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Everything posted by Lucrezia

  1. Uhm if you click on the single pic, you should be able to save it or at least for me it works in this way Uhm you should find it on your newsstand..usually all the magazines appears there once you've downloaded
  2. Mika is in the new Winq Magazine, an UK gay magazine, on June/July issue. You can download the digital version for free on AppStore or PlayStore, downloading the app "Winq Magazine" here http://www.winq.com/subscribe-winq-magazine/#digital Here are the scans: Edit: Argh the title is May/June insted of June/July please mods can you edit?
  3. On the official website of the radio maybe will there be the podcast? http://www.imbc.com/broad/radio/fm4u/musiccamp/index.html Thanks to Alessandra we have only the last 30 mins of the interview, if it won't be on the site then I'll share only this piece. EDIT: They updated the site with the playlist: http://www.imbc.com/broad/radio/fm4u/musiccamp/mcamp_musictable/ Here's the link where they publish the podcast...nothing yet atm http://www.imbc.com/broad/radio/fm4u/musiccamp/podcast/index.html
  4. Thank you so much Chloé and Anne!!!
  5. No you can do it if you want i can translate it in the evening so it's better that someone wil work on it before me
  6. Here are the scans of Neon Magazine
  7. Wow! The showcase is a great chance for you to see Mika live, very happy for you girls!! P.s. If you explain me how to use the "naver music" site, I can record the showcase since it will be live
  8. Sorry if I didn't write anything yesterday but I was too tired and the only thing that I wanted to do was to eat and sleep Probably the other girls will add more details to what I'm about to say, mine it's more a summary than a report We waited a bit outside the studio cause they were late with rehearsals so we started to go inside at about 2,30 pm (or a bit late?). This time we managed to take very good places very near to where Mika was (i was thinking at that time: wait, too lucky this time what is happening? ) The host, before the recording came to say hello and was very kind with us explaining what we had to do etc etc and then finally it came Mika's moment! He entered in the studio a bit timidly followed by a loud applause from the entire audience. He couldn't be presented for his performance for technical reason so he sat on the piano and after a bit where he was able to understand what he had to do, he started to play Good Guys with a choir and his band. He was really good and as he sang, he took more familiar with the studio and at the end he let himself go standing up and singing directly in front of the camera. We sang and made some moves during his performance so I really don't know what we'll on June when they'll broadcast the interview after that, they started the interview. He talked about how he took inspiration for the new album, the story of isolation that we heard in the preview interviews, his particular relationship with his mother, his opinion about talent shows, the story of Last Party and Talk About You (ricchi e povery &co.)... Oh and when he'll be 70 he want to dance with a blue wig in a disco The part that I liked more was when he sang a piece of a song that he wrote when he was 13 and I can assure you that it's really great!! I hope that one day he'll use it After the interview he sang another piece, Last Party without band, just him and the piano (he didn't really play it but shhh it's a secret) this version was more blues and the strings at the end were a bit different from the album version. During the song he actually jump on the piano so I think that he is ready for a gig (lucky Asian fans!!!) there were a real standing ovation when he finished and Mika was very happy! Another nice thing: he actually went out after the recording and talked to the most of us signing everything so what can I say more? It was really great to see him after long time singing and having fun during an interview and be able even to talk a bit with him. For me, it was perfect I wanna to thank you MFC Team and Mika's Team for giving me the opportunity to take part at this amazing day and thank you to all the girls who I met yesterday: it was lovely to have some special moments together P.s. Sorry for the mistakes! I'm writing with my phone so I can't controll if I wrote everything right. Please forgive me
  9. Thanks for scan and translation!
  10. They're just fake mustaches I think he has it in one of his necklaces. Here are other pics from the press conference: http://xfactor.sky.it/2015/05/15/gallery-conferenza-stampa-xf9/#3
  11. Thank you so much Mika Team and Ticket Fairy!! Can't wait to see all of you on Sunday!
  12. And here's the Periscope that he made while he was waiting for Jo https://vk.com/video251318454_171364988 Edit: For who can't watch the video on VK, I uploaded even on Google Drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxtyZuo401xaeGF5bGlqeHN0RW8/view?usp=sharing
  13. Marylin the cover is really amazing!! I'm so happy for the UK Fans, hope that this interview will be just the beginning of his promo in England.
  14. I'll try to record the interview so we'll have another file just in case something goes wrong
  15. Ticket Fairy I simply love you!!! Thank you so much you made my day!!!!!
  16. It seems that they'll shoot the video on May 13th http://www.marksummers.com/2015/05/contemporary-dancers-wanted-for-mika/
  17. Here's the video of Last Party in Montreal: http://www.rollingstone.it/?p=266063
  18. And there are other 3 interviews from AuFeminin Chanteuses du printemps : les coups de coeur de Mika http://www.aufeminin.com/news-stars/les-chanteuses-du-printemps-avec-mika-s1352377.html Les meilleurs moments de notre livetweet avec Mika http://www.aufeminin.com/news-loisirs/mika-prend-les-commandes-du-compte-twitter-d-aufeminin-s1355447.html Mika révèle les dessous du Festival de Cannes http://www.aufeminin.com/sorties-cinema/le-festival-de-cannes-vu-par-mika-s1352452.html
  19. It's an interesting interview and I'm curious to know more about his new project for the show!
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