put in my songs this clarity, this candor, this mix between the adult appearance and the playful one. " How long did it take to create the album? "I did everything in one year and three months. I started in a big, expensive studio in Los Angeles, but I only stayed there a week. Then I changed: I went to a small two-bedroom bungalow in Hollywood, I rented a piano, I bought a computer and a microphone for $ 750. And I did more than half of the album in a room." Almost like a rookie. "I discovered that giving me limits increase my creativity. Without many instruments or programmers or drummers, I had to work only with lyrics, with the interplay of words and with melody. " Teaching to the young people of 'X Factor' has changed the way you make music? "Sincerely not, because I write mainly for myself. It's something that I need to do to manage the relationship between my thoughts and my personal life. Without music, I would not be so stable, you know? And then I made a promise when I decided to do television: never change. " The lyrics are very personal. What did you put about yourself in the album? "Almost everything, but without ever afford to think about the consequences, without second thoughts. It is a very personal album, and the lyrics are sometimes very intimate and some are brutal. But you don't hear it at first listening, because it is also very accessible, immediate and pop. But if you go back and read the words, it's another thing. "The last party", for example: I am not speaking only of Freddie Mercury but also about the terrible crisis of America in the 80s. It's not an easy song to be written. " Do you remember where you were when you heard that Mercury was dead? "No, at that age I didn't know his music yet, I discovered him on a school trip in Spain, I was 14 or 15 years. In the house of this family in Granada there was a box with the best of the Queen and I have spent all my time to listen to it. My ears were awake! For the first time I had seen that the classic melody might have space in pop music. I found that I could adapt and use my classical training to make songs. A huge discovery that changed my life. " The title track is a prayer in which you ask for forgiveness. Why did you write it? "Everyone in our life play with the idea of the sin. But the 80% of the time we do not know why we feel this guilt. I wanted to transfer this obsession in a song even to fight it a bit. Although the "father" to which I address is not only God, but also my father. " What is your relationship with faith in general? "I started making music in a church, and for me, faith is an important thing. The politics of religion, however, does not inspire me, as well as the religious system, its bureaucracy. The central principle for me is spirituality, faith in people and in the world, the idea of a link between people that you don't see but it exists." How did the idea about putting the authors of "Sarò perchè ti amo", including Pupo, in the credits of "Talk about you"? "The inspiration came by accident, actually. Only when the song is over I said: ah, there's a similarity. So I thought it was important to send the song to the authors, who have appreciated and were very elegant." Other artists would ignore it. "For me it was more simple in that way, rather than having to change a tune just to hide a similarity. It was a simple thing and also honest. Give credit gave me back so much freedom, I could do what I wanted with that song. " "Rio" is a song about escape. You make a busy life around the world. Do you ever think, "Now I run away"? "On the contrary, after the last album" The origin of love ", born in solitude after the bad accident that involved my sister, I said stop, I want to go back, have fun, express myself. "X Factor", the tv, the book, the new album: it's all part of my desire to put myself in the forefront, without fear, to confront myself openly. But yeah, I'd like to take a holiday. But not now! I'm already thinking about the next chapter of my life. " What will it be? "I will not write another album right away, but a musical show. In the video for "Good guys" we make choreography that are a kind of illustration of the lyrics and it seems a musical of 50s. I would like to do a show that has the magic of the old musicals, not afraid to have that taste of fantasy. I hope to do that next year. " You did "The voice of France" for the second year, but this time you didn't win. "Better not win! Or better: better to win with a talent that can do a lot after the show: Kendji Girac, who won with me in 2014, then he sold almost a million copies! But if you don't win you can make things more fun, no pressure." The show in France is seen by almost 10 million people, do you feel a difference from the audience of "X Factor" on Sky? "Actually, "X Factor" is seen in group, I think no one really knows how many people watch the show. The numbers and statistics are not a correct reflection of the effect of this program in Italy. You know what the English production told me? That the Italian edition of "X Factor" is the reference point for the other versions in the world. Also because the quality of "X Factor" in Italy is the best in the world. The freedom, the repertoire, the staging. The way we dress: all this gives a credibility and a contemporary look to the show. " Did you change your relationship with the people you meet on the street? "I have not changed anything in my life, even after television. Before I was a little more hidden, now I do what I want. After this interview, I'm going to have a drink at Navigli, and I go there alone. It is much easier to manage the fan when you're alone. The simplicity makes everyone more sympathetic. "
  6. Here you can watch the performance that Mika did on France 2 this morning at 1pm https://vk.com/video251318454_171405470
  7. Mika is on W Korea Magazine of this month! They put online the interview with 3 pics Here's the link: http://www.wkorea.com/content/view_02.asp?menu_id=06040200&c_idx=012203080000033 Someone of the Korean fans can translate it please? I tried with Google Translator and well the result is not so good
  8. Here you can find the interview http://www.vogue.it/uomo-vogue/cover-story/2015/06/mika#ad-image
  9. Here you can find the entire interview: http://www.sorrisi.com/musica/mika-no-place-in-heaven-intervista-integrale/ I'll translate this one as soon as possible
  10. Thank you for the news! I know this film in Italian so I'm curious to watch it again this time with Mika's voice
  11. Mika's Periscope during the interview on Radio 2 https://vk.com/video251318454_171402928
  12. Another interview on US Metro - thanks to Mika's FB
  13. Thank you so much for your hard work!!!
  14. Another video from the official page of Le due Torri https://www.facebook.com/leduetorri.shoppingcenter/videos/855139814562364/?__mref=message_bubble
  15. Another little video on an italian TG https://vk.com/video251318454_171397333
  16. Yes, it's better. Every newspaper that I posted yesterday says at least the same thing just in a different way so maybe we can do a summary of them and translate just the things that are new.
  17. When I was at the listening session, the management said that there's no effects on his voice... There are just overlap in some parts of his voice, but Mika didn't want to add effects to try to create a genuine album.
  18. On Tuesday, June 9, I had the opportunity to take part with 9 other people to the listening session for the new album of Mika, titled "No Place In Heaven", through a competition organized by Universal Music and Mika Italia in which you had to create a picture that represents to best the album title. So, armed with a notebook to take some notes and from my usual anxiety and curiosity I went around 4.30pm to the gray big building all-mirrors of Universal Music in Milan. When I arrived at the entrance I had a flashback to a story that Mika told during the interview at Che Tempo Che Fa last week . To make you short, at age of 13 he went around London trying to make listen to his music to record companies and one day, after being left by his mother several hours in front of the record company, he managed to convince a secretary to listen to her single, floor by floor, passing always from one reception to another, he managed to reach the office of the director even if the latter, listening to his music drove him away. Well, that afternoon I had the same feeling! I went from doorman who asked where I had to go up to the reception on the ground floor asking us if we had an appointment and our names to alert the top floor of our arrival to the secretaries of the second floor where there is the headquarters of universal music. Once they assured theirself of being the winners, they told us to wait in the waiting room where there were already other fans prizewinning very excited about what was happening ... Looking around I realize I'm right in the middle of the music, the beating heart of where it all takes shape: the walls were coverd by hundreds of posters, certificates of gold records, hardbacks size of each band, international singer and not the famous blackboard where someone left their signature (including Mika) and finally a shiny black piano completed the scene. Around about 17:00 the manager of Universal Music make us sit in a meeting room... in front of this huge rectangular table there is a screen with a still image on the protagonist of this day, Mika! We take a seat and the listening has officially started! First of all, they deliver to us a colored folder with inside the tracklist of the album of Mika with some little stars on their side. The manager tell us that we should listen to each song and give a summary analysis with a score from 1 to 5 (it's not easy!!!). Then, the big surprise: not being able to attend Mika wanted to send a message to the people present at the listening session so before we started listening to the songs, it was only right to hear what he had to say ... So the still image comes to life and Mika with a strong English accent spoken in Italian apologizing for not being present at the listening and praying us to be good with the judgments he present the new album and while he was grinning, he said that we had even a place in heaven; P After this pleasant surprise we begin to listen to the songs. The first one is All She Wants, the rhythm is very 70s and it takes you directly to the first chorus without even realizing it. In the mid of it the rhythm changes and becomes slower and then again break into a new female chorus that repeats the title over and over again. It's a song that sticks immediately in your head and even from the first listen you find yourself humming the chorus. Very nice indeed. The next two, Talk About You and Good Guys, we all know very good so I don't say anything more. They're the same as the ones we listened until now. No Place In Heaven is in brief a prayer offered to God. He asks to go into heaven as with the sins that he accomplished in his life he's sure that there is no place for him. Well the rhythm is slower and for the entire song I expected a musical surprise but nothing happened... the sound is very linear and pure, his voice clear, the chorus is not marked as the other songs. Sincerely, I wait to hear it again in order to understand better the melody. Staring At The Sun, well it's one of my favourite: it has a summerish rhythm with guitar chords that are repeated throughout the whole piece. The falsetto appears for the first time and I am very happy that he kept so clean without too many changes. For a moment, you're catapulted into another world, you can imagine yourself in a beach while you're watching the sunrise thinking about the one you love that is away from you, but at the same time is under the same sky. It's a piece very romantic. Last Party... well what can I say?! It's pure art and we all know it Hurts, the lyrics are very deep and the song begins with just the piano and his voice to end in a whispered chorus. The chorus is clear and it's repeated a lot "I can’t I can’t stop hearing all the words you said"... It's like Over My Shoulder... a wail of a person in love with broken heart and it's heartbreaking. Oh Girl You're The Devil, well it's the most fun song of the entire album. The rhythm is so catchy and then there's a part where you'll listen the baritone voice of Mika I danced on the chair while I was listening to it. It's so funny and strange! I loved it since the first seconds... When you'll have the album, listen this one for first: you'll be surprised! Promisland and J’ai pas envie were like a real bonus 'cause the listening session was only for 11 songs but since we were good and in a very good mood, they decided to stretch a little more our meeting. And they did well! Promisland is a little piece of art! The rhythm, the lyrics are just perfect in their weirdness. J'ai pas envie is a portal to the France of the 50s, you can imagine yourself in a Paris bistro with classical French music while you savor a good wine and good cheese. It's the first time that I like at first listen a french song At the end, we each gave a brief commentary and a rating from 1 to 10 to the entire album: the average was 7/8 out of 10.... my vote was a 8/10 just because I want to listen again all the album before give a sincere opinion about it but from wat I listened it's so good! I think that everyone would love it, it's one of his best album.
  19. It was my first concert after a long time that I didn't see him on stage and it was great! No queue for me but I had a great spot and there were even some eyecontact with him He was very funny and totally relaxed this time... His voice was so good and when he sang AOW all the audiece were totally captured by him! I wait Sylvie for the detailed report 'cause she knows what to write about our adventure
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